Leaving ST-owners.com

I agree. I have never visited Kankakee, Illinois. I have just Googled it. It looks a very nice place to live. The nearest I have been is Philadelphia,
Nothing wrong with a scooter. I rode one after my GL1500 and before my ST1100. Now I ride a CTX1300 and it's likely the last bike I buy. My wife rides a Metropolitan scooter and every once in a while looks at the bigger scoots... like the PCX150 cuz she does ride some city streets that have faster speed limit posted than she can go. It's really not what you ride but that you ride!

Oh, and BTW, I'd wave too. I wave at scooter riders all the time. Sometimes just to watch them get flustered about being waved at for the first time by a motorcyclist. :)
Interesting comments. I tend to agree with you. I do occasionally wave at motorcyclists but very rarely get an acknowledgement. I do find that a lot of cars, vans etc try to burn you away from the traffic lights. The PCX is a bit of a wolf in sheeps clothing and more than capable of holding its own in urban traffic. It can bring a smile to my face .I find it very enjoyable for what it is.
I'd say stay no matter what, hell, Mellow owns the site and he was on a GoldWing for more than a couple of years....(duck and covers)
OK you win. I have had a change of heart and decided to stay with you. It appears I am still welcome after selling my St 1100.
Great, now we have another excuse to celebrate.....:beer3:.....it's -14 F here this morning...gotta get thru the winter somehow...ff
Trust you to break into song Patty,'Good morning America how are you' are you still thinking of coming to Irishstoc this year?

Ah sure, you know me, Brendan...any excuse to break into song! ;)
As for IrishSTOC, I'm more than thinking of it, I'm counting on it! I'll have to see what the Mean Old Tax Man leaves me with.
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