It's Friday! Where's the Coffee?


Sep 7, 2005
Northern Ohio
2016 Goldwing
2024 Miles
It's right here gang!

Freshly brewed with all the fixings if you're into milkshakes!:eek:

BLT's on the menu this morning.


Y'all have a great day!



Anybody have experience with an un-notarized title for a vehicle
to get into your name. I bought a parts van and was given a title
that was never transferred to the guy I bought it from. Any legal-eagles out there?
thanks for any advice.
Thx STinner!
Can’t help you with the legal stuff, but there’s at least one guy in suit here somewhere….

Yesterday was all about snow. Thirteen inches in less than a day. Weathergods are probably Irish, you must be drunk to make weather that kills the newborn lambs.

4˚c/39f, calm, overcast.

Shrimps and a nice pinot blanc later, and a few beers while I plunder with the cork.

Now house cleaning…pffft!
Have a nice weekend!

Mrs Stu almost made it up the hill….maybe if she had removed the snow on the roof first….
Ta me duck. I'll have owt that's going.
35 to 53, rain turning to showers and warm storm Kathleen approaches from the south for the weekend. There's fresh snow above 2000 ft. Pffffffftttttt.
The roads, fields, rivers are all full to bursting. We really need a storm.
We're just back from Berwick-upon-the-Tweed and will now sit with a coffee and contemplate the day ahead, then I'll check everything outside is secure before The Storm.
Av a gud un and remember, sometimes you just can't keep spending.
Any coffee out there? Wait! There it is!
Thanks Dave! *Sluuurrrppp* fabuloso :D
Yes! I have a motorcycle I rebuilt that came with an unnotarized title.
Your laws/steps may be a bit different, but in order to Title and obtain license I had to:
1) Complete paperwork with DMV (they can assist with getting you the right stuff)
2) An officer with the theft department came out to witness the bike (in many pieces at the time) - review VIN etc.
3) I had to get a bond for a couple years (not too expensive) in case of repercussions. Pay once.
4) Declare whether salvage or on-road.
5) After I rebuilt the bike (I delayed the license until it was completed) I obtained the license. Again, an officer came out.
All in all was quite easy.

Mr Tractor and I did a lot of digging and such yesterday. The yard grew some nice boulders to be uprooted. Here's one - not the largest!
It was a windy, but nice day and the clay didn't stick all over everything too badly.
It must be Spring, I guess. Clouds of pollen are in the air!

Y'all have a Windyfull day!



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Any coffee out there? Wait! There it is!
Thanks Dave! *Sluuurrrppp* fabuloso :D
Yes! I have a motorcycle I rebuilt that came with an unnotarized title.
Your laws/steps may be a bit different, but in order to Title and obtain license I had to:
1) Complete paperwork with DMV (they can assist with getting you the right stuff)
2) An officer with the theft department came out to witness the bike (in many pieces at the time) - review VIN etc.
3) I had to get a bond for a couple years (not too expensive) in case of repercussions. Pay once.
4) Declare whether salvage or on-road.
5) After I rebuilt the bike (I delayed the license until it was completed) I obtained the license. Again, an officer came out.
All in all was quite easy.

Mr Tractor and I did a lot of digging and such yesterday. The yard grew some nice boulders to be uprooted. Here's one - not the largest!
It was a windy, but nice day and the clay didn't stick all over everything too badly.
It must be Spring, I guess. Clouds of pollen are in the air!

Y'all have a Windyfull day!



You'll scratch it!
Nice Wing. Except for the stupid US spec handlebars of course. But that's not your fault. You're forgiven my son.
Good morning . Thanks for the wake up coffee . I get to play grampa today and get the kids off on the buses and then get to the shop to work on some projects there . Have a great day and stay safe ,sorry about sending all of the white stuff south and east but at least I am not shoveling anything . Lots of rain here and temps are 7 C now eh !
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the coffee and comix Dave.

It's 39°F in Rockville as we begin the day- a bit closer to shivery than I prefer but it's still only early April- with indications of sunshine. Yesterday began sunny but clouded over around noon and was wet by the end of the day. I'm hoping that it wasn't so wet, on top of all the wet we've had dumped on us since Monday, that it'll be "walking only" at the golf course today. If it is, that'll probably spell the end of the chance for an outing but we'll see. At least I went to the expensive range / simulator yesterday and hit balls for 90 minutes so I got some swings in for the week.

We'll be on the road early-ish tomorrow morning, headed toward Danville Indiana and my cousin's place from where we hope to view the total solar eclipse on Monday. The weather forecast is rather iffy but we've got no Plan B so either we'll see it there or miss out. My vote is for the former. @STinner what's the forecast for Cleveland? You're well inside the totality zone as well- looks like Cleveland is about on the centerline of totality, in fact.

I've finally finished assembling and gluing all the sewing cabinet drawers; before (or instead of) golf today I'll check whether they actually fit the slots for which they're intended. I'll also assemble some small blocks to be glued on the inside of the base, to receive the nail-in furniture glides that will be the feet of the thing.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Your laws/steps may be a bit different, but in order to Title and obtain license I had to:
1) Complete paperwork with DMV (they can assist with getting you the right stuff)
2) An officer with the theft department came out to witness the bike (in many pieces at the time) - review VIN etc.
3) I had to get a bond for a couple years (not too expensive) in case of repercussions. Pay once.
4) Declare whether salvage or on-road.
5) After I rebuilt the bike (I delayed the license until it was completed) I obtained the license. Again, an officer came out.
All in all was quite easy.
Thanks Nick. Nice Wing there buddy!
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Dave.

