Wednesday March 20 - Happy Coffee Day

Dec 26, 2019
Bahama, North Carolina USA
2003 ST1300
C'mon! Everyday is Happy Coffee Day!
Jump into the pot - it's hot!
Git yer mugs and form two lines while we prepare the pancakes and sausages.
We've got many varieties here at Tractor Central and puh-lenty of syrup and butter.

Mid week low? Pep up with a pancake!
Got the "where the heck is Friday?" blues - Sweeten up with a whole wheat cake.

Yesterday was puttering about in the shop cleaning, tossing and general "on to the next project".
Mr Tractor sits comfortably in his barn with all parts connected AND working - yay!

Flowers are blooming and birds are singing you hoo!

Y'all have a wonduhfill day!

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Ta me duck, I'll indulge.
One of my lasting memories of the States and Canada is the ability of kitchens to fill every inch of plate with some'at even if there is no reason to place the two foodstuffs together. I know, that's a nice looking fish, let's surround it with bacon and strawberries. Meh. Sometimes less is more, no probably not.
I still hope we experience it again though before too long. We'll see.
It's wetter, cooler, breezier, it must be springy'er. Someone even mentioned the sn.. word. Pffffffftttttt.
We've decided to head sarff for a while starting Friday. The rental is booked, the car is full of petrol and I've just got me skiddies to sort.
Yesterday saw the tatties planted and the first forced rhubarb of the spring picked and roasted. There wasn't a lot, but little fish are very sweet. Who said that?
Av a gud un and remember, dodge the showers. Pffffffftttttt.
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the coffee and breakfast bonanza Nick.

It's 38°F and mostly clear in Rockville, where we anticipate a high around 61 but sustained 15-20 mph winds with gusts of twice that will diminish the appeal of being outdoors.

So, I'll spend some time in the workshop again today, after mostly not doing anything in there yesterday. I did muster the energy to make the dozen-mile round trip to the woodworking tool-and-supply store by bicycle, to get a couple additional types of router bit for upcoming tasks, but then never had the ambition needed to actually put them to use. Instead I took a couple of naps, got thrashed by Mrs. Fun at the domino table, and generally frittered away the afternoon and evening.

I did get some productive things done in the morning, if you call planning a bicycle tour productive, so there's that.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Morning all and thanks for the startup Nick. Maybe you should switch to decaf in the morning....

Sometimes less is more, no probably not.
This was a motto at a strip club we went to one time....

Speaking of chilly receptions, it's a cool -4C here this morning and clear. We should jump about to around 6C but it'll be cloudy with a chance of rain. It's Spring now so that's almost expected.

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday.

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Morning all, a quick good morning and I'm off to our club breakfast. Tis a bit cold for riding, and a high probability of rain and snow so it will be a group of ROMEO's (retired old men eating out) solving the world's problems. Have a good day everyone! (Tho, I love Ray's 'av a gud un').
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee and goodies, Nick.

It's a bit overcast and 37 in MA this morning. Temp will rise to 51 and it will become partly sunny, before it clouds up and rain begins, tonight.

Yesterday's skiing went ok-ish. I found about 4" of new snow on the slopes, and had to re-learn how to ski in that. Did the first yard-sale in years, during my second run, but got the hang of things, eventually. I made it across the whole mountain, sampling trails along the way.
Ice for the knees and some Advil, afterward.

Today, I'll find the gym, and maybe walk a bit. That battery won't put itself into the VFR, either.

Enjoy the day,
I should not be posting this early, but I'll try to be careful... thanks for the coffee Nick, and I have some honey for the sausage and griddle cakes. Some may be confused or argumentative, but I've never discerned the diff between griddle and pan-cakes. But do not take @Obo 's advice, do NOT switch to decaf!

"They" say 38 going to 72, no rain. Saw my nephew's new son yesterday, looks like a baby but with a LOT of hair. Born in his dad's birthday... pretty cool. So is the little one a great nephew? Seems like he could be a grand nephew. Does it matter?

