My personal Moonshine weight challenge

Good job. I lost 83 pounds in 2011the it came off quick at girst then slowed down. Don't get discouraged you can do it. Every time i read the tortoise and the hare the tortoise ALWAYS wins. Keep up the good work.
I started my work out/diet and have only lost 15 in 12 weeks. Mind you my goal was to get back into a pair of Aerostich paints I out grown. I would be real happy with another 15 lbs even though the DR will still tell me I am obese.

Hats off to you and I wish you the best of luck.. Portion control and removing processed foods has been my diet!
I started my work out/diet and have only lost 15 in 12 weeks. Mind you my goal was to get back into a pair of Aerostich paints I out grown. I would be real happy with another 15 lbs even though the DR will still tell me I am obese.

Hats off to you and I wish you the best of luck.. Portion control and removing processed foods has been my diet!

I had a doctor tell me one time "never eat a donut" I asked if I could get a second opinion, I got no response or a smile. :confused:
Nope.. You can have everything you want but just half as much as you had before..

No Guy, "SEE food. not SEA food. As in,,,See food, EAT it :D

Portion control is a swear word to me. I'm a good eater,yahhh you betcha
Excellent, Jim, I'll now be looking for a SlimJim at Moonshine and I don't mean the kind you use to open car doors..... The first pounds will come off easier than the next bunch, but hang in there. The key is to make a permanent lifestyle change in your diet. Higher fiber, whole grain (harder to digest foods that keep you feeling full longer), unprocessed.... pasta in limited quantities, cut the sugar as all carbs are converted into blood glucose to fuel the body..... and on and on. Diabetics have had to make this type of lifestyle change (I am type2), and it does make a difference. 3500 calories cut in a week means one pound lost and eventually you should make your loss more gradual and it will become a permanent lifestyle change. Of course it will help greatly if the family is on board and buy in to the concept.
There's lots of good advice in the ACL Tub of Goo thread............... a good educational book is any of the GI Diet books written by a Canajan cardiologist.
You're off to a good start, Jim, we know you can do it. ST-Owner John Conner had an amazing quick loss diet to get you down to a managable level, perhaps send him a PM. Did wonders for him!!
Time to update this thread. I have good and bad to report- mostly good. I'm still losing, although it has slowed down a bit. I'm currently at 282. I will not be able to wear the pants I had intended to wear, but last week my wife and I made a decision to order a pair of Joe Rocket pants in a size larger than the ones I had. This way I still save money ($130 vs. a new Aerostich), but still have decent riding pants. I was able to wear them Sunday during my trial of my new-to-me Russel saddle.

Although I was losing more quickly the first week, I began feeling the results of such a sudden, and harsh, reduction of food intake. I'm now eating a little smarter- still small portions, but a little more than what I was doing the first week. As I continue to lose, I'll be able to reduce my eating again.
Go easy Jim... or a REALLY good evening with the Misses! It doesn't matter what you do, but get your heart rate and respiration rates up and keep them up for 40 min. Maybe start at 25-30 min and built up as needed.

Must refrain!!!
Hey Jim, I hardly know ya but I'll join ya in support.

I got rid of my Virago last year and hadn't replaced it with anything. So a few days ago I got the new ride. Now here I am with a bike begging to be rode but I have no leather to fit me and ride it. Time to make a change. I did buy a new pair of pants. But the waist is bigger then the inseam. For me , that's a 36 inseam.

For a living I'm a computer geek, at work I'm often bored and I snack my time away. There was the first change, no more chewy sweet-tarts. To make my life more fun I also have a thyroid issue and as my weight goes up my thyroid lags behind so I feel more tired. A vicious cycle ...

I never made it above 250, that was the number that smacked me. So now I fight the urge to snack at work. I don't eat the 4 ounces of uncooked pasta I love with OBG and parmesan. No more pizzas. I aim to hit the gym for a 30-60 minute aerobic workout every other weekday and Saturday /Sunday.

You keep going and so will I. My endocrinologist might be *****ing that I need to drop a few pounds, but the reality is that I know I need to do it for myself.
Much of my progress is because I have nearly completely given up drinking soft drinks. I used to drink at least 4 sodas in a day, quite often more than that. I've cut down to about one a week. I'm using my progress to reward myself- if I lose weight during the week, I allow myself one good meal (not a large meal, just something I like) and a soda. This is usually Chinese takeout (I eat about half an order) and a coke. I also allow myself to substitute a small, tasty treat meal in place of a large salad. Sunday during my ride I skipped breakfast and lunch, and let myself have a couple tacos for dinner. I rarely do this, but it is a way I can have something tasty.

