Wash your hands!!!

John Anthony

Dec 3, 2004
'03 ST1300A
I don't know how many of you out there have been hit with the crud yet (not the flu, just a butt ugly cold), but I've had one for 3 days down and according to my HMO, this year's strain(s) seems nastier than usual.

Despite a variety of OTC cold meds, I've got a shnoz that won't stop running and body aches that won't quit. I've been so miserable at bed time that for the last couple of nights I'm getting no more than 4-5 hours of sleep.

Just a friendly reminder that an once of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Best prevention for colds and flu is regular hand washing.


PS - if you have any great home remedies (chicken soup from a Jewish deli), pls pass them on!
There's this thai place in Montgomery that has AWESOME chicken soup (and guaranteed to clear up your sinuses)... Too bad you're not close enough!!! Get well soon... (and make sure you don't have the flu!)...
Wife and I just went through it..was pretty miserable...mine hung on hard for about 7 days, then lingered for another week.
luckily, i rarely get colds / flu ...etc..

i do my best to take a good multivitamin and drink plenty of water...which may help in warding off these colds...i dunno for sure though..

i'd try plenty of liquids and try to get as much rest as possible...
...and the good ol chicken broth/soup to sip on..

i hear a shot of good whiskey helps too....;)


hope ya get to feelin better real soon..!
I rarely get colds. It's been probably 5 years since I last had one. This year I've already had two.
I work in the E.R. at a speciality hospital dedicated to Childrens & Womens (OB). The past two weeks we have seen more serious flu type A than we have the entire season. Been working 14-16 hour days trying to keep up. We have been averaging seeing 150 plus patients a day.
Our family has been sick on and off for almost a month, finally getting over it. Of course I have been the sickest one. About eight years ago while giving platelets for a person at work the blood center told me my white cell count was on the low side. Said something of the effect that those or the ones that fight sicknesses. Kinda explains why I usually get the crud longer than anyone in my household.

About a year after that I caught some kind of cold so bad it lasted over a month and ended up loosing my sense of smell. Been to specialist and had a MRI and Cat Scan but they really couldn't explain it. Haven't been able to smell since then.
I hope you feel better soon John. 4-5 hours of sleep is all I get anyway and as for the body.......It always aches, creeks, pops and groans.
Get well soon...I got nailed with the flu and pneumonia last week. They tested me for flu...rushed me in for x-rays and I had full pneumonia. I was on two meds for five days and feel much better. I have to go back for more x-rays to make sure the lungs are clear.

When in doubt...see a doctor and get the tests. It may be more than just a cold. Remember that this stuff can kill you.
Get well soon John
Remember been misarable at bed time is better than been misarable all ruddy day like my boss
All the best matey
Massive doses of Vitamin C really does work for some...

....3,000 to 6,000 miligrams per day is not too much....

it is called the bowel tolerance test take the high doses til you have BM then back off til you don't
Drink lots of orange juice and chicken soup - a hot toddy now and then might help in the sleeping dept. ;)

I hope everyone out there washes their hands before making posts on this site - the last thing we need is to spread another PC virus:D

Take care, John - I know how mizerable that can be, though I've been pretty lucky myself for the past few years, or else all those multi-vitamins really have helped my immune system.

Don B.
Get well soon...I got nailed with the flu and pneumonia last week. They tested me for flu...rushed me in for x-rays and I had full pneumonia. I was on two meds for five days and feel much better. I have to go back for more x-rays to make sure the lungs are clear.

When in doubt...see a doctor and get the tests. It may be more than just a cold. Remember that this stuff can kill you.

Bill, that's really good advice. I'm pretty aggressive in managing health issues (OK, except for my weight, but no one is perfect) and if I'm not feeling better by Monday (actually I'm feeling somewhat better today), I'll cruise into their walk in clinic and get checked out.

Thanks again for all of the good wishes.

The other half of washing your hands often is don't touch your nose, mouth and face.

For what it's worth, I used to catch stuff several times a year. Then I started supplementing Omega-3 to my diet, in both vegetable (flax) and animal (fish oil) forms (the two types are different). Since doing this, I don't catch colds nearly as often.

I take Omega-3 fish oil capsules daily, at least 400 mg EPA and 200 mg DHA, and always followed immediately with food (to suppress fish burps). I also keep some ground flax seed meal (whole seeds just pass through your system as-is) in my freezer (the stuff simply does not keep otherwise) and sprinkle some on my cereal or else stir some into my yogurt. A warning though, flax meal is very high in fiber -- you have to build up the amount slowly.

Get well soon!
This one is taking its toll up here this year. It is everywhere. I work in an airport and have the pleasure of being in contact with hundreds of people daily......
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