I'm awake, let's have coffee - 4 April


Still above the sod
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Jan 8, 2015
Rockville, MD, USA
Bikeless (9/29/2019)
Good morning everyone

I have no idea why I'm awake - there was no afternoon or evening caffeine yesterday - but there it is so I've got a pot of Black Rifle Basic Black started and I'm happy to share.

It's 41°F and supposedly clear outside but of course at this hour it's also dark and I be ding-danged if I'm going to step out in my PJs just to look at the sky so I'll take the work of the Windows weather app for it. Here's what else it says; if I believe the part about the clear sky I guess I'll believe the rest as well.

Two of the six drawers of the sewing cabinet are glued and out of clamps; I glued and clamped the third about an hour ago so it';; be ready to release in a few more hours.

Had an enjoyable lunch with my former colleague yesterday. Apart from moving the clamps to another drawer body later on I have no plans for today other than going back to bed sometime in the next hour or two.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Thx Keith!
If you must sniff glue, make shure it’s organic (Mrs Stu says).

The predicted snow is actually here.
Spoiling what could have been.
Oh, I might as well take the day off.

Just above freezing, wind and snow, there must be a pffffft! somewhere in there.

This video popped up on my Youtube feed, is it Ray?

Have a good one!

This is not rock’roll weather…….pfffft!
Ta me duck. I'll indulgencify myself.
No it ain't me Stoo. But he's wearing my jacket pffffffftttttt.
The weather, strangely it's wet. Pffffffftttttt.
Went out to see my brothers lad and family last night. He's just retired from the RAF after 22 years and is looking forward to the future. With two young boys it'll involve work.
Today, dunno, really, but it'll be some'at.
Av a gud un and remember, stay away from Northumberland.
Good Morning All!
Happy Coffee Thursday! Thanks Keith for the mugs, your brain is on overtime I suspect.
Solving problems in the build, no doubt.

Our weather looks good today and Mr. Tractor is chomping at the bit to get going again.
Lots to do here on the plantation.

A friend of mine sent me a youtuber who took a 2006 GW on a trip down the Magruder Corridor covering Idaho and Montana on the BDR.
I loved it, but there's just something about a GW on backroads that leaves me speechless!
Ah, to be 20 again...

Y'all have a wonnafulller day!

Good morning Keith and all,

I'll grab a cup or 2 before I lose power ... it was flickering a bit while I was getting dressed.

30F at the moment with howling winds and blowing snow. I am not sticking anything outside unless it is fully bundled but from what I can see I would guess there is 8 - 9 inches on the ground with another few forecast for the day. Unless things change I believe there is a chance I will escape with less than the 18+ forecast last night.

Assuming the power and internet stay running I'll spend the day toiling on the computer, earning my daily crumb.

Be safe, be careful, and watch out for frostbite!

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee, Keith.
I bought some coffee cake muffins, yesterday, but I think I prefer the corn muffins that I occasionally get.

The passing snow plows woke me a bit early, this morning. It seems that we got a bit of snow overnight.
Maybe an inch...

It's currently cloudy and 32, rising to 36.
We'll get a wintery mix, before turning to snow showers this afternoon. It's been windy all night, and we'll see 20-30mph winds, with gusts to 40.
I might go out and shovel, but not until later in the afternoon.

After I posted, yesterday, my phone reminded me of a dentist appointment. I went to my cleaning, and took the rest of the day off.
Brenda broiled some chicken when she got home from work, and we had some early corn on the cob that I bought at the grocery store, earlier.

We went over the three kitchen/bath proposals, and we have more discussion to come. We also went over the finances, so she knows where the money is coming from, and what's available. When we first started, we assumed that the project would cost about 1/3 of what the proposals came in at, so we needed to recalibrate.

Today's plan is to head to the gym for a bit. I may even hit the treadmill for some cardio.

Enjoy the day,
Morning all and thanks for the "almost midnight" black roast Keith.

As for clamps, there's no good reason not to buy more just in case, but if you do run short there's always an emergency fix.


That being said, making some caulk clamps can be less expensive than real clamps, plus you can still caulk things whenever you like.


Weather here is currently an overcast 1C, headed to 2C. The snow should start shortly and they are calling for it to be heavy and wet, all the things you don't want for your caulk!
Calling for up to 12" of the wet heavy stuff. If they didn't call for it, perhaps it would stay away? "Hello, wet heavy snow? Yes, can you stop by please? Thanks!"

Other than that, the MAC address saga continues, as does my new Cardo saga. I picked up my new items from Canada Post and went to install them last evening. One of the stick on mics is DOA so I've reached out to the vendor (Fortnine) to see how they'd like to proceed. Always sucky to buy something new and have it not work out of the box. That said, the box wasn't plastic sealed but I don't know if they even come that way from the factory.

Hope everyone has a great day and doesn't have any mental (or bodily) malfunctions.

