opps did it again!!!

Oct 18, 2007
Huntington Beach, Calif
2004 st1300
While riding home the other day I came across a parking lot filled with cones. It seemed the local motor officers have set up a training course and no body was there!!:D

So I tried my skills on the very very tight expert motor officer course and while not totally proficient I was doing pretty good.:cool:

But one course was a little to tight and I got wrapped up into a cone and did a 1 mile hour drop. Not so bad until I looked around and no one was there to help me get the bike back up!!:eek:: Ok I will give it a try.

First attempt, bike did not budge I may as well been lifting the Titanic!!

Took my jacket off, helmet off, took a swig of water, gave it another try, no go. Can't lift it.

I was just about to give up and call my beefy son when I thought back to the IMS show where they had a demonstration on how to lift your bike. A volunteer little gal came in and with a little instruction lifted a very heavy Harley. Well maybe is was just my technique:confused:

Ran it thru my head a couple of times, got down rear to the bike and walked it up. No problem went up very easy. :lol:

So while a second time to drop the bike, it was if first to lift it by my self. Now I know it can be done.:bow1: Bike even had a full tank on it!!

Also a newfound respect for the skill of the motor officers. They make it look easy, it is not, it takes alot of skill and practice!!:bow1:
Didnt have a problem lifting my wing by myself!...
Till I was in SAND :eek:: 6" deep! It was IMPOSSIBLE! Because everytime it would start to go up...my feet would slide in the sand...
I feel your pain.

A few months back, Maggie and I watched a bunch of moto officers run one of those courses and it was amazing to see them in action. IIRC, the winner rode a 1300.

I dropped the 1300 once and did the squat pick up, it works great and I am a mere 5'2" shorty. But then again I am closer to the ground so I may be at an advantage. As far as those courses go I love to do them on the HD, I have trouble with the St I really don't know why.:D But I will keep practicing.
Also a newfound respect for the skill of the motor officers. They make it look easy, it is not, it takes alot of skill and practice!!:bow1:

Only having dropped mine once.. I found dropping one quite easy.. Maybe I just got lucky the first time:)!
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