Was this a passing lane???

The only thing that would make this better, is that happen on the way home.

I did see the boat tracked pretty straight with no pilot on board, up and over the cab just like was a wave.
...Yet, the trailer tracked perfectly straight.
Hate it when the trailer doesn't track straight!


More money than sense?
More money than God. :eek:

Internet sleuths were quick to trace the unlucky owner, too. He is one Jeff Bianchi, owner of a string of fitness centers / gyms, he is constantly posting about his toys and flashy lifestyle on social media. Bianchi doesn’t own just a Raptor and Wrangler much like those two that sank in the rescue attempt, but also a Hellcat-powered Jeep Wrangler, a twin-turbo Lamborghini Huracan, a Lamborghini Gallardo, an Audi R8, and his very own helicopter.

Funny thing is if you look closely at his picture of some treasured toys, parked in front of the Freightliner is a Honda Ruckus. :rofl1:

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As a truck driver, I am always questioning the sense some drivers use daily in my travels. I am amazed at the lack of maintenance people put into trailers, especially wheel bearings. I couldnt begin to total the amount of trailers I have seen on the side of the highway with a wheel missing. Yesterday, I saw a pickup, pulling a bass boat that had lost a wheel. I can only guess that when the trailer lost a wheel, the driver lost control. To add more bad luck, it happened right in front of a section of guardrail. The truck struck the start of the rail and it pierced the cab, almost out the back side. The engine was in the back seat. I dont know how the occupant(s) made out. I saw the boat and trailer on the flatbed and the axle was still there, so it appears that wheel simply fell off.
Obviously the driver merely balanced the boat on the trailer not wanting to spend money on tie-downs with the hopes that nothing would jostle it for the trek home.


Oh wait...

Yeah he or somebody didn't do a thorough job. He would have been fine if not for the sudden stop. But the reasonably unexpected is what should be planned for.

Funny thing is if you look closely at his picture of some treasured toys, parked in front of the Freightliner is a Honda Ruckus
The man likes what he likes. Or that's what he uses to get around his "garage".

I wouldn't mind being capable of conspicuous consumption. Why have a ton of money you can't take with you. I suppose there's the sect that would give it all away for the good of mankind— but that ain't me.
Size compensation!

I wouldn't mind being capable of conspicuous consumption. Why have a ton of money you can't take with you. I suppose there's the sect that would give it all away for the good of mankind— but that ain't me.

I have no problem with how people spend the money they've earned and I did not intend to ridicule spending habits of people with expensive items THEY CAN AFFORD. No one is immune from bad decisions; sometimes the results can be spectacularly newsworthy.

No one is immune from bad decisions; sometimes the results can be spectacularly newsworthy.
Fair point though I was only replying to the contrast you noted and inferred nothing beyond that.

As far as size compensation the fact that I have a big unit wouldn't stop me from conspicuous spending. Lack of money to support that lifestyle does. :D Besides not being immune to making bad decisions me in a driving a helo could be spectacularly newsworthy. I'd probably stick to reasonably priced cars (or not) and fast women.
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