Went down yesterday

I have to believe that alcohol and/or drugs (prescription or otherwise) may have been involved in this incident, or a medical condition such as a seizure or stroke. If it was simply a matter of poor eyesight or broken eyeglasses, the old guy would have stopped before crashing into 10 vehicles unless he was otherwise impaired. I would be interested in hearing or seeing the rest of this story. Don't really think "elderly" is sufficient explanation for what happened there.
BTW, I too am very glad to hear that JoeP was able to walk out of the hospital with no broken bones. The scars will heal in due time.

Since this happened in my neck of the woods you can imagine that it made a lot of news around here. No charges were filed against the 92 year old man per this linky. Hopefully, the guy gives up his license and stops driving.

As for Joe, glad to see that you survived this assault. Hope that you can get back on the road ASAP...
So glad that this had a good outcome and good luck on the rest. Best part is your still around and walking to deal with the rest.
All are unsure what the driver was doing but said he flew into that spot and ran me over.

Sounds like the driver spotted what he thought was an empty space and was in a hurry or couldn't believe his luck. With all the things riders do to minimize a collision: high viz stuff... extra lights... parking a certain way... etc etc etc... It might be worthwhile to have an "antenna" with a high viz ball on top like I see on electric wheel chairs.
The witness said someone, other than the original driver, drove off with the car.

They've compounded their problem; now it is hit and run, regardless of who drove off w/the car.

You're very lucky you had your helmet on before the incident. Heal quickly my friend.
They've compounded their problem; now it is hit and run, regardless of who drove off w/the car.

The police had the driver with them. I think the point of the witness telling me that was that she suspected he was impaired and that is why he had someone else take his car home. I assume he was not arrested for being impaired since his car wasn't impounded.
I was once riding along on the highway when I watched a lady slam into the back of one of these:

I'm sure she was talking or texting or whatever but hard to believe ANYBODY could have failed to see that.
Since then, I assume anyone is capable of anything and always try to leave myself an escape route.
'Glad you were AGATT & that the injuries were not more severe. 'Heal quickly....
So glad you are ok...what is scary is that the driver didn't just strike your bike but kept on driving until you were pinned. Either they were going really fast our not paying attention at all.

I think I'm more fearful of younger drivers 16-40's than even some older drivers 70-80. It's the young ones that still drive fast (and aggressive) but also combine a cell phone. I only have anecdotal data but it seems like I see more people driving while texting/talking than those who don't.

Wish I still lived in Mansfield, I'd love to meet you and bring you a meal. Prayers from NM going up for your recovery.
No charges were filed against the 92 year old man per this linky. Hopefully, the guy gives up his license and stops driving.
...His foot got stuck on the accelerator, and from that point, he panicked and lost control of his vehicle...
Sorry, but once someone is gone that far, he's definitely not fit for operating automotive at all...
Imagine how many persons could have been hit directly or clamped between vehicles there...
Makes me wonder though as AFAIK the duration of diver's licenses is limited in the US (max 4 years IIRC), and the individual period of validity determined by a DMV physician...
what is scary is that the driver didn't just strike your bike but kept on driving until you were pinned. Either they were going really fast our not paying attention at all.

I don't think it's surprising at all. I don't know what you mean by "really fast" but even at 10mph stopping would take more than a couple of feet. So say the driver sees what he or she thinks is an empty spot and is in a hurry for whatever reason. They swing into the space but it's occupied by the bike. Figure in the reaction time along with the speed and minimal stopping distance not to mention possible panic and you've got a serious crash without "serious" speed.

Maybe the driver was impaired. Maybe distracted. Obviously at the very least speed was too fast for conditions.
ATGATT... All the gear, all the time.
I don't think it's surprising at all. I don't know what you mean by "really fast" but even at 10mph stopping would take more than a couple of feet. So say the driver sees what he or she thinks is an empty spot and is in a hurry for whatever reason. They swing into the space but it's occupied by the bike. Figure in the reaction time along with the speed and minimal stopping distance not to mention possible panic and you've got a serious crash without "serious" speed.

Maybe the driver was impaired. Maybe distracted. Obviously at the very least speed was too fast for conditions.
I guess my wording "too fast" was a bit ambiguous. I agree that 10 mph is fast when you are making a sharp 90 degree turn and stopping 20 feet later. For every 1 mph, you are traveling 1.46 feet per second. So just at 10 mph you travel 14.6 feet in a second.

