Lost my virginity - gee that was quick

Jan 31, 2010
Santa Barbara
'91 ST1100
Okay, so I?ve only had my ?91 ST1100 a couple of months, it?s been torn apart in garage for most of that time. I?ve put just over 1200 miles on it, 1000+ of that last weekend riding up the coast, with my wife from Santa Barbara to Petaluma and back. So the bike is running great, now I?m starting to commute on it. Yesterday morning I warmed it up in the garage, hopped on and backed out. At this point I realize that as I was unpacking/organizing my tank bag Tuesday night I had taken off the map carrier which has my garage door clicker in it. No problem, I?ll just hop off and close the garage with the keypad outside. Yeah, don?t forget to put the side stand down before you ?hop? off. That?s exactly what I did. Before I knew what happened I was standing to the left of the bike, between my truck and my wife?s GTI, looking down at the bike thinking ?Wow, that really just happened, I already have my first tip over.? :eek:: Thankfully I?m still working on the bike so the bags and all the plastic except for the upper fairings, side pockets and windscreen is off. Also the tail of the bike was passed the truck and the front of the GTI was several feet behind that of the truck, if that hadn?t had been the case I would have had some damage to the cages and possibly pinned myself.
Just hope there's not a crowd to watch,,,
Sorry to hear you weren't able to get it up!

Some of us still haven't (even after 87,000 miles) had that experience...:p:

Just trying to make you feel better...:woo
Now you've done it! Every time I get feeling all gloaty it bites me in the butt almost immediately - same thing happens when I get to evil thinking :)

I'm very open about the fact that I haven't had a speeding ticket since November 1975 and that the last time I dropped a bike (it rolled foward off the sidestand after I walked away) was sometime in late 1983 with my 1983 NightHawk. (I have had 5 bikes and put on over 300,000 miles since...:D

My thoughts are if I talk about it enough, it will have the reverse effect then not talking about it...:crackup
Now you're just flirtin' with disaster :D
This will probably be my undoing... but I have never had a speeding ticket or any other moving violation. I've had one parking ticket about 25 years ago. I can't say it's because I don't speed, it's more that I have just been lucky.

I'm betting my first one will be on my rocket... probably real soon now...

Now Don't blame me if you get one now...:22yikes:

Sorry to hear you weren't able to get it up!

:D I did neglect to mention how easy it was to LIFT THE BIKE by myself, up slope, in the driveway. Such dirty minds on this forum, you put a tiny little bit on innuendo in a title and look what happens. :D
Every time you get a new bike you get to reset your Tip over count, its the only way some of us avoid having tip over counts higher than our post counts!

FYI I see you still need to put yours in! Under the user CP: edit details....

Trying to avoid that one. Okay, okay, I'll do it right now.:p:
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