Article [13] ST1300 - Mounting 2008 side panels

A few people have emailed me recently wanting to know how I finished the mounting of the 08 side panels on my 05 ST1300. Sorry I couldn?t post earlier as I have been very busy with work.
Here is an explanation and some pictures of how I made mounting plates for the 08 panels. I will note here that I eliminated the use of one mounting post on each side and basically have a 3 point mounting arrangement for both. All of the brackets are custom fit, so dimensions probably won?t do much good. All of the rubber grommets I bought from the auto parts store, they have a ?? ID and are made to be mounted in 1/16? sheet.

The right side is the easiest side; I used the front mounting screw for the battery support on the backside of the aluminum side support. The right side was made from 1/16 steel sheet metal with a ?? rubber grommet mounted and a slot cut for the bolt. Loosen the 2 bolts and slip it between the support and the battery mount front screw.

Make sure the grommet aligns with the post on the new cover and you are done on the right.


The left side brackets were made from ?? aluminum angle 1/16? thick and cut about 1? long.

The left side bottom bracket was bolted to the side support, I drilled and tapped a 10-32 hole for the screw. This has a ?? grommet mounted on it for the post on the new cover.

The left side top bracket was mounted to the relay mounting jacket and has a ?? hole in it for the expansion fastener shown.

Make sure the grommet aligns with the front post on the new cover and this side is done.

Without buying all the replacement parts, this seems to be the next best solution. I have fitted 2 ST1300?s so far and this method works well.
I hope this helps some of you that are considering these side covers.
Re: Mounting 2008 side panels

I just finished mounting the 08 sidecovers on my 07 this evening. I would like to thank Dave "Highrider" for his nice instructions on mounting the sidecovers. Because he spent the time to "invent" the mounting and was gracious to document, I saved a bunch of my own time and hey, it was FREE. Once again, Kudos to Joe for hosting a website where we can share these ideas and save others all sorts of headaches. Good show to both of you!!!

:bow1: :headbang: :yr1: :woo :wave1: :hat1: :bannana :clap2: :yes: :hotpepper
Re: Mounting 2008 side panels

I have had an 03, 05, and now an 08 ST1300 and if there is a difference in the FI system, it is so subtle that I can't tell the difference. Interesting that Honda evidently made some changes and yet didn't expand on that in their advertising or press releases on the new model. Perhaps they didn't want to admit that there was a problem with the original FI?
Re: Mounting 2008 side panels

I have had an 03, 05, and now an 08 ST1300 and if there is a difference in the FI system, it is so subtle that I can't tell the difference. Interesting that Honda evidently made some changes and yet didn't expand on that in their advertising or press releases on the new model. Perhaps they didn't want to admit that there was a problem with the original FI?

So how's the heat on the 08 compared to earlier years?
Re: Mounting 2008 side panels

So how's the heat on the 08 compared to earlier years?

If I closed my eyes, I wouldn't be able to tell if I was on an '03 or and '08.

I haven't noticed any difference in how the bike runs, how hot it is or anything. Of course, I was on the wing for 3 years so my memory of the '03 has faded somewhat.
Re: Mounting 2008 side panels

So how's the heat on the 08 compared to earlier years?

I got it in Feb and took one trip to Texas in April. It was warm there, but not hot. Other than the TX trip, I haven't ridden it in very warm weather, so I can's say much about the heat as yet. Back here in IL, it is now pretty warm, but I just got a 08 KLR650 and I have been riding it. I'll have to get on the ST now that it is warm and put some decent miles on it and see how it does.
Re: Mounting 2008 side panels

Would JB Weld, or a similar product work, to attach the brackets?
Re: Mounting 2008 side panels

Would JB Weld, or a similar product work, to attach the brackets?

I wouldn't. It might work but my experience is that anytime you JB weld two smooth surfaces, the bond will quickly fail. Plus tapping a hole is much cleaner looking. If you have gone to the trouble of fabricating the small brackets, tapping one hole in aluminum and drilling another hole in plastic is trivial.
Re: Mounting 2008 side panels

Dave and for those that have done this.....

I haven't looked at this...but how did you get the drill bit inside the frame to drill the left hand hole to tap.

Re: Mounting 2008 side panels


I didn't have any issues getting almost a perfect right angle for the hole. The drill will touch the frame but no problem for me.

Onicabbit (whatever that is :) ), I would not use glue, bailing wire, duct tape, hot waxes, epoxys, double stick foam, etc etc. If you can drill a hole, you can tap a hole, and making little brackets is simply a matter of robbing your junk bin. I think it would be too frustrating to be trying to figure out a way to make the "easy way" work good enough here anyway.
Re: Mounting 2008 side panels

Adam, if you thought of the same thing I did, be very very afraid! :22yikes:

I'm scared.....................:D Actually, I'm not sure what velcro I used. Gotta check. I'll get back to you as to whether the fear is justified. :D
Re: Mounting 2008 side panels

Trust me to first go and buy the covers, spend a lot of time and effort, look at the fishes on the net as to how the originals mount, take photos of a new bike standing on the dealers floor to see where the mounting brakets were (and were not in my case) and to take the long way round, by dissassembling the foot peg mounting arm and drilling and tapping and making up brackets etc, when i could have just read this article first.....:rolleyes::eek::
Re: Mounting 2008 side panels

I did mine but detoured a little.
On the right side, it took a lot of reading and re-reading and after I finally understood how he mounted it, I made this.

Then, I made a bracket for the left side and Also glued some ABS to the rubber flap for the front left side. You can reach down inside the left side cover and push the front section into the rubber flap, then push the rear one in and it's done.

30 minutes? Nope, several hours but it's done and road tested.


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Re: ST1300-Mounting 2008 side panels

I have fitted these to my 06 pan using small self taping screws ..been on my bike for about 3 years ..did think about making small aluminum brackets but it was to fiddly i decided to use small screws when you remove the side panels they come too EASY
To All,

Thanks for all the great information on this transformation. I just completed it on my 2006 and I have to say, it makes the bike look much beter.

Thanks for all the notes and comments.
First genuine Honda parts I encounter that aren't insanely expensive! And certainly a very nice addition to any pre-2008 ST1300. Just ordered a set for my 2007!
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