Shipping out of boston!

they glow under a , what I meant to say was black light,. I was at my sons house in vegas and some will get very agressive. Took care of them with a paintball gun, fun.
Wow, sweetie, you're right.
There ARE weird splotches on the kitchen tile! I honestly have NO idea how they got there.
And they're different colors, too.
Isn't that strange? What do you think happened?
Wow, sweetie, you're right.
There ARE weird splotches on the kitchen tile! I honestly have NO idea how they got there.
And they're different colors, too.
Isn't that strange? What do you think happened?
He's got Palm trees and the bark scorpions like Palm trees. It's funny the first time he saw a scorpion in his garage, he was gathering his hockey stuff for a game while talking on the phone with my wife and I. Scared the bajeebers out of him so he grabbed his hockey stick and wacked it. Then it went after him. He finally broke it in half while semi-hysterical. It was a big one. My wife and I listening to this going down were rolling on the floor laughing.
I was sooo sixk yesterday. My back hurt so bad i could hardley get over the saddle. I had to b sun or heat sick. What really sucked was that if i stayed at the camp, the sun would have cooked me. So, i rode about 300 mi to toolele ut. This was easily the worst day ive ever had on a bike.
got some sleep and woke up to breakfast with the ladies!
going very gentle today. My only goal is getting past salt lake city, which is about 40 mi.
i have about 12 days before im expected in colorado and am wondering where i want to go.

im thinking yellowstone for a couple of days and on to north co, with a dash of utah thrown in
Amazing you managed 300 miles with such a sore back, that is a feat onto itself. Hope you just take it easy riding today, but stay away from Salt Lake City traffic if you are just going through. Hope you drink lots and maybe take an iboprofin or similar.
If you get east of Yellowstone, Alt14 outside Cody was a fun road.
US212 from East Yellowstone to Red Lodge is a classic must-do ride.

If you need more persuasion:

The section of Highway 212 between Cooke City and Red Lodge is known as the Beartooth Highway. Rising to an elevation of 10,974 feet (3,345 m) above sea level at Beartooth Pass, the highway traces the historical route of Civil War General Philip Sheridan over the Beartooth Mountains. In his book Dateline America published in 1979, the late CBS correspondent Charles Kuralt referred to the highway as "the most beautiful drive in America."[1]
US212 from East Yellowstone to Red Lodge is a classic must-do ride.

If you need more persuasion:

The section of Highway 212 between Cooke City and Red Lodge is known as the Beartooth Highway. Rising to an elevation of 10,974 feet (3,345 m) above sea level at Beartooth Pass, the highway traces the historical route of Civil War General Philip Sheridan over the Beartooth Mountains. In his book Dateline America published in 1979, the late CBS correspondent Charles Kuralt referred to the highway as "the most beautiful drive in America."[1]
Im gonna keep this one!
Oh yea! Off the interstate, which wasnt all bad, and back into the sticks! Should be in the Tetons today and an early arrival to yellowstone the next day. Ill b on rt89 all the way, which looks woody and well away from any city.
80 still had its nice views, like the miles of salt desert and spectacular mountains to look at, but the staties are the way to go.
paid $33 for a koa tonight so i could get a hot shower and do my laundry. I smell much, much better now!
its 3:00 am and im raring to go. Sunup is sooo far away!
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Amazing you managed 300 miles with such a sore back, that is a feat onto itself. Hope you just take it easy riding today, but stay away from Salt Lake City traffic if you are just going through. Hope you drink lots and maybe take an iboprofin or similar.
I did all of the above and more. And, yea, it truly sucked. If i stayed at that camp i would have had no food or shelter from the sun, so i had to leave. It sure was pretty there tho! Thanks. I pretty much learned how to ride again in bostons traffic, so, even if i dont like the traffic, im ok in it. I match the speed of cars in the city.
US212 from East Yellowstone to Red Lodge is a classic must-do ride.

If you need more persuasion:

The section of Highway 212 between Cooke City and Red Lodge is known as the Beartooth Highway. Rising to an elevation of 10,974 feet (3,345 m) above sea level at Beartooth Pass, the highway traces the historical route of Civil War General Philip Sheridan over the Beartooth Mountains. In his book Dateline America published in 1979, the late CBS correspondent Charles Kuralt referred to the highway as "the most beautiful drive in America."[1]
I took a long look at my paper map, which has become a essential piece of equipment, and see bear-tooth is a major ride! U bet ill b there. Told my kids id be in pagosa springs co on the 10th, but i might fudge that a bit. Seems this tour is mostly about the northwest, which i had not planned at all.
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