The Science Of Being Seen...


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Dec 4, 2012
Vienna, AuSTria
ST1100Y, ST1100R
Nice read, but IMHO have they omitted those "ignorant egocentrics" who are purposely trying to run you over...

I remember a study from way back which determined that drivers scanned intersections for the chrome bumpers of the era.
Studies aside, one thing everyone knows, at some level, but might not actively apply to their riding is this;
If your shadow is pointing towards a car, the sun is in that driver's eyes.
Good article I thought thanks for the read.

"I felt that the best SMIDSY defence was to be on the lookout for it and be ready to take evasive action: not to rely on someone else seeing me in the first place.”

Don't know what SMIDSY means but I quoted this line in the article as it jumped out at me [get it, jumped out at me... it's 4 am, the jokes, the jokes...] in particular after my outing yesterday, and I liked the theme of "give your head a shake - frequently and move around the bike" which I know for me is a particularly good reminder, keeps my bee bee rolling in the pachinko machine, especially with that windshield up.

One thing that I thought of was the suggestion [?] of focusing on the traffic signals.

IMHO and only my own experience as both a service van and relatively inexperienced completely untrained motorcycle driver, there's a big difference in the significance of traffic light status; when I'm on the bike, they're watching the light waiting for their opportunity to lurch.

By then I'm already done with the light I don't care what it does, I'm watching them, and not their faces either, that's because they don't know what they're gonna do next, and I can't see their feet through the windshield.

Overall my sense is don't get too jammed in on the light, or whether or not they actually can see me, I'm pretty sure they're prepared to kill me whether they're laughing, crying, screaming, looking at their phone, arguing with their spouse, staring into space, staring right at me or just playing Donkey Kong - but the monitor is so close to the windshield that it felt like we were making a meaningful connection. It's kind of like a box of chocolates.
Interesting that 'ole Kevin did not cite the study about focusing and expectations. This is the one of a basketball game in which someone dressed in a gorilla suit walks across the court mid game. Many of the viewers never saw the gorilla because they were focusing on the game and never expected anything other than a basketball game. Drivers don't see you because they might be thinking about their kid at school and have no reason to believe a bike will be driving toward them at the intersection.
Curious that he does not put much faith in Hi-Vis clothing. I have for quite a while been skeptical about its effectiveness, simply because it has become so ubiquitous. When it was a rarity, it really stood out and was really noticeable. Now that it is every where being worn by everyone, not just bikers, I have long believed that people do not notice it as much as it has just become background noise amongst all of the other clutter.
Curious that he does not put much faith in Hi-Vis clothing.
Look at my avatar to see that high-viz simply wouldn't even show/stand out while on the bike...
Hell, I even almost get run over on regular bases when using my escort ST...


... they simply don't process, choose to ignore/believe they're superior ...

Sure, attentive riding, evasive maneuvers, loud horns (and a few kicked car doors for the really stubborn ones) do teach some, but you can't change the people out there, you can only adjust accordingly... Darvin and that... ;)
If your shadow is pointing towards a car, the sun is in that driver's eyes.
I learned this a long time ago and always turn my car's headlights on when I see its shadow. Preferable to parking the car for another two weeks.

I knew someone who commented about daytime running lights being "so you can see stupid people coming". My reaction was that stupid people could see you coming.

But I think we know as all riders should that every driver of a four-wheel vehicle gets up every morning reciting the mantra "Today I'm gonna kill a motorcyclist" because really - that's what they do. We know that because – they're not riding.
Curious that he does not put much faith in Hi-Vis clothing. I have for quite a while been skeptical about its effectiveness, simply because it has become so ubiquitous. When it was a rarity, it really stood out and was really noticeable. Now that it is every where being worn by everyone, not just bikers, I have long believed that people do not notice it as much as it has just become background noise amongst all of the other clutter.
I think the same has begun to apply to lights. There are so many configurations of headlights now, everyone has become nonplussed.
I might have missed it, but I didn’t see any mention of headlight modulators. I believe they do make a difference. But there have been folks that didn’t see trains, fire engines, or 18 wheelers.

The problem with the loud mufflers is no one hears them until they've passed [sometimes, unfortunately, literally], but I like the deer whistle idea, I'll have to remember to take that out of my pocket with my gloves on and jam it into my helmet slot the next time I see a deer while I'm driving down the highway.
I don't have too many problems with other vehicles, but I was out this morning at 5:00 in the dark, in the rain, and it's the critters that give me the piss shivers.
The problem with the loud mufflers is no one hears them until they've passed [sometimes, unfortunately, literally], but I like the deer whistle idea, I'll have to remember to take that out of my pocket with my gloves on and jam it into my helmet slot the next time I see a deer while I'm driving down the highway.
I don't have too many problems with other vehicles, but I was out this morning at 5:00 in the dark, in the rain, and it's the critters that give me the piss shivers.

We wouldnt even need the deer whistles if the deer would just use the dedicated crossings, where we could depend on and slow down for them, like school zones... ;)
We wouldnt even need the deer whistles if the deer would just use the dedicated crossings, where we could depend on and slow down for them, like school zones... ;)

I was on a lonely wooded stretch of GA-136 yesterday when a buck ran out of the woods ahead of me and stopped at the edge of the road. I honked and he ran back into the woods. If only all forest rats were so well behaved!
One's opinion about the worth of others is usually reflected in the way they drive. Then there are the ignorant, who don't seem to care about themselves either.
Another type of driver I have noticed in increasing numbers over the years are the ones that are afraid to be out there. Kinda concerning:confused:
I can testify that deer whistles DO NOT WORK! A few years ago driving through West (By God) Virginia, there were a lot of deer alongside the interstate and also in the median at times. None of those deer came toward my bike for a photo op! Deer Whistles Dont Work!
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