Modifying oem exhausts

David Cook

Jan 8, 2008
Victoria, Australia
Has anyone modified the existing oem exhausts for the ST1300.
ie removing baffles etc, to give a better sound or increase noise.
I thought rather than buying another set of exhausts, why can't I cut the ends off modify the insides and cleanly weld the ends back on.
Sound easy I know, not.
If you've had any success with doing something like this or similar, I would be happy to hear from you.

A bit more noise is what I'm after, want to hear that 1300cc grumble a bit, but not over the top like a harley davidson (no offense to these guys)

The ST is the first bike I've owned that I can ride comfortably without ear plugs. Usually wind noise times 10 to 18 hour rides and stuff jammed in my ears made my ears as sore as my butt. This is yet another reason I chose the ST.

I currently have an '86 Yamaha Fazer with a Kerker 4 into 1. Can you say sensory over-load?

Enjoy the peaceful whine/sing of the ST:D
just a thought. If i came up with a near perfect deal on a used st but it had modified pipes , i wouldn't buy it. At least with slip ons you can go back to stock and sell the slip ons online.
With all due respect folks :eek:: David wasn't asking if we thought it was a good idea (which I agree, it is not). He wants to know if it's been done.

Yes it has been done. There is a thread floating around somewhere with pictures of the process and I think it even had sound clips. I can't for the life of me remember if it was on this site or one of the other ST sites. The guy bought an extra set of stock pipes from eBay for fairly cheap money and modified those.

I'm with everyone else though, cutting your stock pipes is a bad idea. Reduced resale value, frightened kangaroos, angry Aborigines... the impact is all negative. ;)
If you had posted this in December I would have given you the scratched up pipes from my accident. I thought about saving them, but storage space is at a premium in our little house.

As for the others, I have moved past the loud pipes phase, but I do not have any issues with someone wanting to experience loud pipes on their bike. It's a phase you go through, and I may go through it again. My BMW has the baffles removed, previous owner, and I am looking for a cheap set of replacement OEM pipes to quiet the bike down. After riding the ST when I hear the loud sounds comming out of the BMW it just seems not to be right.
I can't believe the responses so far have been to keep the ST quiet, I figure it's got a 1300 under the tank, we might as well hear a bit more of that beautiful throaty sound.
Don't get me wrong I love my ST, the last thing I want to do is go and attacked it with a grinder and welder not knowing the implications, final result etc.
If you do attack the exhausts make sure you are careful... If you don't like the result you'll find catalytic converters are expensive...

I've had aftermarket pipes on most of my bikes until now due to lack of options. I don't like a loud can but one that sounds better than stock. Check out any of the sport bike sites (CBR, R1 and even the dreaded GSXR) for a wealth of exhaust repacking know how. It's unfortunate that so many on this site choose to criticize rather than answer a simple request but it's an older class of riders I suppose. Each to his/her own. Podium dismounted.
"It's unfortunate that so many on this site choose to criticize rather than answer a simple request"

... what was your answer again? Go look somewhere else?
David, I had modified stock pipes on my previous ST13. Simply cutting the end-caps off at the weld, removing the approriate internal components and then carefully re-tig the end-cap back on. Worked like a charm, added some deep rumble that was barely audible over about 3500rpm...

Oh, and if you dig around inside, you can completely remove the CAT section.
He shoots, he scores, good job finding the post Mr. Muchmore! I remember this post.

Unfortunately, looks like the pics and video are gone; or is it just me?
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I'd say leave them alone. First, there's the noise issue. You'll always have to ride at the back of the group, and you'll annoy civilians even more (like we need to purposely piss off people who don't understand to start with.) Also, you're going to adversely affect the mixture. You can't richen the mixture to match lower exhaust restriction, so you'll wind up even more lean than stock.
Get a set of aftermarket ones,then you will have orig. to go back to. Buy used stock on flea bay and try. Not sure how as I have never seen inside orig. pipes. Just my $.02
I have a Yamaha OWO1 with a factory superbike system on it and have lost some hearing in my right ear because of it,so its stock for me
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