Now I know this must of been asked a 100 times,but......

May 4, 2017
Devon UK
Riding along yesterday,and all of a sudden my ABS/TCS lights came on,tried restarting it again,but no still there. So after looking through this forum I tried retrieving the codes,now both came up at 6,rear wheel sensor. Now only having the bike for a month,I don't even know where the sensor is? Now does that mean automatically mean that I need a new one (expensive & in the UK by the way) or is there a common fault?,now I know you can ride the bike safely,with none of them working,but really trying for some advice here please? ..
thanks in anticipation guys
The rear sensor is located on the right side of the rear wheel just above a ring of teeth. The electrical connector maybe dirty or corroded, so try cleaning that first, and make sure that the clearance from the ring and sensor are within spec.
Twelve o'clock on the final drive. Can't miss it :) (I hate that saying, since i usually do). Follow the wire to the connector.
Ok. Now call me thick guys,but is that a case of undoing the 2 Allen keys & taking that out,or is it as described by
SMSW chasing that wire back to an electrical connection in the ABS control box behind the left fairing or mid way up the bike?
The rear sensor plugs into the wiring harness behind the right side cover. The Honda manual shows that it is the 3P connector just forward of the turn signal relay.
Thank-you mcthorogood. You say the right side cover,does that involve taking off the upper fairing,the lower fairing or both please?
I've not followed my sensor wire back to the connector, but the right side cover is the piece held on w/ 3 screws over the battery. That comes off w/o removing any more of the fairing. Wiggle the wire from below and see if you can find the connector.
I've not followed my sensor wire back to the connector, but the right side cover is the piece held on w/ 3 screws over the battery. That comes off w/o removing any more of the fairing. Wiggle the wire from below and see if you can find the connector.
It sounds like you are referring to your ST1300, This is an ST1100

Right side panel just has one screw on an ST1100
I'm sorry, I was and did not notice the 1100 below Rocky's screen name.

This thread is also in the 1100 Tech forum. When the OP doesn't list the specific bike (happens often), I look at their profile and the forum they posted in. That often helps.
If you decide to remove the sensor, be gentle! The mount bracket is rather fragile. The severity of the problem will be greatly increased if the bracket get broken.
Thanks guys that all I needed to know. I had the left side off yesterday just to check the fuses,so tomorrow I'll just take off the same panel on the right hand side and check out the connections

last night whilst checking the fuses,I thought I'd just try disconnecting the battery for 5 mins.put the battery back on took the bike out this morning,went to the petrol station,restarted no problem,no lights,went home,20 mins later I went to pull away and now lights on again Grrrrrr
stayed on for 3 or 4 starts,then next time lights went out as they should,next start fine again,went over a bump on the road lights back on.but this time just the ABS one?
tomorrow going to check out the connections at the box.
Check the main ground wire from the wiring loom or harness. It should be attached by a bolt either at the grab handle left side (the one that aids in lifting the bike onto the centre stand)or just behind it. The ABS system can be a little finicky if there isn't good ground/earth.
paulcb said:
This thread is also in the 1100 Tech forum.

I almost never see what forum a post is in because of my laptop's high screen resolution and small display. Increasing the size to a legible state means the forum name isn't seen. I live with it. I do look to the left to see if the poster has included his/her bike info. A lot of posters don't. Yet it all works out.
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