Thursday May 9th Café.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
Pffffffftttttt. No coffee. I'll put the French Roast on and the Vanilla Brioche is going in the oven. That's better.
The weather should be good, yesterday we saw 68 and dry and today should be similar. Hoorah.
We've got chiropody appointments this morning at Berwick-upon-the-Tweed and that will be followed by lunch and food/brandy shopping. A man can't live on food alone.
Yesterday included the first ride of the year, The B was magnificent and the brake fluid changes and engine bar debuzzing were all good.
Av a gud un out there and remember, it's only Thursday.
Yesterday at North Berwick on The Firth of Forth. Blummin lovely.
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Good Morning All!
Happy Thursday coffee and wakeys, Ray. Mucho appreciados.

Woke up this lovely morning to Mr Storm loudly rumbling thru the village, dumping a few buckets of rain.
As predicted, that's the thing for today. Rain in various stages and volumes.
Hmmm, I wonder what's happening in the shop?

Yesterday's heat and humidity reminded me how much I don't like it.
Working outside most of the day had me longing for March - ugh.
A long, hot summer is just - getting - started.

That's good motorcycle news, Ray - and reminds me to check the records on my bikes. They probably need a brake fluid change as well.
Nothing like gooey brake fluid eh? Hey! That's something one can do on a rainy day.

Nothing to see here on this rainy day - move along, move along...

Y'all have a wonderrfill day!

Avoid this!

Always proof read, always proof read, always proof read, nothing to see here.
Sorry @ST1100Gold .
I will be denied entry at the border next time.

We'll let you off ... ... Firth of Forth / Forth of Firth ... either way you were headed for God's country and trying to leave Englandshire :)
Hope you enjoyed the scenery, looked to be reasonable weather as well
Thx Ray!
North Berwick looks nice without rain!

It’s Ascension day over here, and it’s a public holiday.
It’s raining, of coarse it is. 10˚c/50f, calm.
No biking.

My garage work is on hold til tomorrow.
Yesterday I took the remnants of the wall, insulation and lots of shite to the recycling station.
Picked up 160 meters of spruce planks on the return, and finished about half the wall.
Have to move the outlets 40mm before I continue.

Joke of the day

Have a good one!

Water from the melted snow on my car, leaked under the dry wall and the the insulation sucked it up…..

And it’s all gone…..I sprayed chloride on the frame to kill anything live before hanging up the panels.
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Ray.

Glad you had a good ride yesterday. It's good for the soul as you know.

8C and rainy for the ride into work, and will remain rainy and 8 all day. Today's a bit of a long one at about 13 hours. Wonder who's cereal I whizzed in?

Today's random sentence from the generator: It isn't true that my mattress is made of cotton candy.

Hope everyone has a sweet day, regardless of what they do.
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the coffee Ray, and for the vanilla brioche too.

It's 64°F and cloudy in Rockville, where we expect scattered light rain showers starting around 1700 hours. The high will be around 69 Fahrenheits- quite a difference from yesterday where we captured 86 or 87 of the little buggers. Some must have gotten away overnight. Oh well, they'll be back, I'm sure of that. And they'll be bringing friends and relatives.

Golf was fun despite a decidedly "meh" sort of result, but the scotch drinking afterward was great. There were just three of us, but we've known one another for several years and all get on quite well together so it was an easy social evening.

I've gotten an email from the Honda stealership that work's been completed on my CR-V but the service advisor hasn't called yet (probably doesn't start doing that until the morning drop-off rush is over and it's a generally "decent" hour to call people) so I anticipate getting it back today at no cost to me. I may authorize a belt change while they have it- the belt is OEM and if I have a credit from the previous (failed) dash warning light repair I may just plow that into this maintenance item.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Morning, everyone. Thanks for the coffee, Ray. It’ll be needed this morning.

Currently 63 and cloudy. High of 85 with afternoon clearing.

Im glad yesterday is over. Torrential rains brought with it, an EF-3 tornado, that spooled up over north Columbia and traveled NE for about 20 miles, missing me by about 5 miles. Latest reports indicate one fatality, 5 others were transported to local hospital. Several homes lost and countless trees down.

Avoid this!


Definitely avoid this.


Good morning all, and thanks for doing the coffee and brioche duty, once again! Beautiful shot of North Berwick - brings back memories. :)

After yesterday's gloomy soaking, it looks like it's going to be a pretty nice day today: 10°C/50°F right now, 16°C/61°F later, mix of sun and clouds all day, though probably more sun than cloud. I'll take it.

@Nashcat: Dayum, I'm sure glad it missed you! I feel for the people it/they didn't miss, though! I saw some reports of the storm watches and twisters all over the southeast - looked pretty bad. Oklahoma seems to have been hit very hard indeed. I hope there will be no more of that! :(

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely, and cheers, @ST1100Gold! :birthday:

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee, Ray.

It's partly cloudy and 52, rising to 67, later.
There's a slight chance of a rain shower, and the wind will be 10-15mph.

Yesterday was interesting...
Gym... Check
Audiologist went well. I showed up and brought the results of my previous check, and was met with "Oh!" I had another test, where she verified that the previous results are correct. I have a set of VA hearing aids on order, and I'll pick them up in a few weeks. I need to have my PCP sign off on my ENT health, so I emailed him a form, via their health portal.

