Watch out for painted lines on the road

Sep 4, 2013
2010 ST1300
Took my ST out Wed for a ride with the usual group. Less than half a mile from my house, I entered a traffic circle and exited onto a one way, two lane road. I was going slower and more carefully than I usually take this turn because I have not been out on the ST recently, and was afraid it might handle differently than the V Strom I've been riding this summer. Took the turn a bit wide, and as I crossed the center dashed white line leaned over, the rear tire slipped out and down I went. The bike landed on my right foot (low side), road friction pulled my foot out from under the bike and I slid across the road on my stomach. Damage to the bike - one broken mirror and probably the bracket (plastic cover popped off w/ very minor scratches; bygdawg bar was abraded significantly; no other scratches beyond the tip over guard. Damage to me - not a scratch on my body, only bruise was from the stiff plastic id bracelet put on too tightly by the hospital, and one technicolor ankle sprain w/ significant swelling. I'm on crutches and hobbling/crawling around the house for the duration. Docs will see me tomorrow and assess any other damage (tendon/ligament) in the next couple of weeks. Damage to gear - abrasion on chin bar of modular helmet; light abrasions on 'Stitch. I slid maybe 10 - 15' to a stop, then I rolled off the road to avoid being squashed by any other cars.

I hesitated to post this because this is a mere scratch compared to some of the recent accidents posted here, and decided to mention it as a warning of a road hazard many of us take for granted. Be careful out there!
... The bike landed on my right foot (low side), road friction pulled my foot out from under the bike, and I slid across the road on my stomach. ...
I hesitated to post this because this is a mere scratch compared to some of the recent accidents posted here, and decided to mention it as a warning of a road hazard many of us take for granted. Be careful out there!
The way I see it, whenever a Honda ST falls and lands on the rider's foot, it can be a very serious mishap. (Do we all remember Mick Doohan?)

I'm glad yours wasn't though. Thanks again.
Painted lines get pretty damn slippery when damp with morning or evening dew. Having cold tires didn't help things either.

Glad it wasn't worse. Said it before... bikes can be replaced, us not so much.
I’m also a member of the “white line club”. Clipped a fog line with my front tire while trail braking an early apex hairpin, right after a sprinkle.

Paint might have well been sheet ice, for all the traction it had, because I was instantly on my hands and knees, bike skittering away from me.
Way back when a buddy and I were canyon racing in the San Gabriels for a few hours, and then we headed home. On one of the roads out of the mountains that runs through a neighborhood before hitting the freeway, there was a big painted STOP on the pavement at a stop sign, and the house on the corner was watering their lawn. I noticed the overspray onto the paint and moved left around it, but my buddy didn't think anything of it or didn't think it would matter. He stayed in the line of the paint and went down just by stopping on the wet paint going in a straight line. The irony of shredding tires for a couple hours without incident, followed by that, made us both laugh out loud.
Glad it wasn't a worse mishap for you and we all are reminded by it.
Funny story here,, years and years ago. I was heading to the gatornational dragstrip there in Florida for a WERA race that I was competing in. My friend had my race bike in his trailer so I took my Sportster for transpo. It was raining at the time and saw a eating place on my left, being hungry I looked at it and since I go where Im looking I steered left and touched the front brake. Well, I was on a double yellow and the front tire locked up and I face planted on my right side at about 70 mph. As I was sliding I remember a 4x4 mail box post wacking me in the head. When I woke up, there were two Roman catholic Nuns kneeling beside me and I thought I died.
Come to find out,,I crashed right outside a church that had just finished its services and they all ran over to help me as I was laying in the road. The good lord is still looking after me after all these of riding.
Dang, sorry to hear that Peter.

Yep, Any line on the road is a hazard to motorcycles, when you have to ride on it. When they are wet is when they are the most dangerous!

Hope you heal fast!
Here in California, they are forcing vehicles to give 3 feet of clearance on roads without dedicated bike lanes. They put these large bike zone signs on the road, even on turns; which makes them dangerous for motorcycles.

Glad you’re OK O.P.

I always watch out for painted lines that look pristine. Especially if it's been raining. Yup, they can be as slippery as a greased eel.

Yeppers they are slick as the fresh wet paint has additional semi-floatation glass beads added on top of paint when wet. This method is used in order for paint to keep reflectivity as it wears;)
Glad you are relatively ok.
I agree with the others, painted lines are no fun. I especially dislike the painted crosswalks and some of them here are fully painted rainbows in support of the LGBT community vs the large bars of white and alternating pavement. The more paint the worse it is. The other thing I dislike is the painted the speed bumps and traffic calming bumps. As if going over painted stuff isn't bad enough, lets force you to brake and bump you up in the air first in the front, then the rear.

Any unplanned departure from a moving bike...

Who in their right mind does a PLANNED departure from a moving bike? Although, I suppose people do jump out of perfectly good airplanes!

Glad it wasn't any worse...lines, loose gravel and leaves scare the bejesus out of me! Apparently I just need to stay away from all the L things...
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