SOTGATT? ST1300 Business I-85 Spartanburg 6.18.10

Dec 8, 2004
Greenville, SC
To each his own and his risk factor, but this one I don't get. Yesterday at lunch, on my RT leaving lunch, I was leaving the parking lot of the restaurant and noticed a Red ST1300 (05, 08, 09?) zooming up Business I-85 heading north, at a pretty decent clip. He didn't see me, but I saw him because of the high viz reflector vest he was wearing. Good choice, safety minded and all that. But then I noticed that he was not wearing a helmet. Now, it was rather hot yesterday, but I imagine not wearing a helmet was NOT going to make much difference in 95 degree weather. So I guess I am saying that, while I get the freedom of choice angle of the helmet debate and how we all go up and down the pros and cons of that issue, what really stood out was that he obviously has safety on the brain with the visibility of the the Hi-Viz vest, but it apparently stopped there with the desire to ride at 80 mph+ without a helmet. SO...

Some Of The Gear All The Time?

Just an observation and insight into how I view motorcycling.
Somewhat the equivalent of the cruiser riders with leather chaps, leather coat, leather gloves (minus the fingers of course) and a thin piece of cotton on their head.:roll:
But, I wonder if the leather is because of being safety-minded, or fashion conscious?

Chart showing percentage of damage to post-crash helmets studied

Everytime I ride I try to remember that the physics (cage-v-cycle) are against me, so ATGATT only makes sense when you consider the numbers. However, there are exceptions...

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