Reckless passing


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May 12, 2011
Duluth GA
'05 ST1300
2024 Miles
No, not me. 3 minutes into the video as I'm rounding a bend, I get someone sharing my lane in the opposite direction.
Forward video and rear video I shall be attempting to add.

1st timer posting video. This may take a few takes. Suggestions welcome.
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1st timer posting video. This may take a few takes. Suggestions welcome.

This video is set to private. If this is your channel you need to allow viewing to anyone that has the link and then re-post with the link. If this is not your channel, someone has specifically allowed you to view it.

This video is set to private. If this is your channel you need to allow viewing to anyone that has the link and then re-post with the link. If this is not your channel, someone has specifically allowed you to view it.

Thanks. I've switched the Youtube feed to unlisted.
Good fortune for you that it was a right-hander so you were already well over toward the white line rather than positioned near the center. Here's hoping you never have another similar encounter.
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It is what it is... I've been in that situation a few times. That's when you're lucky to be on a motorcycle as you have more lane to move into to avoid being hit and not go off the road. In a car you might have the right side tires go off the road and cause major issues.

All you can do is be mindful of what's going on and adjust as necessary, which is what you did.
Glad you were in tight and not in a cage. If the sun was in your eyes similar to the camera it might have been even worse....

<sits and shakes head> stupid f'n people.
Been there did that only it was a car and I ended up off the road up hill vs down. I always keep a maneuver in mind. Shared roads means we share with all kinds of drivers
Wow. That's crazy! Unfortunately seen too often, especially from pickups...
That was a close one! I watched the road lines in the second view. He sure seemed to have been passing late.

Reminds me of a recent close one: Another bike passed me while I was passing a car on a gentle right curve.

The worst part was how startled I was by it. I was not concentrating on what was going on behind me at all.
The worst part about this kind of thing is it continues unchecked. The police will do nothing about it, even when presented with video proof. If punitive measures were taken when irrefutable video evidence is presented, this crap would stop. They care more about issuing speeding tickets, its a joke.

1st timer posting video. This may take a few takes. Suggestions welcome.
Since it takes a while to get to the part with the reckless passer, even though you did state "3 minutes into the video," you could add "&t=2m50s" to the end of the youtube link. That would automatically fast forward to about 15 seconds before the incident.

That is crazy, but @Mellow is right. You probably were lucky to be on a bike!
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Hard to know what that guy was thinking........ Not to excuse him, but he was at the end of a long straight stretch of road as he passed you and I'm wondering if he was passing multiple vehicles and misjudged the distance and the time it would take to get by 2 ( or more...........) vehicles.
Yeah... Not excusing the person that almost hit you either, but I kind of take pride in never endangering someone else when I drive (I was taught to be very defensive from an early age and error on the side of caution).

Well, I was going home from church the other day on a country road and came up behind a tractor going 15mph. I patiently waited as cars passed me and the tractor illegally, uphill on a bend. I even commented they were going to kill someone. I wait for the passing zone which is also downhill, ease out to make sure there is no one coming and then initiate my pass. Suddenly there is a sedan in the road! there was a blind "dip" in the road big enough to hide a sedan, because of my slow speed and not being able to see around the tractor before the car entered it, he was completely hidden.

Thankfully I was accelerating quick enough, the sedan braked and I was able to get over in front of the tractor. I sure wish you could say "sorry!" loud enough for them to hear - but I was thankful they were paying attention. This was my first and hopefully last "close call" on passing. I still cringe when I think about it though. ;-)

Anyway! Great job dodging them. I dodge people pretty regular in city traffic (normally jumping from the right turn only to the left turn lane for some reason), but rarely at speed.
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