ST Valve Inspection video


Accidents HURT! Safety doesn't
May 23, 2007
Troy, Ohio
2007 ST1300
Has anyone made or seen a ST1100/1300 valve inspection video? I know it takes some time to do the inspection/adjustment but maybe a video could be edited to cover the important stuff and be less than 10 minutes long (youtube limit). Or maybe be a broken up in parts I guess.

Just an idea that I'm sure someone has thought of by now. ;)

I'm a visual kind of guy (like most guys) and a video would definitely help me become more confident in doing my own inspections/adjustments.
big thanks for this link!...this video series easily can become one of my favorite views...super big thanks to guys who did the video!:):bow1::bow1::03biker:...i think i can do this!...well, maybe!
Be sure to read the errata info about the video at the URL below the video window.

My oft repeated tip: measure in thousandths of an inch instead of millimeters... use one Honda shim size per thousandth of an inch desired clearance change. No fancy math or spreadsheet needed.
[Honda shim size increments are .025mm and .001" = .0254mm, more than 'close enough.']

edit: The Honda shim list with part numbers is posted here on ST-O somewheres...

Regards, John
Be sure to read the errata info about the video at the URL below the video window.

My oft repeated tip: measure in thousandths of an inch instead of millimeters... use one Honda shim size per thousandth of an inch desired clearance change. No fancy math or spreadsheet needed.
[Honda shim size increments are .025mm and .001" = .0254mm, more than 'close enough.']

edit: The Honda shim list with part numbers is posted here on ST-O somewheres...

Regards, John

Thanks John, I heard them mention your name in the video. Well at least I think it was you. They said John O. ;) Cudos to you and the guys for helping make the video and errata.
The video, which I watched in its entirety, helped remove some of the mystery from a valve clearance job, and at the same time helped me more fully understand why my dealer charges so much for that service. I respect those riders who are able to perform their own service work, especially those jobs which (based on the video) should not be performed by non-mechanically gifted riders like me. I learned much from the video and from this thread, and I thank those who participated in the discussion.
N.B. - please read the errata info below the video.

And measure in inches, not metric (post #5 above).
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I came across an interesting image on a VFR owners forum, showing camshaft removal with the cam chain still sitting on the sprockets:
Of note are the cable ties tying the chain to the sprockets. I found the process of cam removal/replacement to be very easy on my ST1100 and gear-drive VFR, and more of a challenge on my VTR1000F which is chain driven. I worry that I will make a timing error and cause some damage, so figured out a way of keeping the sprockets on the chain (cable ties) with a small tension to keep the chain on the crank, and unbolting the sprockets from the cams to release the latter, which worked well.

The image above shows this taken to the next level where just the chain tension is slackened and the cam saddles rmoved. This actually seems like something that might also work well on a 1300, has anyone done it this way?
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