That's about all I can do for now, without risking putting more stupid words out. One more refill to reduce the peril of verbosity...

Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are god.
Christopher Hitchens on the eternal debate: Cats or dogs?
Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Ray Nick!

It’s chilly this morning, currently 30F with a high of 31, that WNW is a nasty 18-44 MPH & overcast skies are the order of the day!

Miss Judy abandoned me this morning to spend most of today with her sisters, I don’t mind, I’ll find a coffee and get a bit of cleanup accomplished.

We’re headed to the cottage Thursday, lots of things to look over there. Drop in on a few folks &
I’ll have to check in on my tractor & load of implements, I have it stored in a building that’s being demolished later this year.

Enjoy your Wednesday, hugs to everyone!
Morning all! 5C here right now, 12 C the predicted high. Cloudy and grey for the day.

We're meeting with a prospective new contractor this morning recommended by a friend. Fingers crossed he'll be the one. It's akin to dating and lord knows I was not very good at that. Otherwise, it will be taking it easy and giving the new knee a chance to rest, I've been on it a bit too much lately and it's letting me know that kind of nonsense will not be continuing.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Morning all! 5C here right now, 12 C the predicted high. Cloudy and grey for the day.

We're meeting with a prospective new contractor this morning recommended by a friend. Fingers crossed he'll be the one. It's akin to dating and lord knows I was not very good at that. Otherwise, it will be taking it easy and giving the new knee a chance to rest, I've been on it a bit too much lately and it's letting me know that kind of nonsense will not be continuing.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Good luck with the contractor. Builders ain't half a pain.
In better news, y'all may remember that before Christmas our hot water zone valve failed. They do I spose. The fix was easy enough but trying to get the money back from the Central Heating and Boiler Insurance Company has been an effort.
We shall spend the £175.55 most unwisely.
Almost 4 months for that.
Good morning ,thanks for the hot coffee . Mother nature has returned to us with a couple inches of snow this morning in the gulch . I had put away all the snowbrushes and snowshovels . Garbage day as well and lugging the big bin out through the snow was a chore . Anyway have a great day ,stay safe and keep the tires rolling eh !
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Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee, Nick!

Someone snuck in overnight and deposited another few centimetres of wet, heavy snow on everything, so things are looking a little wintry on this first full day of spring. Somehow, that doesn't surprise me, given where I live. Anyway, looks like the flurries have moved on for now and the sun's trying to come out, though I think we'll get a little more mixed precipitation this afternoon. It's also rather brisk today: 1°C/34°F with a windchill of -5°C/23°F now, and a high of 4°C/39°F with a feels-like of 0°C/32°F later. Very windy tomorrow, they tell us.

I meant to share this little gem on March 17th but plumb forgot, so I'll leave you with a post-St. Paddy's giggle.


Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Morning Nick & All from SUNNY, Southern Utah!

No clouds up there to block the Sun, and even though it's a bit chilly @ 38F, now, it won't be for long. Later we should see 67F for a high! :hat3: No breeze either, but later they are telling us we could see winds from the NNW @ 9 to 10mph. This Spring weather will last today, but tomorrow we could see more rain. And next week, more Winter! :well1:

I used the tractor to put the box trailer away (off the driveway to make Chris happy) and then cleared a few weeds and the stubborn ones I hit them with the weed killer! I'll start pulling out the landscaping blocks today for the front yard. I'm not sure how much I'll get done, but I need to get going on it.

Boiled eggs, bacon, toast and OJ to start the morning, Pepsi will come later.

Anyone :bk13: (with this weather, is what I SHOULD be doing), have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
Twas foggy and damp this morning, had to mop off the bike.
Rode out of town thru the murky soup, climbed up the hill to sunshine and blue skies.
This weekend I will be headed up north to find a bit of snow, rumor is that they still have some after getting 10 feet of it.
This is a parking lot up at Tahoe after they did a bit of shoveling.....


Thanks for the coffee and bites.
be safe out there and enjoy each day.
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