Self Reflection in the Shadow of Recent Events

One thing I believe is important... is to NOT look at it in terms of 'I need to loose xx lbs'...

Many times, if you loose xx lbs... you will feel like you are done and you can go back to your old ways.. then you gain it back and then some.

You need to look at things in terms of lifestyle changes... the word 'diet' has an implied 'temporary' association.. I'll 'diet' to loose so many lbs then I'll be OK... no.. you won't.

You need to do things like tell yourself no more fried foods, no more sugary drinks and start reading labels... It's amazing how many things have so much sugar in them.. people think fat is the enemy.. it's not.. sugar is the real enemy.. you need fat..

Everyone is different and has to approach things their own way because the same thing doesn't work for everyone.. a nice walk 1st thing in the morning or at night is not a bad start..

Actually, if you have a lot to loose, check with your doctor first as they may have a better recommendation on what you should focus on 1st.

Bottom line - you will need to adopt a healthy lifestyle.. read magazines that discuss healthy eating and exercise, don't use holidays and vacations for an excuse to 'go crazy'... when I was younger, I could sit down and eat a whole pizza.. you know how many calories are in a whole pizza? yeow...

With moderate exercise and keeping a close eye on your caloric intake and quality of food, the lbs will come off.. it will be slow but that's the best way unless you are in serious health.

I keep a food log every day, I count calories.. I try to stay in the 1700-2000 calories per day range and don't eat after 7pm. Also, I try to hit the treadmill for 1hr 3-4 times a week and maybe hit the bow flex machine 3-4 times a week as well... I don't try to force it.. If I don't feel like the treadmill then I'll do resistance exercises...

Not sure if that will help anyone, hope it will but most already know about what I said.
Good points Joe. I know that if I am to get healthier I need to change my way of life. Has to be a complete package.
Good points Joe. I know that if I am to get healthier I need to change my way of life. Has to be a complete package.

Yeah.. the key is to be as passionate about your health as you are motorcycling.. sounds absurd at first... but you should be more passionate about your health..

Interestingly, many of us will research motorcycles like a beagle going after a fox... but, cruise through the grocery store picking out what looks good without really looking at it... it's not easy.. old habits are hard to break.. I'm just as guilty.. I know I shouldn't have that pie... but I'm on vacation...
Wellll - Pie is food for the soul - at least with this group - I will still eat some pie now and again but need to strike a balance - You are right about the grocery store - Like a kid in a candy store I often cruise through and am absolutely amazed when I get to the check stand and see what I am bringing home. I have to cut it out, get with the program - I keep thinking about my son who is in the Air Force - Man, what dedication to keeping fit and eating well - I will use him for inspiration. Lord give me the will, please!!! I have never had the will to get this part of my life on track - I need the strength - Sombody give me a kick in the *** please.

I keep a food log every day, I count calories.. I try to stay in the 1700-2000 calories per day range and don't eat after 7pm.

If you (not you Joe, you everyone else) need some help with this, there's a good web site called Fat Secret that has some good tools for losing weight. They also have really nice apps for Android and the iPhone.

+1 to all that.

Isabel De Los Rios teaches exactly that in her program. Eliminate the sugar, especially refined sugar, eat healthy fat, don't stare yourself, etc. Like I said, what she had to say made a lot of sense to me .. I need to get back on the program.
Diets are too complicated.
My suggestions are, shop the outside aisles of the grocery store. That will be the produce, meats, breads and dairy in most stores. Stay away from most of the packaged junk on the interior aisles and walk or run or ride a bicycle at least 1 hour a day preferably 2 or more hrs/day.
You can eat some junk food every now and then, but don't get carried away. The key is being consistent. JMO.
Good luck to all!
ACL would very proud,,,, very proud I say,,, to see what a positive impact such a negative situation is having on you all.

He stated that if he is remembered for one thing, and that is MLR then this is OK.

He also would love to know that you guys have been inspired into action. You don't live to be 700. And did you see how quick the "Putt" 1st anniversary came around???

