Pretty sure this counts as the first one.

Mar 1, 2012
Lancashire, UK
After fixing up a blowing exhaust I had parked my bike up at the front of the house (Left in the pic) and was reversing into the garage. Down the weird bump, up the slope to the garage, dont stop cos the bike is too heavy to push up outright. I missed my footing on the step, and went on my arse, bike following me. I manage to stop it half way up, and hold on while I shouted for my dad to give me a lift, but by the time he came over the silencer and centre-stand were on the floor (just) and the handlebars snagged in my jeans pinning me down. Was out pretty much horizontal by this point, and well past where your average flat ground drop might get it. We got the bike up, and shoved it in the garage, no damage to it or me, only hurt pride. Still, think i'm off the mark now. At least when I first drop it in traffic I wont be quite as embarassed now.

As soon as I sell my little bike the pan can go in forwards under engine power - anyone want to buy a Honda CG125. 1998. In the UK. 8500miles with all old paperwork to prove them.

Once I have set up a proper ad, i'll link to it in here.

Also, anyone able to help me embed my image rather than attach it please?


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Yours was not witnessed by anyone Willtom. My latest one was right outside Tyldesley Post Office.

Whereabouts in Lancs are you?

Welcome to the TOC! As with most, pride is the only injury!!

I've managed "disgraceful dismounts" 3 or 4 times, but hey, who's counting?!?
Well, the STOC is counting, but hopefully no one else will.

My dad has had a bit of a laugh at me. He rides a BMW R100 and thinks my bike is far too heavy to be sensible. (along with numerous other grumbles, he is rather set in his ways)

@Primus - I am in Chorley. Are you Oldham side, or Eccles side?
Oh, OK, sorry Mellow (moderator)

My CG is now in the for sale section, but I don't think I'm supposed to link to it from here. So, please go look for it? Help me empty the garage then I can ride in forwards in future, and save me some embarassment?
I've never really headed up there so often, though my auntie occasionally enjoys a trip in that direction. She rides a blue CBR125, you may have encountered her on your travels - named Joy.
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