Roady2 users... need input


R.I.P. - 2012/06/16
Rest In Peace
Dec 8, 2004
Pewaukee, WI
2007 ST1300A
Hi All,

Ok I have cooked two Roady2's. I have them in a Rammount Aqua box and I believe that it simply builds up heat in there and they fry. Anyone have any similar expierences?

Very good chance they've been broiled 'til tender. I STill have my original Roady (not 2) that will be 3 y/o in July. It's out in the air with a Saran cover for rain.

Kentucky fried radio :eek:
If you call XM they are offerinf Roady2 users the XT for $30 but I just blew the last of my working Roady2's and neither of them lasted more than a week. The issue here is that I have a really nice waterproof solution for the Roady2 but it's a little too good I guess since it bakes it. I'm actually considering drilling holes in the back of the mount is and putting a small fan in there that blows out to keep it from overheating. Sounds like a lot of work to me though and I'm not sure it's worth all the trouble. Plus I don't have a good intake for cool air without making it susceptable to the rain so at this point I'm pretty screwed and don't know what to do.

Not sure if anyone is making a decent cover for the XT yet like they did on the Roady2. Anyone know of one? I don't like the plastic bag technique because they just wear out too quick.

Please don't flame me for this if you already know the answer :nuke1:, but I have found allot of people don't know the Roady 2 works on 6 volts. If it is wired as a 12 volt with out the converter it will last about a week before it fries.

udhawg said:
Please don't flame me for this if you already know the answer :nuke1:, but I have found allot of people don't know the Roady 2 works on 6 volts. If it is wired as a 12 volt with out the converter it will last about a week before it fries.

Good point Jim. How 'bout it Craz.......Are ya running 6 or 12?
Be more specific. Actually I have a Roady2 and it has worked fine up to this point.

Paul said:
In my opinion the Roady 2 is without a doubt the biggest POS ever released on the market. Delphi should rot in hell after they are sued out of business. What a piece of crap. Delphi had no intention of this thing lasting. Open one up and you'll see what I mean. What a piece of crap. The cheapest plugs and connectors on the planet. I would not be surprised if Delphi had to have the plugs made to this POS quality. What a piece of crap.
If you haven't guessed I'm just in from the last ride my Roady 2 will ever take on my bike. What a piece of crap. This is my third Roady 2 on the bike, the piece of crap. I'm getting better mileage out of the left side head light bulbs than I am out of the Roady 2's and you already know how I feel about the head light trouble.
My XM subscription ends next month and I'm going to tell XM exactly why I moving to Sirius, because of the genuine POS receiver you people are trying to sell.
Did I mention I think the Roady 2 is a piece of crap?

I am running it on 12V. In fact I'm using the power adaptor that it comes with as my convertor.

I thought about leaving the aqua box open but I just don't think that will be enough. What a POS. I think I will probably go with the XT since it's pretty much the next choice. What I really wonder about is why does that thing get so f'in hot. Not sure why it has to draw that much power.

Paul, tell us how you really feel. It's not good for you to bottle it all up inside. :D

I know the XT uses a different voltage but does anyone know if it uses the same antenna/connector as the Roady2?

Breath Paul... breath. Decaf.

Actually I understand your frustration. That was another reason I chose the aqua box so that the cables are very constrained and hopefully move with the unit but they actually can't move very much at all. Doesn't matter though because I can't get the unit to last long enough to find out.

My Skyfi2 has been great. It has been beat to death for the past year and a half on the bike as well as my work truck. I drive down wash board dirt roads everyday at work, and take the thing in and out of the cradle 4-6 times a day.

Yes the Roady is junk. My wife has one and we are on #4 and that one is having problems. I did not have to pay for all 4, as it was still under warranty. Same problems everyone else is having. I think I am going to try and call them and get her a XT for $30.00 like Curt posted. I hope it holds up like my SkyFi 2. The wife does not like the SkyFi because of it's size. I like it for it's size so I can use it on the bike.
I called and XM is not running that promotion anymore. I'm pissed as hell. I've had about 5 days of XM over the past 2 months and gone through 2 radios. If I buy the XT I'm at almost $100 in radios plus another $100 to mount it on the bike and a lot of time getting it installed.

Now I'm just about as pissed as Paul. Not quite that much though. BTW there is a Delphi plant just south of where I live if you want to come up and pee on their front lawn. :D

This thread would make me go with Sirius if I ever wanted satellite radio. :) My bro works for Delphi, but in the fuel cell division, and I wonder what unit he has...

You can get a Roady XT at Wal Mart for $49.00. It comes with the radio, cradle, power plug and antenna. How do you have your Roady mounted? The Ram Mount I have on my SkyFi cradle will also fit the Roady XT. The mounting holes are the same on all Delphi radios. Also, the antenna from your Roady will work with the Roady XT. The down side to the XT is it is 5v. The Roady is 6v. Why did Delphi do this?:mad:

Also, I use the $18.00 radio cover from cycle gadgets on my SkyFi for rain. It is not as waterproof as your box, but I have had it out in rain a few times and the radio was fine.

Low tech but VERY effective, a ziplock plastic bag over my XT with a mini-bungee. Same thing I use over my Passport. Yes I was surprised too about the heat generated by these little guys. Let me know if you want me to mod your 12v adapter to hardwire it.

Neil S.
Paul said:
The latest Roady going away has had quite a calming effect. 06/06/06 will be four weeks of no smoking for me so I get to channel 40 years of smoking energy into cussing the radio every time I walk by it, quite peaceful actually. The neighbor thinks I'm nuts but having something to yell at has been just great. Before when I would have problems with the radio I would just smoke a cigarette and calm down. Now I get to holler, yell, threaten the radio with it's very existence, and all much healthier than smoking. It's been great, I highly recommend it.

Well done Paul!! I smoked for forty myself, been quit for 4 plus. Life w/o is so much better.
Never ever go back. Quitting is hard but not quitting is harder
5+ Months use of my Roady XT on the ST and so far no problems. It gets moved between my bike, car and home systems failry often. It even got a little wet once before I could get pulled over and cover it with a baggie. I think the cradle design effectively addresses the plug jack issues in the earlier Roadys.
Update. The MyFi isn't toast. The battery pack was causing eratic operation. Go figure. XM just sent me a new battery 3 months ago because the original could explode. I put the old battery back in and it works just fine.
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