Installed Quartet Harness & Honda's 12v Outlet

Jan 8, 2005
Tampa, FL

Installed Honda's Quartet Harness & 12v Outlet on my ST1300 this afternoon. Took me about two hours. Figuring out the fairings was time should go more smoothly. Had visions of making scratches and marks all over the paint, lol, managed to avoid any damage.

Lets see, for tools I needed a philips head screw driver, 5mm allen wrench, 3mm allen wrench (for the push in clips, perfect size for the button), and a boxend wrench (10mm I think). Oh, and somethng to snip off the excess zipties. Next time I will wash the bike *before* taking off the fairings, but I said that everytime after I took off the RT's fairings too, lol.

Somehow, I managed to end up with an extra philips head screw. I checked all the diagrams, and where all the fastners are supposed to be, and near as I can tell they are all on. But I have an extra screw... :hun1: Fairings on tight and all, oh well.

Decided NOT to put the 12v in the right glove box. The instructions showed it being installed near the bottom, and I stuff that glove box pretty good. Don't want to have to deal with the 12v being underneath everything. So I ziptied it to the clutch line right next to the ignition key switch. Nice and handy. May at some point put it somewhere else, easy enough to undo the current mounting spot.

Now I can use my XM Roady2!!! Woot! :)

I'll put up some finished shots later tonight.
Here are some pics of the finished product. BTW, have a new holder for the GPS coming in so that I won't have to use electrical tape to hold the GPS in no more. The Tabs on the last one broke off from too much use:




These show the risers as well with the RAM ball mount in the middle for the GPS.

Rode about 50 miles after install and so far everything works great. Love having my Tunes back finally :D

Eventually I will hardwire the XM Roady2 and the GPS into the harness as well, just wanted to get everything functioning first :)
No, if I had done the official 12v outlet install the area underneath would have been exposed about the same. Doubt it will get wet enough there to matter. I may break out the electrical tape though. It has an inline fuse btw.

I do carry a plastic ziplock bag in the right glove compartment to cover the Roady2 if rain is likely. The eTrex Legend GPS has been through more rain storms than I want to remember without any problems :)

I have some mounting hardware on the way for my handheld CB radio. Hope to have that installed in time for the ride I am leading this coming Sunday.
I'm about to install this adapter in the next few days. I'm going to install in the same place....but I'm going to purchase some high temp plastic pipe of the correct diameter to push the adapter (and seal the bottom) into before mounting.
I have a question: I recently purchased a used '04 and the owner have the quartet wire harness that he had not installed. I got it with no instructions. So, what do I need to take apart to plug it in? and
If I want to power up a few cigar lighter plugs, where do I buy the wire connections that plugs into the quartet harness?

My goal is to power my GPS, a radar detector, and an mp3/cd player up front and a my heated vest back under the seat area (I think I can do that off the fuse box back there?)

Thax for any advice.....I'm new to this ST thing...
Quartet Harness installation instructions

Quartet Harness installation instructions with abbreviated fairing removal instructions are attached below; see the service manual for more extensive info on fairing removal or do a search on this site...I believe it's been detailed here on more than one occasion. For ideas on outlets and electrical connections go to Also check for the Hitachi connectors that mate directly with the quartet harness connectors.

Good Luck and welcome to the club!

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<<<<<<Figuring out the fairings was time should go more smoothly. Had visions of making scratches and marks all over the paint, lol, managed to avoid any damage. >>>>>>>>

Taking off the fairing??? :eek: :shrug2: No can do, yet. Have no idea where to start. Need to get me a service manual soon.

Good solution you got, if you don't want leads hanging everywhere.
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