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Well I'm back, but must not be entirely awake. It seems the sky is broken: it's an odd shade (blue), there's nothing falling out of it, and there's an unfamiliar yellow blob just over the horizon.

As I slowly regained consciousness (I went back to bed and fell into a deep sleep after posting the start) I felt the gentlest of kitty paw taps at the end of my beard, letting me know that she'd like to have breakfast very soon, please. She waits very patiently but when it's time, it's time.

Same benediction as before: stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Good morning, all you wascally wascals, and thanks for the early pot Keith! You can stand a stick up in what's left at this point, so I've made a fresh pot of Kicking Horse 'Kick Ass' blend. 'Tis good.

Spring, you say? Pffffttt. Stuff and nonsense. It has been snowing hard since last night, and it will continue to snow until tomorrow morning. Then the temps start to inch back up and it will all turn to rain tomorrow afternoon, which ought to make for a rather nasty mess. For the time being, the temperature will get no higher than 1°C/34°F with a feels-like of -5°C/23°F.
I was smart, for once, and did a quick grocery run after work yesterday, just as the first drops of icy rain were starting to fall. So I'm not going anywhere today, that I know of.

My first day of work went well, but it was...and the next couple of weeks will be...exhausting. For obvious reasons, the system security is like a steel trap and the onboarding process is monumental - I have a few meetings scheduled for that purpose today and tomorrow, as well as a bucketload of mandatory training to complete. Between the move and all of this, no wonder I've been sleeping like the dead! Ah, well, I've but to slog through it and then, hopefully, I can settle into a more normal routine and the 'real' work required of me.

Here's the view that greeting me this morning - looks just like where Stu is!
spring snow_2024-04-04.jpg

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

This is not rock’roll weather…….pfffft!


Here's the view that greeting me this morning - looks just like where Stu is!
spring snow_2024-04-04.jpg

W. (Think about it... :) )
Wow, what's with all this snow garbage? Don't y'all know we're already into the first week of April? Although even here in the Deep South, we have a frost warning for tonight... I blame the North for sending us these temperatures. Knock it off, people! Let's get on with summer, and stop Living In The Past.

Steve, don't hire government contractors - - you and everyone else knows they can never stick to cost estimates.

Keith, good call on the bed revisit. Remember, we're told nothing good happens after midnight. And speaking of beards, I'm nearly ready to admit I may have jumped the gun shaving mine. But not much I can do about that, now. In a couple days maybe we'll get back to normal temps around here.

Mid 60s today, warmer tomorrow, near 70 Saturday and near 80 Sunday. So of course, April showers roll around next week.

Patty, this is the price you pay for escaping the toxicity of your last job. Buck up, and embrace the pain. And mental fatigue -- it will pass as you get your legs under you.

And in my scattered, rambling morning monolog, I just noticed what time it is... so I need to stop rambling and start scrambling.

And I'll leave y'all now with a little morning encouragement, to go with the hot liquid encouragement:

sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think, / I’m not going to make it, but you laugh inside / remembering all the times you’ve felt that way.
Charles Bukowski
Morning all! 5C and cloudy here, maybe some sun and 11C later.

My daughter sent me pics this morning of the snow in Montreal. Double yuck. Stay warm Patty and those of you unfortunate enough to have been dumped on or about to be.

Still trying to figure things out at the new job as well. Cancelled a training session yesterday morning for a "key" meeting only to have the meeting chair cancel the meeting 10 minutes before it was supposed to start. The joys of working life, it's all coming back to me now.......cue Celine....

Hope everyone has a great day, I'm going to take it on the lamb!
Morning Keith & All from a very :wind1: , Southern Utah!

Currently it is 48F, heading for 65F, and the winds are now blowing from the SSW @ 20 to 33mph. It looks like it will be blowing the rest of today and into tomorrow.

As some of you already know, my son, Brett (the only one of the family still living in Kaliforniastan), has joined the forum following getting my old 2010.

Brett joins the forum

If you feel so inclined, please say "Hi". :)

Now, if I could only get him and his two brothers together, for another ride! ;)

I'm going to try to get outside, if I can keep from getting blown away, and put down some more block.

Eggs, bacon, toast and OJ. The Pepsi will come later.

Anyone :dr13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
My first day of work went well, but it was...and the next couple of weeks will be...exhausting. For obvious reasons, the system security is like a steel trap and the onboarding process is monumental - I have a few meetings scheduled for that purpose today and tomorrow, as well as a bucketload of mandatory training to complete. Between the move and all of this, no wonder I've been sleeping like the dead! Ah, well, I've but to slog through it and then, hopefully, I can settle into a more normal routine and the 'real' work required of me.
Well, it sounds like you're getting settled in just fine. You told me that you'd call if/when you needed a hand. I never heard from you so I guess I dodged that bullet didn't I?
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