Travels with Catt, 2009

Feb 5, 2005
Kingman, Arizona
2000 ST1100 ABS TCS
Figured I better start this before I forget the details! On the road for seven weeks, started last Saturday, 4-11. A couple back roads to Dewey, AZ to meet Petar and Uncle Don for lunch at Leff T's STeak House. Good chicken noodle soup and pulled pork sam'ich. Continued on from there toward Safford and beyond. Got tagged 4 times by radar, no stops. Three of those were on AZ-188 where the limit is 55, should be 70!

Weather was pretty crappy all day but the rain stopped by evening. STealth camped just south of US-70 in my favorite spot. Been there 4 times this year.

Sunday (Easter) motored on toward Duncan. Good little internet cafe' there was...

closed for Easter! :eek::

Motored on, following the local roads over Mule Creek Pass into NM, then on thru Silver City. Got on NM-152 and had a lot of fun following that twisty bit. Ran into a family herding some steers up the road on a little side road. I stopped to let'em get'er done and Dad says, "How do ya like yur ST?" !!! Seems his brother-in-law has one. Talked to him a couple minutes while the kids continued herding.spring trip 09 002 small.JPG

Continued on to Hillsboro for gas. 352 miles, 6.7 gal, beST gas mileage ever for me on an ST, 52MPG. :D

Carried on east from there past Las Cruces and White Sands, gas again in Artesia, STealth camped next to an operating STripper well west of Hobbs, NM.

B'kfast on Monday at the Hobbs Family INN, decent food, good WiFi. :D US 82 all the way to Dallas, then some I-state to get around that fat town. On the way, I picked up the North Texas Tag, cute Grasshoper and a couple new Court Houses. STealth camped near New Boston, TX and carried on this morning.

Stopped in the small town of STamp, AR for coffee with a bunch of locals. All were late 70s, mid 80s. Fun group, very vocal and friendly. I've met the same crew at nearly every local cafe' I've ever stopped at. :D

Now, sitting in the Flamingo Grill in Prescott, AR. Short Order Cook is also the internet guru, had to change some settings on the Acer to get a connection but all is good now!

Headed toward Benton, AR (near Little Rock) today, taking all back roads.

All is good so far 'cept the horn quit again. Ugh!:cus:

After I finish this and eat a little lunch, I'm gonna


I'll fur sur need a set of tars by the time I get to Adam C's. :eek:
Sounds like a blast! I'm betting there are a great majority of the folks on this site that are sitting behind their desks right now green with envy. I know I am! Have a great time, keep us updated and RIDE SAFE!!

Wish I was along for the ride. Are you carrying your spare tars with you or did you have them shipped ahead?

Hope to say hello at Moonshine.
George your a lucky man. Enjoy reading your posts about the places where you've been. All I can do right now is think about riding, perhaps mid to late May I may be released to ride, so keep the posts coming about your trip.
Across the universe again! :)
Have fun, keep the posts coming.
Alright George where the heck are ya? Carole and I just put down roots in Rolla MO for the night. She got a 680+ day in today.
Pretty good day after leaving the Flamingo Grill yesterday. Back roads over southern AR til I finally arrived in Benton. Met Budding Geezer, wife Debra and puppy LULU. Ralph fried fish 'n hushpuppies. Yumm.

Lots of yakking followed by a good night's sleep.

Ralph introduced me to another friend, Tom, this morning. Lots of neat toys in his shop and prolly the most over-built bike lift you'll ever see! We then road some good back roads to Clinton, AR where he turned back toward home.

I rode more good routes ending at the STar Motel in St. Richard, MO. Hooked up with th rest of the ShowMeSTOC crew for dinner at Ryans.

I'll post a couple pics later, I'm feeling sleep coming on.
Some catch up needed. Left Ralph (BuddingGeezer) in Clinton, AR about 1PM Wednesday after a sam'ich. Thanks for the hospitality, Ralph and Brenda.

Ralph's ST is a little different, a 91 SSMST, but with black front fairing and black repainted (red and CGR) bags.
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Made it to St. Robert, MO after some cutting and backing on the back roads. MO 95 is just one of the many good ones.

Met up with the ShowMeSTOC group for dinner at Ryan's, then on to the Cannon Range on Thursday. This shot is the parking lot a the McD's off I-40. temp tags 005.jpg

Parking lot at the Cannon Range, A-10 in action, and targets down range. The posted videos at ShowMeSTOC thread show it all a lot better.
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After MO, rode with a few others toward Moonshine, crossed the river at St. Genevive on a ferry and finally motored into Terry's (ACL) about 7 PM. Lots of bikes, lots of help (Terry's girls selling shirts) and lots of folks eating home-made Peanut Butter Ice Cream.
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Camped at Terry's farm last night (and two more nights) with about a dozen others. Nice fire, and Mac had coffee ready this morning. :D

Setting at the Comfort INN now waiting for Adam C to arrive. More to follow.
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Happy you made it without any problems.

Now your pictures with Terry's girls show the smaller on wearing a BEARS shirt. I'm wondering how Terry (I bleed Packer Blood) handles that!:D

I may have to wear a Bears shirt tomorrow.
Nice pictures, per normal, George. Thanks!

I feel for Terry. Up until right now, I just sassed him mercilessly. That has to be just about too much, not just owning a Bears (Urlacher) jersey, but wearing it in public. You think she might be a bit of a problem later in life?

YOU THINK? Oh, brother. I may have to tell him a couple of stories...or maybe save them until the kids are in their 40's or so.
Short update: Moonshine good, weather bad. Friday and Saturday were both great, Sunday early and pretty much all day kind'a sucked.

Adam arrived Friday afternoon, we did all the usual STuff (meet people, kick lies, tell tars, sit around the camp fire, sleep.) Saturday was much the same, plus Moon Burgers and move the Illinois Tag. Adam has it right now, check that thread. I think he's gonna move the National Tag, too.

Sunday morning dawned very wet (I was laying in a 1.9 inch puddle on a 2 inch camp pad) but all else was good. Adam turned north as we left the farm, I went south back to Casey for b'kfast and to pic up the STOC banner. See my breakfast pictures in the Sunday coffee thread.

I'm at my sister's in St. Anthony, IN right now. Installed her new wireless router today so the Acer is doing the duty.

No new pics tonight but many tomorrow.

The speed-o-meter is broken again. Ugh!

Sleep tight, and dream about riding. :D
Okay, previous thread has the details but here's a couple more pics:
Club sam'ich from Flamingo Grill in Prescott, AR Club Sam'ich.jpg

Forest doing Mac and Carole's portrait at the farm Forest, Mac, and Carole.jpg

Terry's tool box. I think TLC keeps it this way. :D Terry's Toolbox_renamed_809.jpg
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On the road this morning to Adam C's for new tars. All the spindles are painted, Mike just showed up to start assembly, and I just finished my coffee.

On the road again!
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