New Zealand Tour Jan 18 to Mar 7, 2011

Well well my friend, you really are tour the heck outa those islands. I am so glad it's turning out to be a great and epic adventure for you.
I am happy to read your posts.
Stay safe, my friend.
Thanks guys, I have about 2.54 weeks to go and I hope to get the north end as best I can. I hate to bring up a sore subject but you never know where you might get some good advice. I have developed a case of "monkey butt" and despite my best efforts toward hygiene, I am having a squirmy, uncomfortable ride. Riding for 200 to 300km per day is not letting the bum have enough time to heal. If anyone knows the magical cure, please feel free to add a suggestion. i got some medicated cream in a tube at a drugstore but have had limited success with it. I understand they make (in the US) a product (powder) specifically for this condition and called "monkey butt powder". Have not seen any here yet.
Is there an "***" doctor in the house???
If it is already broken out, powder will probably just irritate it more. One thing you might try is diaper rash creme and some antibiotic ointment sort of mixed together. Try to keep the area as dry and cool as possible (I know - a real challenge - ;-)). And you probably need to find a great place to do some 'exploration by foot' that will not cause sweating and hole up for a couple of days off the bike.
A pair of bicycle shorts with the padding may alleviate some of the pressure on the sore area.
A cheap and easy fix if it works for you.

I am a corn starch powder user keeps the area dry.
If you have the Phil said ...stay on your feet and off the bike for a day or two.
Take more pictures ....all the best.
Thanks, maybe I need a good day of hiking as a break. There is supposed to be a nice hike near or on a old volcano I was interested in only a days ride away. Going for the Forgotten Highway ride today which is reported to have a few km of gravel. I will have to see how the road surface looks and decide.
Hi Joe,

Finally checking in here and just did a quick scan of this thread. Will read it all in the next few days. Sounds and looks like you are having a great trip.

If you did the Forgotten World Hiway you must be near Mt Taranaki. It has loads of hiking (well, the entire country has loads of tramping tracks). And check out Dawson Falls if you get a chance (on the SE side). I'm very interested in the amount of gravel on the FWH as would love to ride that next time.

Sorry to hear about the monkey.

Wow, what an great trip you're on. Super pictures, too. Thanks for sharing. I'm enjoying reading about your trip and look forward to more. I have hopes of visiting New Zealand in the not too distant future and it's always helpful to have "boots on the ground" reporting.

I'll chime in here to say that staying off your bum for a day or so is good advice. Good luck with that.

Thanks Danny, Uncle and Abby for the MB advice. I followed and the ole bum has improved. I parked the bike for a day and did a hike to some volcanoes.
Rocket Man, the gravel at Forgotten Highway is 12.2 km long and its all good (as of a couple of days ago). Nice ride too!

Saturday, February 12 . I slept in until 7am and Kenny cooked breakfast. We rode back into Wellington with Chloe riding pillion on Kenny's Katana 750. We went looking for a spare battery for the Hero cam but it was not to be found but I did find out where one was at further north. So we took off riding around Wellington (Mirimar Loop, Kiaro to Makara and took in the Te Papa museum in town. A very nice museum that needs plenty of time to enjoy it all. We were standing in a park with windsurfers all around when I noticed a plaque mounted up on a pedestal. I read the plaque which was in memory of US Marines who camped there during World War II and later fought and died on the South Pacific Islands. I told Kenny and Chloe that my dad and brother were both US Marines and my day had served in the South Pacific, my brother in Vietnam. This plaque was on Pauatahanui Inlet. (for all you current and former Marines). I know there will always be a soft spot in my heart for the Marines. Kenny Johnston (a Geordie from Newcastle) and Chloe have been great hosts and I hope he will come the US someday so I can return his hospitality.

Sunday, February 13. Hawkeye took good care of me but you have to be careful not to wear out your welcome. Kenny and Chloe led me out of Whitby and I rode to Palmerston North and found a shop open that had a battery for my helmet cam. Sweet, I grabbed the battery and headed for Whanganui where I checked in to a BBH hostel and it was good. I had a three bunk room and one roommate from Tennessee who was glad to see someone from his neck of the woods. He was hiking, (yes, no wheels) and enjoying it. After I ate dinner that I cooked in their kitchen, I walked across the street to look at the Whanganui rivier. There was a group of young boys jumping off a concrete wall into the river. I ran and got the Hero cam and took some video of the them, diving, flipping and having fun in the water. They must have ranged in age from 10 to 16 years and they made me want to be that age again. One of them asked me if I was a millionaire and I told him, "I was just a poor coal miner traveling on a motorcycle", which is, for the most part, true. I know they were having a good time with my accent........
Whanganui looked like a nice and interesting town but I had a ride on the "Forgotten Highway" on my mind.

