US-50 advice

Sep 17, 2009
Peoples Democratic Republic of Minnesota
2000 ST1100
I would like to ride US-50 from Reno, NV to Grand Junction, CO. Having heard horror stories about the scarcity of fuel stops I have some questions.
Has anyone ridden this? What is the longest stretch without fuel? and, What are the critical stops where topping off is necessary?
Any advice or experience out there?
Not as lonely as it once was. With the range of the ST now no problems.just stop and gas up when in the larger towns. It is 282 miles between Fernley and Ely. Gas up once and you got it made. Start early and make sure you are drinking water regularly! Have fun
Do not fear the ST1100 will do it. BTDT many times on my ST. You can get gas in Fallon, Austin, or Ely. Maybe Eureka but I don't remember that one. Food sucks along that route. Truck stops use convict labor in the kitchen. Fuel in Delta Utah is tricky, I think there is only one station there, looks ragged but don't pass it up. good luck, have fun
It's been a while (2004), but I rode it from California to Dodge City and don't remember having any fuel issues while on my ST1100. I do generally make it a rule to start looking at a half tank just to err on the side of caution in areas like that.

And a little bit here -
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Reliable gas availability in Green River, Salina, Scipio, Delta, Ely, Eureka, Austin, Fallon. Longest stretch is Delta-Ely, 153-ish miles.
Hwy 50 is awesome. I'll just add a caution. There are several 15 - 20 mile long straights where it's easy to lose track of your speed. You become used to it after awhile and your senses adjust 'normal' to your new surroundings. After your romp across the straights, you climb over the next set of mountains. Remember, this is basin AND range country. So you and your new normal approach the first set of mountain twisties with recommended speeds of 20 mph (I use +50-100% on those recommended speeds). You slow by feel to your 'normal' aiming for 30-40 mph. A quick glance at the speedo shows you're still going 50-60 mph. GAAHHHHHhhhh!!! Easy mistake to make and it's led to more than one crash I've heard about. Thankfully in my case, it was only a near crash and code brown moment.
Came across this site- it might be worth a look for you. US Route

I have ridden 50 from DC through Illinois back in '12. Wonderful road through WV. It's not fast, but my kind of riding.
I will be in Reno, and from there visiting near Grand Junction so the direct route is US 50. Garmin says it would be a few miles shorter, but take longer than back tracking on I-80. I suppose the small towns slow one down.
Thanks for the link.
Thank you all for the reply's. I had a great trip. I met up with our host, Guy, in Sun Valley, NV at Sun Valley Service Center. And, As I suspected there was an incredible weekend. Guy is retiring as a Royal Enfield Dealer and it was his last annual rally. There was a wide variety of bikes there; Royal Enfields, Harleys, triumphs, a Kawasaki, BMW, and My Honda. Three side hacks showed up; a Ural Patrol, RE GT with a Watsonian, and a Harley with a Cozy.

I rode hard to get there on time, giving myself a margin for a three day trip. The first day from Minneapolis to Casper, WY went so well I covered the 1K miles in 14 1/2 hours. I was now ahead of schedule. The second day I cooled off the pace to 550 mile to Wells, NV. the remaining 375 miles to Reno was a piece of cake. I had arrived Thursday afternoon. the gathering was scheduled for Friday through Sunday. so on Friday, to do some riding on my own I headed out to Yosemite National Park. It was a short visit because I wanted to be back for the group gathering that evening.

As a group we rode a few loops. From Sun Valley, NV we gathered Friday afternoon for introductions and a ride to Pyramid Lake. Then to a BBQ by our Host 'Guy' and his wife. Saturday was a longer loop. We crossed Donner Pass and stopped in the small gold town of Washington CA. went on to Lake Altamont for a lunch stop then back by a different pass. I confess; after all day riding twisties, I was just following the herd. I think we linked up with US 385 north of Reno and rode into town for another late evening BBQ. Sunday was planned to be a ride to Topaz Lake, and around the southern end of Lake Tahoe. I joined the lunch at the lodge at Topaz Lake but had the wanderlust. US 50 was a short ride away at Fallon.

The advise about US 50 was spot on. The road was long, the Highway Patrol present but offered no delays, no Mormon Crickets, and the weather was superb. I did stay at the Nevada Hotel in Ely, and it was everything promised. I met up in the restaurant seating line with one of the many riders staying that night and had a pleasant dinner conversation about riding and bikes.

I continued on US 50 to Salida, CO. I stayed with a long time friend in Howard, CO for a few days. We rode the mountain trails with his 4x4's and had a blast. I do confess that it was a bit tense riding some of the trails. I guess I'm a street rider at heart.

PS: Pictures won't load. I think I need to reduce the size and re-try. "I'll be back".
I heard ya, but...
There were a couple of 'code brown' moments when the foot peg feeler touched down, I hung down off the seat and my riding pants touched down. Reminder to self ... YOU HAVE NO KNEE PUCKS! NO GRAVEL TRAP RUN OFF'S, AND NO CORNER WORKERS/MEDICAL TEAM.

Hwy 50 is awesome. I'll just add a caution. There are several 15 - 20 mile long straights where it's easy to lose track of your speed. You become used to it after awhile and your senses adjust 'normal' to your new surroundings. After your romp across the straights, you climb over the next set of mountains. Remember, this is basin AND range country. So you and your new normal approach the first set of mountain twisties with recommended speeds of 20 mph (I use +50-100% on those recommended speeds). You slow by feel to your 'normal' aiming for 30-40 mph. A quick glance at the speedo shows you're still going 50-60 mph. GAAHHHHHhhhh!!! Easy mistake to make and it's led to more than one crash I've heard about. Thankfully in my case, it was only a near crash and code brown moment.
I'm jealous. I rode US 50 from just east of Reno to 1-15 in Utah on my way across country a few years ago and it's on my list of things to do again someday. Outside of the few towns along the way (Fallon, Ely, Eureka) I about had the road to myself.
I rode US 50 back in 2009, from Ely, NV to Reno, as part of a 2 week trip to the west coast. Rode with my friend Pete. We were celebrating turning 50. Sounds like you had a great trip. Enjoyed your report.
Sounds like you had a good time!

Back in 2008, Byron and I hit US50 just east of Walsenburg, CO riding out to Dodge City, KS. What a LOOOONNNGGG boring ride, but we had a good time watching everyone pull off the road to let us pass, because of our headlight modulators! :rofl1:

Dave and I were going to ride US50, catching it southwest from Colorado Springs, to Montrose, on our way to this year's WeSTOC in Grand Junction. I was really looking forward to it, but the weather wouldn't cooperate, so we had to ride up to I70 instead and take it over.
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