Rotor cleaning

Jan 22, 2021
Portage, MI
What do most members use to clean brake rotors.
Is there something that works well besides spray can brake cleaner ?
I have searched for info on internet and found everything from soap and water to vinegar.
Seems like alcohol or lacquer thinner would work, but would like to know what is best practice.

I use super clean, it's the only cleaner that I've seen that dissolves brake dust and grease.
The tires turn brown when I use it on them. Rinse them off and they are black again
Amazing in my eyes and I've tried everything.
What I want to know is if cleaning off contamination like an oil drip or a brake fluid spill can be done by wiping the disk with alcohol or some other cleaner to keep brake pads from getting contaminated also. What cleaner won't leave residue?
I was hoping to avoid using brake cleaner spray can.
What I want to know is if cleaning off contamination like an oil drip or a brake fluid spill can be done by wiping the disk
I was hoping to avoid using brake cleaner spray can.
I haven't bought brake clean in a spray can in 10 years.
I find its the best rip off going.
Buy a gallon jug of varsol, paint thinner or also known as mineral spirits.
You get 600% more for the same price.
Almost any degreasing solvent will work - and you don't have to spray the stuff on. If you have brake cleaner, spray some on your rag and wipe the rotor clean. If we are talking oil drips, I would do this twice for a little bit of contamination. If your forks leaked oil that got to the pad, then I would pull the pads and hit them with brake cleaner.

Backing up a bit, if you are talking about making the disks look new, then you are going to have to use @Whooshka 's scotchbrite and a solvent. Simple greeen is great stuff, cheap, and can be used for a lot of different cleaning problems.
an oil drip or a brake fluid spill
If that is all that you are trying to accomplish alcohol will work fine. It is less toxic to work with than mineral spirits and it evaporates instantly and leaves no residue. You will be able to use the remainder on many more surfaces than mineral spirits without concern for damaging them.
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