Monday, February 14. I rode toward Strattford and got on the Forgotten Highway. It was a nice day and a great ride. I stopped at the Whangamomona? hotel for lunch and asked for a room. They were booked so I had to settle for the tee shirt so I could tell the world I had been there. The ride to Taumarunui was good and there are 12.2 km of gravel, good gravel and not a big deal for the Orient Express (ST1300). When I got to Taumarunui I stopped at the shop where I picked up the bike and made arrangements to drop it off before I leave the country. I rode to Turangi and found a room. As soon as I checked in the operator asked if I wanted to hike up to the volcanoes. I said yes and it was booked.

Tuesday, February 15. I got up at 6am had breakfast and got ready for the bus ride. The hike was called the Tongariro Alpine Crossing and measured at 19.4 km. I kinda figured it would be a tough one for myself anyway. It was worth the effort. We (not sure how many, but many) had to climb about 800 meters to get to the easiest summit. The die hard hikers had to climb to the top of a tall volcanic pile of barren rubble for the best view (if the clouds lifted). I knew I would do good to finish the easy track. The views were great and we hiked thru a couple of volcanoes, the dry ones anyway. One crater was a deep burgundy color, still smoldering in places and you could smell the sulfur compounds as they rose up over the top. Below the big red crater was a couple of emerald green pools that no one cared to get into. Descending the red crater was steep and the footing was not good. I saw two women sliding down on their bottoms to avoid the risk of falling. One woman fell and broke her arm and finished the track in an arm sling. I was exhausted by the time I got back to the pickup area for the bus. My right knee had me whining and felt like a bearing was going down. ......But I'm glad I made the trip. It seems like every time I take a long ride I manage to get myself into some kind of self-imposed torture.

Wednesday, February 16. I left Turangi headed for Taupo on the lake and then decided to ride to Napier on the east cost. The ride down was beautiful and it seems there are no bad roads to ride here in Kiwiland. Napier seemed like a nice enough place but it was busy and there were a lot of people coming in for a festival this weekend. I wanted to get more out in the country to spend the night so I took in a few lookout sites and made my way north toward Gisborne along the coast. I had a blinking fuel gauge so I stopped before leaving town to fill up. I put the Orient Express up on the center stand to check the oil. The oil was OK and I just started looking at the front tire for wear issues. I then moved to the back of the bike to look at the rear. Now I don't do this as a habit, it's really not a routine with me every time I fill up. So I start rotating the wheel and find a nice shiny rivet sticking out of the middle of the tire. A little spit on the rivet and sure enough, it was leaking, slowly. I must have just picked it up!! Holy Mother of Honda, now is that some good luck or not?? (finding it before it found me) I was directed to (another stroke of luck) a Honda shop less than a kilometer away. They were not cheap but they were fast and had it off the bike and TWO patches in about an hour. I got the lecture about not using the slimy worm plugs (the kind I use on my bike at home) and I nodded my head in agreement (ashamed to mention my own sins). The tire already had one plug in it before I managed the rivet. The motorcycle gods were looking after me today and I was feeling very good.
After the delay, I decided it was too late to proceed north and found a nice campground beside the beach. I broke out the tent for only the fourth time. It was damp and musty smelling from some old Milford Sound rain.


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Joe, good on you for checking the tire before setting out. It's interesting the way things happen sometimes.
Your trip continues and we enjoy following.
Looking forward to more pics, especially the campsites.
See you at Moonshine?
Joe, good on you for checking the tire before setting out. It's interesting the way things happen sometimes.
Your trip continues and we enjoy following.
Looking forward to more pics, especially the campsites.
See you at Moonshine?
On the tar, someone once said they would rather be lucky than good. I was lucky this day!!
I do hope to be at MS but always flexible. I plan to go and hopefully ride up with others? Would rather do it in a couple of days as I am not a twue LDR :D
Uploading mo pics is a pain ain't it? Seems to take me forever, which is a long time.
I am emailing from my tent by the sea. Nice HI-FI here!! Can't sleep, daughter having surgery today and a zillion cars on the highway 100m away......
I hope yur parts are hot on the way to Panama........good luck... ride safe and check those tyres.
Pics of New Zealand rhode signs.......I like em......