As a reference, I would guess that it takes me 5+ seconds to turn my pick-up into a parking spot and come to a stop. Thus I would say I enter into a spot doing about 3-4 mph...and since I like to coast, my foot would be near the brake, not on the gas.

Granted, I'm a little on the slow side (in more ways than one) but unless the driver was really distracted, then they were going too fast; probably a combination of the two.

Even at 10 mph though, a car with decent tires and dry conditions can stop an estimated 0.2 feet! http://www.csgnetwork.com/stopdistcalc.html So from the time the driver fully engaged the brakes, the car will skid less than 3 inches. The big factor is, how long until the driver hits the brakes. If the driver in Joe's situation had been paying attention, they still MIGHT have struck his bike, but should have been able to stop more quickly.

Please don't misunderstand, I'm not trying to be callous or over analytical...to the contrary. Joe and others have faced serious injuries and even death because someone was going too fast and/or not paying attention.

I believe people who ignore laws and text/read/shave/eat/etc. while driving a 2-ton machine are self-absorbed and narcissistic. Seriously...they think their phone call or text or make-up or lunch appointment is more important than other people lives; they risk your's and mine and my kids future for selfish, conceited reasons.

Ok, sorry about the long post and rant, but most accidents could be avoided if people slowed down and paid attention.
Joe, I'm truly sorry for your pain...I just wish people would learn from these avoidable tragedies.
I think there is a lot of factors here, all related to the driver of the SUV.
1) speed. When I pull into a parking bay between two vehicles I am crawling. Just in case a door on a neighbour vehicle is about to be opened.
2) reaction. This guy seemed to go on and on irrespective to the fact that he must have felt resistance, or heard something in the way. He froze. The youtube videos of car crashes from Russia - how many of them show a car rolling after impact... the driver doesn't even have his foot on the brake.
3) awareness. he obviously expected the parking bay to be empty and drove accordingly. Whereas if he had driven expecting to have a an obstruction (a discarded cart, a pothole, a motorcycle) none of this would have happened.
My dad told me to drive like everyone around you is trying to kill you (sorry to sound depressing). If this guy had driven expecting or anticipating something to go wrong, none of this would have happened.

I'm so sorry this happened to the OP, no-one likes to hear of a brother or sister motorcyclist go down. Our passion for motorcycling is always tempered by having to make allowances for the idiots around us who through negligence or incompetence can cause us harm.
I guess my wording "too fast" was a bit ambiguous. I agree that 10 mph is fast when you are making a sharp 90 degree turn and stopping 20 feet later. For every 1 mph, you are traveling 1.46 feet per second. So just at 10 mph you travel 14.6 feet in a second.

As a reference, I would guess that it takes me 5+ seconds to turn my pick-up into a parking spot and come to a stop. Thus I would say I enter into a spot doing about 3-4 mph...and since I like to coast, my foot would be near the brake, not on the gas.

I got the police report today. It turns out that he wasn't parking and was doing about 30. The street is a 2 lane/2 way street so there shouldn't have been 2 cars side by side on this street. He (driver 1) was attempting to pass a guy (driver 2) on the right. That guy (driver 2) was about to enter the open parking spot to my right. Driver 1 glanced off of driver 2 and plowed into me slamming me into the car to my left. It makes total sense now. I would've never guessed there was another car involved.

From the Police Report
accident diagram.jpg
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I got the police report today. It turns out that he wasn't parking and was doing about 30. The street is a 2 lane/2 way street so there shouldn't have been 2 cars side by side on this street. He (driver 1) was attempting to pass a guy (driver 2) on the right. That guy (driver 2) was about to enter the open parking spot to my right. Driver 1 glanced off of driver 2 and plowed into me slamming me into the car to my left. It makes total sense now. I would've never guessed there was another car involved.

From the Police Report
accident diagram.jpg
It makes sense on every count except for the fact that you are alive and walking! I am amazed. You must have a little feline in you 'cause you clearly have nine lives. The big man ain't finished with you yet...
Well, 'makes sense' I'm not so sure. The physics of it all is now more obvious.

So he's definitely 100% at fault since it's a single lane and he tried to pass on the right. Even if the car going into the parking spot didn't have a signal on it was a wrong move. It looks like big lanes and very inviting for someone looking for a shortcut through traffic.

Joe, the pic of you lying on the pavement is worth a thousand words. Very scary indeed.

You are blessed to be alive.

I wish you a speedy recovery!!

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