What goes with an Avon Storm ST? - Need it NOW

May 25, 2007
Huntsville, Alabama
I usually check for tire wear from the right side of the bike. Avon Storm ST on front (8250 miles) and rear (11,700 miles). The front looks fine, the rear looks close to the wear bars -- on the right. Viewing from the left side, What Wear Bars!.

First, what, besides a preponderonce of left turns, would cause such uneven wear?

Second, if I change only the rear tire, like tomorrow, which brand rides well with the front Avon?
Any ? None? Heading down to Stagecoach on Wednesday.

Stick with the Storms, hard to beat on a performance/cost basis.... as to the left side wear, this is normal when you ride on the right as you tend to corner to the left faster than the right etc.... opposite true when riding on the left as per UK/Oz etc.

Wear increases by the square of the speed.

If you can't get a matching rear, consider fitting a matching pair of something else and saving the front for wearing out later.....
I ran a Storm2 front with a PR2 rear and felt like I was forever leaning over to make a turn and I had my first few peg scrapings with this combo. It was not comfortable.

My last (and final) Storm2 rear was like a fine tuned scalpel in comparison. Minor lean for maximum turning ability. That tire only lasted 3500 miles and the left side was well into the wear bars. The hard compound center portion was not centered but off to the right side. The right side still has a few thousand miles left by the looks of it. I am finished with Storms and their lousy mileage (I had another rear only last 4k miles, some last 8k). Avon will not stand behind their product if it is mounted on the ST.

My current combo is a Bridgestone 023 with a low mileage Storm2 front. These are a comfortable combo. Much better than the PR2 rear combined with the ST2 front.
My rear Storm ST currently has 11,700 miles; the front, 8,300.
I should replace both tires; I hope the dealer has some PR2's in stock.

I'm advised the left wears more because of crown roads. The difference in my
case is not extreme, I just don't like riding when the wear bars indicate - change.
Just got the bike back from the dealer for a 16K maintenance. They should have
noticed this, if only for more business - tire change plus living rider.

O.K. So my decision is to replace both tires, assuming I can find them tomorrow, Tuesday.
If not, I'll have to agonize on whether to wait until I come back from the Stagecoach RTE,
700 mile round trip, or cancel. I HATE to cancel.

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