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A few more while I'm restin..... and the uploads seem to be going good
Hi Viz near Mt Cook
Homer tunnel to get to Milford Sound
Beach north of Wellington
Tire killing Rivet


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I like the signs. Nice ride report also with some great pictures. Keep up the great work! Enjoy!!
Thanks Mike, I took some pretty good video but I'm such a novice at editing that I will try to put something together when I get home.
Glad the MB "problem" is better. Your pictures are great. Love the road signs - no mistaking the message, right?

Looking forward to more. Ride safely.

Hi Joe,


Can't say much more than that. Great pics and report.

Can't wait to go back next year.

Thanks for the measurement of the gravel on the FWH - I had understood it was much longer than that and quite lumpy ugly stuff.

We were a few days early for the festival in Napier last year but it was neat to see all the old cars in town and on the road heading there. Glad you spotted the rivet in the tire before heading for Gisborne.

Where to next? Coromandel? On to Cape Reinga?

Looking forward to reading about it and seeing more of your pix.

Hey Rocket,
I'm sure I will want to come back here someday. Especially if I can do another bike tour. I am in Tokoroa at the moment waiting to meet some other Kiwi riders and we are to end up in Paeroa for a mc race through the town. I am pretty excited about getting to see it. They shut down the roads, erect a few barriers and let em go at in the streets I hear. Hope to get some good pics and video?
The race is Sunday and I hope we tour Coromandel tomorrow. The north island so far has been every bit as nice as the south, just different and more people. I met another Kiwi rider (Highlander, JYM) today and he toured me around The Tauranga area and dropped me off to meet the next group of ambassadors. He was on a BMW 1100 S, nice sporty looking beemer. They are very accomodating as you probably know.



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Glad the MB "problem" is better. Your pictures are great. Love the road signs - no mistaking the message, right?

Looking forward to more. Ride safely.

Abby, I can't decide which I like the best, the Drink, Drive, DIE one or the one with the casket in the hurst..........I'll keep looking for new ones and will report back.....
Thursday, February 17. I took the Orient Express into Napier to do some banking. People were walking around in 1920s' dress and riding around in vintage cars from the era. I was enjoying the view of the Napier festival about to take place over the weekend but I want to head north and see the street motorcycle race in Paeroa. I rode toward Gisborne and then up Route 2 to Opotiki which took me through a really nice (and long) gorge. I found a room in the Whakatane Hotel. There were some nice views of the Bay of Plenty as I rode into Whakatane with White Island and Motuhora Island in the distance.

Friday, February 18. A Kiwibiker (Highlander) met me at the hotel and had volunteered to tour me around the area for the day. We had a nice ride and I enjoyed his company as we stopped to rest and chat along the way. We ended up in Rotorua by the lake. Highlander lead me to Tokoroa to meet up with the next group of riders to go to the mc race in Paeroa. These riders, Glen, Carla, Rhys and Bianca fed me well and I had a bed at Rhys' place.

Saturday, February 19. Breakfast was on Rhys and we gathered with the other riders to go up and ride the Coromandel loop which had been recommended by other riders. Now I am riding with 4 friends on Ducati Monsters and my ride was affectionately termed the "Sherman Tank". So, how was I to keep up with these guys and gals, I did know but I would try. I have to keep referring back to what "Clint" said in one of his Dirty Harry movies. They had to wait on me a few times but never more than an hour. Now bear in mind, I've already tested the tip over bars on Shafty's Orient Express and I darn sure didn't want to see the front forks touching the radiator. So, I tried to "take it easy and not let the sound of my own wheels drive me crazy".

Sunday, February 20. We made it to Paeroa and the race was great. I really enjoyed it but was fiddling with my camera when a crash occurred right in front of me. There were no fatalities and I got a good appreciation for how real (crazy) men ride fast motorcycles. Do we have street motorcycle races in the US?? I don't really know but I would like to go to the next one. I failed to find the vendor who made the molded ear plugs and plan to try to find them before I leave. I parted ways with the group and headed north to see what the top end looked like. Once again, it was good to have some fellow riders to hang out with and have their touring advice. I'm starting to get low on time now. I found a neat little cabin only 100m from the beach in Kaiaua. The owner was a very friendly bloke who offered me milk for my breakfast if I needed it. He left me to my own means with free access to his house if I wanted.

Monday, February 21. I headed north on the north island (sounds redundant) trying to stay as close to the water as I could. I got a little rain and hid in a gas station until the sun came out. I got back on the rhode and when I got to Orewa, I liked what I saw and found a room after another ST owner lead me to the address.


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Hey Joe,

Isn't the Coromandel awesome?

Happy to hear your review of Waioeka Gorge. We couldn't fit that one into the plans but it is on the list for next time.

Keep the sticky rubber parts down my friend.

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