Toronto Motorcycle Show - Jan. 3-5, 2020

How about we organize an informal meet-up time and location for (for example) each day of the show? Kind of like "Friday & Saturday at 5:00 PM at the Honda booth" or something like that?

Usually going on Friday around noon as soon as the show opens and head home just before the rush hour starts.
Wouldn't be surprised if I bump into Ray, happened before.
I miss having a motorcycle show just across the bay from me. The closest one in down in Long Beach CA. My Wing Buddy and I went to see the debut of the 2018 Wing and had a great time. I don't think we'll be going to the next one.
Great idea, Michael, though in my case meeting at noon-ish would work better.

I’m going with a buddy and the grandsons Saturday. Hopefully meet up with Michael, dtcoleman and anyone else roaming the halls!
We will be in Florida so hope you all have fun while we try not to get a sunburn
@STrip , @GGely : Noon on Friday works for me - who else is in for a meet-up at that time?

I'm not familiar with this show (haven't been for many years) - where should we meet up?

Shell T6 reps are much nicer and cleaner to talk to than Amsoiled reps!
I have a friend with a Cessna on floats. Okay if we tie up right in front? We'll just tell customs we aren't staying over night. I'm sure they'll understand. Any ice there yet?
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