New Farkles!


R.I.P. - 2012/05/20
Rest In Peace
Feb 21, 2009
Tucson, AZ
07 ST1300
I now have two clips and a stint installed in my 1958 Tailgunner Classic.

Long story short, I have not been having a good time.
Had my Gallbladder removed on 1/31 (2 clips) and last Friday had a stint placed in my bile duct.Spent last weekend being pumped full of pain meds and sipping canned chicken broth.

And this is only the beginning. Words I hope none of you ever hear were told to me on Friday. "We found a mass". Next step is more tests while we await the initial biopsy results. I love my medical team (never thought I'd have one of those) and trust them implicitly. How many surgeons give you their personal cell number and say "call me even it's just to chat"?

The good news? I am still able to ride!
Whoa that sounds hurty...... good thing is you sound very positive.....

On a humorous side, surely this means no more gall..... but on the bad side does it meant the bile will flow more easily?

As to the mass, well, I hope that doesn't prove to be a bad thing, I suppose it couldn't possibly be undigested pie?

It may be that some will be offended by me trying to lighten what is a serious thread regarding your health, but you know I don't mean it in a bad way and if it makes you laugh/smile, then it has done what it was intended to do.

Get well real quick and stay as positive as you are coming across!
It may be that some will be offended by me trying to lighten what is a serious thread regarding your health, but you know I don't mean it in a bad way and if it makes you laugh/smile, then it has done what it was intended to do.

I am all for it! After all, if you can't laugh at yourself, your friends certainly will.

I am doing my best to stay positive. At one point I thought about the possibility of selling the bike. My buddy said, "who are you kidding, they will have to pry it from your cold dead fingers first."
"Gall bladder removed", been there, done that...not the stint. Hope the reports come back clean. Heal fast Tailgunner!
Okay, this made me laugh.

I have been losing a lot of time at work. 2 days here, 4 - 1/2 days there etc. My Director suggested I talk to HR regarding "Intermittent FML". FML is EXACTLY how I feel every couple of days! It stands for Family Medical Leave but it still made me laugh.
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