Need just a Litte Prayer

Gary, may God comfort you during this time of mourning. We really never quite get over their absence, but when the mourning is done, celebrate their lives and cherish the memories. God Bless You and your family at this tender time.
Praying for God's comfort for you and your family. Sounds like your loss is Heaven's gain though.
Gary, Sorry to hear about your Dad. Fathers Day will probably always be just a little more poignant for you now than most. It is never easy to lose a parent, Mom or Dad but as others have said if he was suffering, he is in a better place now. Time will heal your pain, but your memories will still be with you for a lifetime. Cherish them.....
I am sorry to hear your news of the passsing of your dad. I lost my dad this past Feb. I would say I understand how you feel but I cant as this is different foreveryone. As a believer in the lord, just realise that this is but a brief seperation before you ae reunited. Prayers sent to you and your family as you go thru this difficult time. Peace be with you
Praying that you may have peace the is beyond understanding. It is comforting knowing your dad is with the Lord.
I want to "Thank" everyone for your thoughts and prayers. It has been a trying and difficult time these past 4 days but life must go on. My Dad was laid to rest on Wednesday and the services were outstanding. He requested a minister that he had known for many years and although that minister is the head of the Michigan Church of Gods, he was more than happy to do the service for my Dad. I just rejoice to know that Dad is no longer in any pain and that he has joined that choir of angels in heaven.
Again-thanks so much everyone.
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