Yesterday was Town Meeting, where we conduct the town's business. It's twice a year, and this on was mostly to approve the town budget.
The school committee chair objected to the school budget, and the night devolved from there.
There were several amendments to the budget, first to increase the school budget by $500k, and then to find a way to fund the increase.
The characters who stepped up to the mic to speak for/against each of the proposals!
IMHO, the town moderator did a poor job of keeping discussion on-track, and several people with agendas took shots at the Town Manager, before that crap was shot down.
How we still have a Town Manager escapes me...
We started at 7:00pm, and I got back to the house at 12:30am.

Today, I'll hit the gym, and maybe borrow the neighbor's dog for a walk.

Enjoy the (non-town-meeting) day,
Storms! The worst of it bypassed The CattHouse but many areas across the plains and central states hit hard. Rain chances are still 40% here today pleasant Temps. I'll mow later if it dries up. I could have bailed after mowing last week; not so bad this week.

Thanks, Ray. Hot Folgers here. I'm not a coffee snob but there's always a pot available here.

Dedication of the Terry Hammond Memorial Bench at Moonshine Store was well attended. Next up for me, maybe Ferry STOC. No commitment yet as life issues may preclude travel.

As always, CAREFUL ON THE ROAD!!!!
Morning Ray and the lot of you ducks. We still have a tornado watch (not a warning), and got no rain or storms last night. Glad to share your coffee.

However, I did get wakened from sound and solid slumbers at 11:30 last night with a phone call from my friends at the South Carolina contracting company, telling me a northern burger place was down because a switch had powered off or failed.

The network ops center contracted by Whichaburger is in India, and the NOC assigned a Priority 1 to request I get there and troubleshoot, or replace the switch if necessary. I confirmed the problem was ongoing, with a couple of phone calls, and respectfully declined the assignment, which I almost never do.

With the 2hr drive, a normal work day at my real job, along with the tornado watch in the area, I thought "Nah, I'll pass on this one." I'll go after work today if there is still a problem.

Fortunately for me, I haven't kept hamsters or gerbils since I was a kid, so I was able to resume my restful repose in short order.

With more rain scheduled for today and overnight into tomorrow (although they have missed the forecast all week and we've had no rain), I only managed to get in one 30-mile errand yesterday. But we'll take the car again today.

I'll mosey on to walk Kaiser and get to work, and hope y'all don't get too wet or windblown.

I'll leave you with some words of wisdom from the ever-effusive Dolly Parton.

"Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life."
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Morning all! 8C and clear with sun and 20C later.

I'm hoping to pick the bike up from the shop later today, it will depend upon when I can get out of work. Good motivation to put my head down and get at it.

The pup managed to get his cone off yesterday so I was forced to Red Green it and add a little duct tape to reinforce the tabs, then zip tie it to his collar. He was less impressed with my redneck engineering.

Hope everyone has a great day and just zips along whatever you may be doing!
good morning all. thanks for the coffee Ray. 56F on the dog walk with a clear sky but only a handful of stars. but still a nice walk. I got to ride the ST up to the gym yesterday so we both got to exercise. will have to see what the day brings or the wife once she is up and moving. the high should hit 89F. enjoy the day

stay safe
Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Ray!

RE: yesterdays later posts.
We have had several pickers in and more wanting to glean through. I’ve added to the family funds, but in my opinion they are helping themselves more than anyone. Honesty wasn’t too prevalent from what I could see!
A cloudy day here 58F with a high of only 61!
An ENE breeze will keep the extremities hidden today!

Enjoy your Thursday!

Mmmmmmm. FR and goodies.
Thanks Ray.

Sunny and bright this morning. Going to 79 today...Yahoo.

Today should be last day on fence. I have my expert helper today..... She is leaving to visit her mom tomorrow, so we need to finish today. I am excited to have it done. Then a whole 5 day weekend.

Wait....I have 7 day weekends now....... Let me rephrase.......I have 5 days where I have to do everything..... Make my own food, feed the animals, make the bed, clean up after myself . Somehow this 5 day weekend isn't sounding so good anymore.

Go have a Friday eve,
Morning Ray & All, from sunny, but cool, Southern Utah!

Currently it is 42F, up from 28F (it wasn't suppose to get that cold), and heading for 58F. The winds are already kicking up from the NE @ 9mph and later, from the NNE @ 13 to 18mph. From what they are telling us, Northern Utah is going to get slammed with the winds!

I saw my neighbor yesterday and have an update to the ST1100, he picked up in SoCal:

It is a 1996! :thumb:

I was just talking with my neighbor, he got home early this afternoon. And he parked it in the garage of the house next door to him (his son is moving in come late June)

He was wondering if we could get it running, we could sell it and split the profit. (that would be selling price, minus any thing I would have to put in it.)

So, Unless I want to pay him half of it's worth (after getting it running), I won't be keeping it.

One other catch.... there's always a catch.... The bike is in Probate, so I doubt if I'm going to touch it until my neighbor has the title in hand. :rolleyes:

If I don't get it running, we'll be selling it as a whole bike. I won't be parting it out.

With more block here, I might have to move some of it to the front today, we'll see.

I made some hot cereal and toast this morning, we washed it down with OJ. Pepsi will come later!

Anyone :bl13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
Im glad yesterday is over. Torrential rains brought with it, an EF-3 tornado, that spooled up over north Columbia and traveled NE for about 20 miles, missing me by about 5 miles. Latest reports indicate one fatality, 5 others were transported to local hospital. Several homes lost and countless trees down.

I’m also glad you weren’t in the path of that!
I’m feeling bad for those that were!
Mother Nature at her worst!
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