I'll take a BLT but leave the L and the T for the vegetarians in the group.

Nick, looks like you had bucket loads of fun! Congrats.

Weather here is currently a wet snowy drizzle at 1C. We got about 4" of wet heavy snow over 9 hours yesterday, followed by 11 hours of rain.
The rest of the day and into tomorrow will be either more rain or snow, depending on how the temperature floats.

It was an interesting drive home yesterday with many a car in the woods or ditch.

Hope everyone has an excellent day today and gets some nice-ish weather.

Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee and funnies, Dave!

The worst of the storm's over here, now we've just got rain for the rest of the day. I was lucky - no power outage here, but the heavy snow did leave tens of thousands of other people in Quebec and Ontario without power and caused quite a bit of damage (high winds, downed power lines, fallen trees and branches, etc.). We're at 1°C/34°F and we'll see a high of around 5°C/41°F with only a bit of a windchill. Spring should start coming back as of tomorrow.

OK, another cup of coffee, then once more into the breach. Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Mornin’ everyone. Thanks for the coffee, Dave.

36/57 with a frost. In April? Pfffttt.

I’ve missed a few days, getting my morning gossip, but I’m back. It seems that life got in the way of spending much time browsing the web. Gotta head to the neighbor’s house to let the chickens out of the coop and feed and water the cats and rabbits. Mowing will happen after the grass dries from the frost.

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Dave.

It's 33 and partly cloudy this morning, rising to 44 for today's high.
We'll have wind, but not as much as yesterday's.

Yesterday's snow left about an inch of wet stuff on the ground. It slowed way down in the middle of the afternoon, so that's when I did my shoveling.
I left the slush at the end of the driveway alone, and figure that it'll be gone after todays warmth and sunlight.

Today, I'll visit the gym for a bit, and try to talk Brenda into a range visit, before dinner.

Enjoy the day,
Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Dave!

Yesterday’s drive was wet, but without snow, got home & got into trouble immediately! I forgot one of the important items that I was supposed to bring back! :well1:

Currently 33F, today’s high 40, wet & breezy NW 15 to 31.
I’ll venture out & do a wee bit more cleanup after sufficient coffee inhalation.

Enjoy your Friday!
Thanks for the coffee, Dave. A BLT sounds good, but I usually skip breakfast. Usually.

Glad to see your tractor is working for you again, Nick... that first boulder reminds me a lot of a birdbath, and the Wing is a beaut! The handlebars are fine, but can't say I know the difference between those and Ray's Euro-equipped bar style.

Sorry for the snow woes some of you have, we didn't get the frost we were told about yesterday, but it was a 42 chilly degrees when I woke... on the way to mid-60s like yesterday. Just a sweatshirt under my riding jacket, with a flannel shirt, was doable yesterday and likely will be again today. Before long, I'll be sweating just putting on my jacket, gloves and helmet... but I can deal with that. In fact, I can't wait.

Unlike Keith's master craftsmanship building, I'll cut out a small section of sheetrock in the kitchen to cover up that 1980s whole-house intercom system I removed. It never worked when we moved in 21 years ago, and Roz replaced that high antique dry sink that used to cover it up. Another reason I wish she would stop swapping out furniture. But then I would have to consider my bike purchases, so... I'll live with the tradeoff.

I mean, fair is fair. When she replaces furniture, there's always some project or extra work involved. And when I get another motorbike, there are usually projects and work involved there, too. So...

Throughout my life, people will occasionally call me "Marcus Aurelius", although I don't think they truly know much about the famous Roman emperor. Among other quotes, he is reported to have said,

"Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present."

If that's too deep to explore today, have another cup of coffee and don't worry your pretty little heads over it. Kaiser is telling me he needs to go outside, so it would be smart of me to accommodate his request, or it might get messy.

Happy Saturday eve, y'all. I'll pour another cup to carry outside.
good morning all. thanks for the coffee Dave. 56F on the dog walk with a thick cloud cover. moon didn't have the brightness to show itself. you had to wait for a break in the clouds to see him. Dr. appointment CT scan went well. will know the results in a day or two. my guess is Monday. have gym today and I need to clean up the garage as a friend is coming over Saturday to change the radiator in his jeep CJ. I haven't done any wrenching in some time. but it should come back to me. enjoy the day

stay safe
Morning all! 6C and cloudy here. 13C and some sun to come later.....allegedly.......

My condolences to those of you being battered by snow, especially you Stoo, that is a metric crap tonne of snow in a very short period of time.

Right, best get moving, dogs to be fed, showers to be taken, lunch to be made and off to work. The forgotten joys of the commute to come......actually 30-40 minutes of a relatively pleasant drive with my choice of music, it's not so bad.....

Hope everyone has a great day!
Anybody have experience with an un-notarized title for a vehicle
to get into your name. I bought a parts van and was given a title
that was never transferred to the guy I bought it from. Any legal-eagles out there?
thanks for any advice.

Had that happen once with the 1st motorcycle I bought.
It had never been transferred from the prior owner.
I had to find that person (luckily in the same city) that the bike was still legally registered to and have them do up the paperwork as if they had sold it to me and not the person I bought it from.
Wet morning all.
Thanks for the morning goodnesses.

36 and raining, some areas getting slush.
Today was going to be a drive to the big city to buy a bunch of fencing supplies. Fencing in the back yard to make more garden space, and keep the dang deer out.
But, good thing I have a flexible schedule, cause Sunday looks like a much better day to spend way too much money......

Now, what to do with today.............. Better think about it for awhile.

Go have a great Saturday eve.
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