Just saw the BEST t-shirt!

Just did copy/paste...................and I just ordered 1 :thumb:

One thing that did crop up was it showed $24 for the shirt I selected,...add to cart,...checkout,....and it was $31.50. Hmmm, call their number and explained what was going on, they verified pricing was "glitchy" and they reduced the amount to what I saw.
Just did copy/paste...................and I just ordered 1 :thumb:

One thing that did crop up was it showed $24 for the shirt I selected,...add to cart,...checkout,....and it was $31.50. Hmmm, call their number and explained what was going on, they verified pricing was "glitchy" and they reduced the amount to what I saw.
So.....bait n switch till they get caught. Then blame computer for the glitch. Typical for bidness these days.
BTW, that's one big huge long link in your post, which could reveal info about you !!
Does it in fact reveal info about the poster? What kind of info?
Not biased at all,..no. But if it's in print, it must be true!
LOL, you can buy a RED T-shirt that says Blue is the fastest...And here I thought it depended if the bike was coming toward you or going away....
Does it in fact reveal info about the poster? What kind of info?
By itself it can't be used to identify you specifically, but everything after the '?' is tracking info that when combined with other places you've visited and the tracking info they generate, can produce a 'profile' of the user.

What websites you visit. What things you buy on Amazon, Google, ebay, etc... What videos you watch on YouTube. It can direct the targeted advertising on those and other pages.

Ever watch a YouTube video about using a tool, like a torque wrench, and then magically you begin to see ads for torque wrenches? It's this type of info that powers them.

https://www.cafepress.ca/+,58118548 ?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=pla_ca-google&utm_campaign=783912127-d-c&utm_content=41386923816-adid-187689756415&utm_term=pla-301310749430-pid-58118548&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1f6zhq2a_QIVQ4NbCh1-hQBWEAQYAiABEgI_d_D_BwE

This may be perfectly fine for you. Maybe you'd rather see an ad for a torque wrench than rodent control, or the latest polka collection on CD. But when you share that portion of the link with others, you now establish a connection between your profile and others that use it, which again, may or may not be okay.

I'm on the side of "I'll decide when to allow this", and these aren't one of them.
Lamont Cranston. I used to listen to The Shadow on the radio.

and I just ordered 1
Let us know about the quality of the shirt. In the past I've found Cafe press to use pretty cheap shirts. I wish that pic had the factory mufflers and not TB or whoever.
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