Vista Cruise Control install help

Mar 29, 2007
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Okay, Went to Dayotona from Virginia Beach a couple weeks ago and realized after 12 hours of I 95 that some sort of cruise control would have been nice. I am new to the site and need help already, just recieved the VC the other day for my 05 ST and was all excited to put it on till I noticed the slight modifications to install according to the website was bull. Would appreciate and information with pics to install. Thanks:mw1:
Here is the Farkles/Cruise Control sub-forum

You can search using the 'search this forum' link on the right side and look for vista cruise, there are several ways to get this one on the bike and guys have become very creative..

When I had my ST.. I cut off the tabs and JB Welded it to the switch housing.. worked for me..
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