If an ST falls in the parking lot....

May 20, 2010
05 ST
...and there's nobody around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Post #2 I believe...feels bad man:)

That didn't take long, 6 days, 900 miles, and the guy b4 me kept it real nice for 37k, lol.

Not how I expected it but I should have known better than to try the centerstand on hot asphalt. Figured it was almost 5pm and it would be cooling down, wouldnt be a problem, took about an hour, lol again.

Got a nice announcement over the loudspeaker at the Hospital and a security guy that thought the green stuff was gasoline, glad he's not working at the gas station. No 8x10 color glossies, did have a pickle that day.

@ the scene of the crime, was 1, 1-1/2" divot and 1, 3" divot in the pavement and 1 ST all the way on its side. Smashed mirror/cracked cover, scuff on tip over and bag, really not too bad considering the weight that fell.

Runs/rides fine, +100 more in twisties today, in the market for a mirror cover, should be able to get the local glass guys to fix the mirror, probably just sticker over the bag and likely wont worry about the tip over. The bugs will cover it:)

Curious to see what the TOA # is.
Well glad it was not worse. Hope you get the mirror fixed soon. You do have to watch the hot asphalt.


+1 should have known better. Havent had many bikes with side stands let alone centerstands in a while. Used to not having mirrors also so NBD.

Happy it didn't land on some doctor's 70k Beemer. Cheap lesson for myself and the neighbor boy that is learning to ride.
When I was working up in SanBurn-arse-dino, where the temps get way up there (100+ days) I went over to Home Depot and bought a couple of the 4X4 (4 outlets X 4 outlets) metal electrical covers and would place them under my centerstand. Never had to tip over! :clap2:
You've got a lot of company! "I should have known better" has been used by many of us, yours truly included.

Sorry to hear of your tip over. If it's any consolation, this has reminded me to bring my metal electrical cover kickstand pad thingie with me this weekend.
Sorry to hear! Maybe you need one of these

I carry a small metal plate with a lanyard long enough to reach the handle (so that I don't have to lean down to pick it up and don't drive off without it)


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Ah, if only I should have known better would imply that we WILL know better.

Been there, Done That... Now if Solo would design the Tee 5hirt.
Posted via Mobile Device
Well.....Sat. my pristine '06 was knocked over by a friends son, backing out a Jaguar. Fell on left side, broke off mirror housing, cracked mirror, and scratched the upper fairing. Total bill: $732.56 Taking a week to fix and order parts. Being done as we speak....bummer ain't it?
sorry to here the ST fell over because of hot asphalt ??? thats not a problem we get very often over here..lol..thankfully.
Good luck with the repairs mate.
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