Out Of The Saddle For A While

Uncle Phil

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Feb 26, 2007
In The Holler West Of Nashville, Tennessee
4 ST1100(s)
2024 Miles
Well, I'm leaving for the hospital in a little bit to get a total replacement of my right knee. It's gotten to the point where it locks up and I have to lift it over the saddle to ride, so it's about time to put the old body in the repair shop. Hope to see you folks on the other side, after the 'happy juice' wears off! :D
Good luck hope it goes smoothly, enjoy the happy juice :)
....and attack the rehab when its time.
You'll be fine buddy, if my mom can do it I'm sure you can... It's amazing how fast you're back in your feet.

Good luck and don't give the nurses any problems... well, then again...

We'll be thinking about ya.
Uncle Phil!!!!!!!!! good luck with the surgery, fast as you heal ole man you'll be ridin' on new years!!
Phil had one for long time 25+ years. It Will be amazing how fast you're back in your feet. Prayers for a speedy recovery

Good Luck and here's hoping for a speedy recovery! Rehab is a big part of this so listen to the docs and do as they say.

My dad had BOTH knees done at the same time about 10 years ago....tough guy!!
Time for a suspension rebuild, eh Uncle Phil? Hope all goes well. :)
Best of luck with your new joint. Prayin' the docs are on the ball.
I hope all goes well UP. Listen to the Docs and PT Folks and you'll be OK soon. I'll keep you in my prayers..:dr13:
Like the others Phil...Good Luck!! That's a great Christmas present to yourself, a new knee with no more pain and suffering (at least post therapy).

Happy Holidays!
Uncle Phil, I'm sure the upgrade will be worth it. Be sure to keep moving and do all your physio. You'll be back in the saddle in no time. All the best.
Good luck Uncle Phil. Several people I know who have had it done have recovered amazingly well. Just keep up with the physical therapy.
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