Where's the road?

Nov 10, 2012
Holderness, NH
ST1300 2012
Well it happened again. Sort of a "T" intersection, uphill, and the road has a definite slant away from the center. Early in the morning, on my way to breakfast and COFFEE. Pulled up to the intersection, saw a car coming the other way and was kinda watching it .... Hummmm didn't tilt left enough to only put the left foot down .... No problem, I"ll just put down the right foot ... And down. .... And down ... CRAP ... Too far down. Went over so quick it virtually tossed me off the seat. Rolled a couple times into the wet grass on the roadside ... Did I mentioned it had rained during the night?
As I walk to the bike a little car pulls up and the lady asks if I am OK. I tell her I am fine, I just have to get the beaST back upright. She said she didn't think she could help because it looked awful big... I was thinking that she was probably right, all 90 pounds of her might not be that much help.
Of course last year when I did this I ended up in the hospital to repair a hernia ..... But this time I did it correctly, dropped the kickstand, backed up to it and walked it back up onto the stand with what seemed to be only a little effort.
damage? My pride, some wet sand on the knee of my jeans and some scratches on the MCL highway peg since it extends past the tip over bar a bit. Today my lower back is a little sore, not sure if it was being tossed off or replacing our over the range microwave-I swear those things get heavier every time!
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