Today's the day

Mar 10, 2005
Staten Island, New York
Going under the knife today for a total shoulder replacement. Need to get rid of this pain so I can GO RIDE come springtime - with no pain.

Wish me well boys and girls.
Luck and prayers going to you Tony.

Here's to a successful op and quick recovery!
(remember healing is great; but, PT gets you use of the shoulder!)

All the best to you Tony!!! and +1 on what Mark said about PT..
Good luck I'm sure it will go fine.
Do your PT. The more you put into it the closer to 100% you get. Let them tell you you're pushing it, don't go thru the motions.
Did I mention do your PT!

"Pain is weakness leaving your body"
Oh wow, Tony!! Sending good thoughts and best wishes to you for success and a quick recovery.

+1 on what Carl said - be a good boy and do your PT!!

All the best!

Very good luck to you with your surgery.

What everyone said about PT - it's going to hurt.a.lot. :( Do it anyway.

Ooooo.......are they gonna give you the full titanium/steel like the one the Terminator had where you'll be able to lift and destroy parked cars with a single flex?? If so, will you suddenly be filled with the impulse to say "I'll be back" whenever you leave? Or perhaps you're just going the Six Million Dollar Man route......subtle but efficient. I say you get a chrome one with a little glass portal to show it off......the Harley guys won't have nothing on ride an ST........go carbon fiber..................sorry, I had my caffeine this morning. Best wishes my friend. I think you'll do fine. :D
Seems to me you've already got luck! Congrats on getting it replaced! Hope to see you riding in the new year!:)
Good luck with the procedure. Hope it all turns out well and you're good to go (and go, and go) next spring.

thanks for all the well wishes. surgery went well, back at home. immobile for 2 weeks (except for light stretching), then comes the heavy PT. My surgeon is the team physician for the NY Rangers. in his words PT will not be namby pamby.

long road ahead, but i already feel the difference. sorry for the poor typing, doing it one handed.
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