suprdav Needs Our Thoughts And Prayers

I just got off the phone with Dave's friend Al. He said Dave made it through surgery alright. They were able to remove the tumor. He will be in ICU for a few days. We won't know much more for several days. Please keep Dave and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
Thanks for the update Keith. Glad to know that they were able to remove the tumor, and that the surgery was successful. My prayer is that Dave heal quickly and completely. Keep us posted. I want to hear the word BENIGN.
I got a text from Dave this morning. He said he was moved out of ICU into a regular room. He will probably go home on Tuesday. That's great news for sure!

If you don't know Dave, you should come to ArkanSTOC sometime and meet him.....he's one of the good ones.

Heal well.
Thanks Mike & Keith, Great news about Dave. Sounds like he's doing well.
Pray that the Pathology report is positive news also.
Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers. Brain surgery ain't what I expected. I thought I was having a stroke last Wed. morning, but it turned out to be a seizure. I have a walnut size tumor in the right side of my brain. They took enough to biopsy and I will find out the results of that this Mon. My speech is slurred but getting better, my motor skills are out of whack, esp. typing and writing. Just 2 days before this happened, I gave my 2 wk notice at work hoping to retire and move on to another career path. That was my plan. I asked my boss yesterday if I could withdraw my resignation and he said "what resignation". They are working with me so that when I return to work my duties will match my abilities as much as possible.
I don't know how many of you have had a similar experience with head trauma or tumors, but any input would be appreciated. Oh and my plan, I told God about it and He just LAUGHED.
Merry Christmas to all, this forum and the people who make it happen are the best.
Ride Well
Good to see you on here Dave. We are all pulling for a positive report on the biopsy!
Great to read your words Dave. Hope your healing continues and you are able to retire and do the things you were looking forward to doing. Keith and I are probably going to drop in on you sometime so you better get well soon :D

Take care,
I echo the rest... really glad to see you're up and around a bit. I pray that the tumor is benign and you have a full recovery.
Hey Y'all,
I went to the DR today to get the staples out of my head and get pathology results. Staples out OK pathology results not OK. The tumor is malignant, but the treatment is not that bad. Oral chemo and 30 radiation treatments. I should start treatments sometime in early Jan. I can't drive for 6 mos. due to AL. law relating to seizures so If I go back to work the wife will be on the road a lot. The radiation oncologist says that due to my age and overall good health I can beat this. At 63 I am fairly young for this type of tumor. Don't dig the hole just yet.
Thanks to all for the thoughts and prayers
Ride Well
Well I will continue to pray for a full recovery for you Dave.
I sure have enjoyed getting to know you and Al the last several years. And I hope that we can ride together again sooner than later. Take care of yourself for now and look for Bug Dr. and I in May. We will be in Florida then. You and Al are just a short ride from where we will be.
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