Well do it folks, and do it now. Start small and build up. And take Joe's advice just above, it's a recipe for a lot more Xmas's with your families than you might otherwise have.

:weights2: :weights1: :sbike1:------------>:hat4: ........................................ :wine2::beer8:------------>:spank1:
Joe is absolutely right. It's not a weight loss diet, it's a lifestyle change. I found out I was diabetic a few years ago and wasn't given much of a choice - change the way I eat, exercise, stress reduction, etc., period! I live alone, and that makes it much easier to eat a healthy, organic, vegetarian diet, but you wouldn't know it at an RTE. One thing I learned (as in stress reduction) is to not beat myself up when I go off my "diet", enjoy the occasional splurge (i.e. pie), but get right back on it. My "numbers" have been good for awhile now, and it's a lifestyle that works for me. I have bad knees and walking isn't always easy for me. But I live at the beach and have a swimming partner that loves the ocean as much as I do. We swim every other day, rain or shine. It's great exercise for the body and soul, and always puts a smile on both our faces. If you met me five years ago you'd have seen an extra 40 lbs, and a completely different wardrobe.

I'm willing to join Jeff and Dan, and anyone else interested in a healthy lifestyle. In my case the goal is to maintain the lifestyle, which can sometimes be even harder than dropping a few lbs. So, I'll meet you guys on a given date, maybe an RTE, so to speak, and we can share in our success with a big 'ol slice of pie!
I'm not in good enough shape to exercise.

Actually I'm doing OK - ;-)

Good advice on exercise above - start small and do something you enjoy --- every morning I'm out with Tucker the Golden Retriever. We started with short easy walks - now we go for an hour or more of hiking though the bush - often twice a day.

We're both happier and healthier for it. `Sure like to get trimmer & firmer tho'.
Being told you are diabetic or near diabetic should be a lifestyle changing event. Books like "The GI diet" give you insight into the glycemic index of foods, and you learn to eat more whole foods or whole grain foods that take longer to digest. Easiest example is oatmeal for breakfast, and not the instant or minute oats kind.
Most foods are converted to glucose, which is the fuel of the body. Managing that is the key. You learn you should eat several times a day, including a healthy snack in the evening to help your glucose from not going too high at night. And for losing weight, 3600 calories is a pound, so 500 calories less a day and you'll lose a pound every week. A very sensible way to do it along with your new lifestyle change.
This will benefit all non-diabetics too, and all you have to do is want to make a change. It's really not that difficult once you get into it.
Everyone should excercise to have the glucose stored in your blood cells have some exchange, not to mention other benefits. A half hour walk can drop the glucose reading a couple of points. Make it brisker by picking up the pace and swinging your arms, and your circulation should improve. It's all good.
Guy, I hope that Mike makes a complete recovery and that your two families share many years of comraderie.
Godspeed to Mike.

He has recovered and doing well. He is on various meds, and eating different. Ok so we ate cheeseburgers and fries growing up. His family history had no sign of heart diesease, both his parents are in their 80s. His heart was not damaged, just couldn't get any blood.

Prior to this episode he complained of being tired alot, and just not feeling well generally, but no chest pains till the incident.

He was saved because he knew the signs, and lived only 2 minutes from the hospital. I thought about all the remote places I have camped in my travels, and if such happened to me, to the extent he was blocked, probably not gonna make it. Just too far and too long to get definitive care, but I won't let that stop me from what I do.

Prior to this, I just never imagined not having Mike around. I'd be lost without him, so much history and life between us. Like Terry, he is at the peak of his life, we both are, and sharing that has been very fullfilling.

I told him recently, "man its more fun now then when were teenagers,"

We recently spent a few days at the beach with him, the ladies were walking down to the beach to lay in the sun, and Debbie asked me, "Y'all goin with us or stayin here to watch football?"

"I dunno lemme see what Mike wants to do, hey you wanna go down to the beach?"


"Why not? Great day for it"

"I know but I don't need another heart attack"

"why ya say that?"

"Have you looked down there and seen all those young girls in bikinis?"


"So I better stay right here and watch the ballgames, safer that way"
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