The best part of this diet is that I'm feeling a lot better. I have more energy now, I can move easier, and I'm more comfortable on the bike during long rides.
1st go you! :)

There's a ton of diets and all kinds of theories glad what you're doin is working for you.

Keep up the sit ups etc. A stronger core means more time in the saddle before you start hurting.
Take some 30+ minute walks etc. to keep the metabolism up. You may find you aren't as hungry if you exercise and then eat.
Try whole grain pasta instead of the processed stuff with your own sauce. Not the jar full of sugar and salt.
Starch turns to sugar which gets stored as fat since you can't make use of all you ate at one time.
Complex carbs are digested slower and there’s more nutritional value in the whole grain.
Slow down and enjoy what you're eating. Give your body time to realize it's full before you over eat.
Drink more water!

The crash diet loses muscle as well as fat. When you get to where you want to be start thinking life style not diet.
Eat well. Eat fresh. Eat at home. Enjoy what you eat in smaller portions. Avoid processed food. Over salted, over priced, full of bad fats that have a good shelf life. And don't forget to break the rules and indulge every once in a while. It's not gonna getcha. It's the day to day changes that will keep you there.

And don’t forget to reward yourself with a double bacon moonburger!
How fast your losing is not as important as that your losing. Keep it up and don't get discouraged. Remember, there's no calories in spices, so jazz up that chicken! Just one Moonburger foryou.
Night before departure. So, how have I done? Well a couple weeks ago I went for a ride in the pants we ordered, the same size I couldn't even get over my hips last September. They were snug, but comfortable. Since then I lost a couple more lbs. I haven't lost what my original goal was, but I'm steadily losing, and I can fit into riding pants now.

Original weight: 303lbs. Current weight: 278 lbs. That is 25 lbs. gone in about 6 weeks. I'll be enjoying myself next week- eating what I want, and even normal size servings. Not pigging out, but not dieting either- its vacation. Its my reward for doing so well. As soon as I get home, I'll be back on my diet. Hopefully I don't gain a lot, but I know I'll gain a little.

Thanks for all the encouragement.

Kudos to you! Losing weight isn't easy and I think you are doing a great job! Enjoy the 'vacation' and stay focused on your goal and you'll get there!
Thanks Karen. You are doing a steady loss, so nothing to be ashamed of there...keep at it, its well worth it! You are doing great! I know how much better I feel. Ideally I'd like to get down to 200 lbs, but with my frame, I'd still be in good shape at 225 with exercise to make more muscle. Its a challenge, but my personal goals and rewards really help me. I cheat a tiny bit now and then- like dinner when you were up. I was extra strict for several days after to offset it. I allow myself a nice dinner- not a huge amount, just a good taste of real food- once a week, or when I manage to lose another 5 lbs. One thing that could help me more is if I were to exercise more. It helps that I'm on my feet all day, and I do a bit of walking between moving around the shop and going to the main building for things. Its not much, but at least I'm not a lump on the couch. I also have plantar fasciitis, so long walks or running is pretty much out until I get that under control. In fact, its one of the reasons I wanted to lose weight- less weight will really help my feet. I also have gerd, and since I can't afford surgery (the direct cost OR the missed time from work), losing weight should help keep it under control.

I'll have to find other pit stops during rides this summer, instead of stopping at every soft-serve ice cream shop I find...

Edit: Thanks Mark and PR. I've always been a big guy, but up until about 7 or 8 years ago I kept the weight to just a spare tire around the middle. I've always been active enough that the rest of me stayed in good shape- lean arms and muscular legs. I just had a little belly. But I really packed it on the last 7 years or so. Being married and home cooking helped that some, as well as being bored where I live now, and no outdoor hobbies like I used to have.
Edit: Thanks Mark and PR. I've always been a big guy, but up until about 7 or 8 years ago I kept the weight to just a spare tire around the middle. I've always been active enough that the rest of me stayed in good shape- lean arms and muscular legs. I just had a little belly. But I really packed it on the last 7 years or so. Being married and home cooking helped that some, as well as being bored where I live now, and no outdoor hobbies like I used to have.

I hear you. I've let myself go and had to mount a comeback twice (doh!). You'd have thought I would have learned from the first time but sadly it was so much easier when I was 30. I had a much more difficult time this go round; a much more controlled diet and a lot of very boring exercise. It worked though, so now I just have to look forward to keeping up all the good things and staying away from the bad things! I used to suffer from GERD but getting down to reasonable weight really knocked that out. It's pretty unreal how many negative consequences we can suffer from due to excessive weight. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and maybe you'll find that shedding the weight will control those other health issues.
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