Kidney Stones

Nothing to that kidney stone stuff ....... once you get the drugs .... oh ya !!!!! Something I don't want to ever do again ..... 8oz of OJ every morning makes the stone man go away ...
Yep. Kidney stones suck. No drugs for me; the after effects linger much too long. Besides, I think my kids secretly like to see me suffer occasionally, so it makes their day- dang teenagers.
I have had fun at all. Giving birth was painful, but no where near as bad as a bout with a kidney stone.
2x. The only good thing was flying the gurney when they pumped the morphine into my system. The downside of the drugs is when your other systems start to shut down.

Get a good urologist and they can help you a lot. In my experience they can (usually) get in and scoop it out or install a stent. Be careful to get attention ASAP. The uro told me that the pressure can cause kidney failure so it's not something to ignore (as if you could).

PS. once you have them recurrence is a 50% chance. Lots of fun.
This is my second. No pain with the first one, just passed blood for a couple days. Urologist gave me the OJ thing and with back problems I'm never too far from the pain meds. It seems the pain is something that comes on kinda gradual so if you were riding there is time to get off the road. I know the pain I was in last week I couldn't function at work let alone try to ride. How do you deal with stones AND riding?
Yep, had them a few times whilst in the Navy..... got medivac'd off a ship once......

Had a temp of 107 on another occasion back in '82........ not nice.

Haven't been troubled for some years now and hope I can remain free from them as long as I walk this earth.

Apparently it's as close as a man can get to the pain of childbirth......:eek:4:
Cranberry juice in any form...cranapple,crangrape,etc...and lots of it.Keep at least a gallon in the fridge at all times.Works for me.
Yep, woke me up out of a deep sleep, passed the stone at the hospital in the xray room, its was like passing a bowling ball. Just spent 6 hours in the hospital with my wife yesterday while they blasted her kidney to try and break up a 7mm stone in her left kidney. I feel (felt) your pain.
Funny this thread should pop up... Had one in the right 12-15 yrs ago.

Two fridays ago had some pain in left side, thought I had hurt my back till the real pain came on and I knew what it was. After 2 hrs of pain , went to the Hosp. A IV shot of morphine and then when that wore off after 10 mins they gave me laudanum (5x stronger 10% opium based) the pain was gone. A cat scan later shows a 5mm stone and during the 4 hours or so it moved enough so the pain was gone.
Sent home with some pain killers and flomax ( muscle relaxer for the pipes )... seems most people can move a 5mm stone on their own.

Saw my urologist and he said all was fine till it moves on out....Last Friday after one week, the pain was coming back. I waited an hour or so with bad pain and the Percs not working a to hosp agn.
As I walked in the pain was going down,...fifteen mins later no pain as it moved agn. Saw the emergy doc quick and was out in 30 mins total.

Now sitting by with strainer in hand just's ruining a week's get-away to the mountains...but NO pain thk goodness.... Hurry and Wait!
HI Guy,
Yes I have had them PAINFULLY twice.
The first one passed with a quick trip to the ER and I really thought I was dying...nausea, sweating, diarrhea, doubled over pain...etc...
5 years later, i had another round. You never forget the pain...I knew exactly what it was this time...
This one was too big to pass and I did the ultrasonic thingy...ESWL. This was really no big deal, the worst thing was an IV and I was home 4 hours later.
That one was supposedly 8mm, so I must have been packing it around for a while?

My urologist swears by lemon juice, lemon in water. He also "recommended" a beer or two as this wouldn't "hurt" and as a mild diuretic assists the passing.
But I admit, I don't drink enought water daily and drink too many "Cokes", sodas, or pop, depending on where you live.

Good luck...anyone who has had this knows it hurts like HELL ! I just wonder what people thought in ancient times or even a hundred years ago? Surely they thought the gods were not happy with them !

10 years ago I had 3-4 episodes. I passed each in a few hours, but none were bigger then a grain of sand.

My last 2 I did this-

-As soon as I felt it, I started drinking lots of water to get things moving. I mean ALOT of water.

-When not doubled over in pain, I tried to move around hoping that would stimulate it to move on down the tubes some more

-rubbing the area seemed to help LOL

- I went to the ER the first couple of times, but other then give me vicadin, they didn't really do much but wait for me to pass it. My last 2 I stayed home because I didn't want the vicadin. I dunno about y'all but I'm deathly afraid of narcotics. I'll just take the pain and skip the side effects. The day after my ER visit I was looped for hours and hungover.

I have no explaination why not had a stone in 12 years, after having four in 18 mths. I drink alot during the day to keep stuff moving, maybe it works?
dunno about y'all but I'm deathly afraid of narcotics. I'll just take the pain and skip the side effects. The day after my ER visit I was looped for hours and hungover.

Yea... esp the laudanum ( morphine I handle fine , no side effcts ).. like being car sick or sea long as yr still, no problem! ...Move a little and ralph!

Just drink more water with a shot of lemon juice...or plain water. Doc says is the pee isn't clear, yr not drinking enough!!
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