Looks like a prodigal son is coming back...


It's hungry in here...
May 31, 2008
Oklahoma City, OK - USA
'07 ST1300 ABS
I purchased this 2003 Honda 919 for my son a couple of years ago. After two years of riding, and watching a friend of his in long recovery from a bad motorcycle accident, my son has decided that he's just not comfortable riding anymore. So.... it looks like it will be coming back to my stable.



Although I hate to see him stop riding, I'm proud that he's been honest enough with himself to ascertain what's best for him. After all, it's supposed to be about having fun. And if you're not having fun, why bother and why incur the risk?

Frankly, I'm kind of looking forward to the simplicity of a naked street bike as an alternate ride from time to time.

A long time ago... in a galaxy far far away... I was looking at one of these, and a Zrex... but sanity took over, and I purchased a 2005 ST1300 :)
It's certainly not something I'd normally buy for myself. But, it is a rush to ride ocassionally. And, I think it's a pretty slick looker too.

That's a nice naked, as is the 599. It's definitely nice having a couple choices when you walk out into the garage.
Looks like your son took very good care of it while he had it.

You've taught your son well, Stellarpod. You've got to be honest with yourself.
That's a beautiful bike! I love the naked bike look. The real congratulations however goes to your son for having the introspection and honesty to deal with his feelings. Many adults never achieve that level of honest self evaluation. Kudos to you for raising him up that way too!
Steve, let me know if you want to sell it. There was a couple that came by for a tire change on their 599 a few weeks ago and they were saying they'd like to get a 919 but they had a hard time finding any.
Now there is a decision that I can respect...good on him for turning in the keys when he's no longer comfortable...
That is a nice bike. I got the chance to ride it. Sorry that your son gave up riding. But I'm glad he knew he could tell you.
I saw one of our local memebers almost get taken out a few weeks ago. It was a very close call! I have not been the same since. I don't know if I would have ever been able to ride again.
I've had bikes for 40 years so they've been around the house and not one of my five kids wanted to ride. I don't if I'm more proud or disappointed. I'd like one of those.
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