Has this happened to you?

Sep 3, 2009
Detroit Metro, Michigan
07 ST1300A
The other day, I get back home from work and pull my ST1300 into the garage. I flip the side stand down and let my steed lean gently on to the left side. After dismounting, I reach out to undo my helmet straps, but find that the D rings are not where I expect them to be :confused: . It was then that I realized that I never strapped the helmet on. Time for an indicator on the dashboard like the seat belt indicators on cars?
Yes I have done this too but I noticed the loose strap a few minutes after starting out.
Yep, happened to me, too. Just make a routine or a better mental note to check it every time.

John STeele
Peace and All Good
Me too... get that cold sweaty feeling after realizing my head wasn't secure! Need a red flag that clips to the D rings that needs removing prior to departure.
I don't recall ever doing that, but a few weeks ago I rode the bike a block or two from home and realized that I had neglected to put my glasses back on after donning my helmet. Fortunately, I had locked them in the top case.
It has happened to me two or three times. Usually when I've been distracted while put it on.
it has to me long ago its good to have a routine, at least for me .
helmet on and secured
get on bike raise of side stand
kick side stand up
start bike
gloves on

you know the rest.
Yep, happened to me, too. Just make a routine or a better mental note to check it every time.

John STeele
Peace and All Good
x1, but it is when the routine isn't followed ( like having to chase the dog back in the house) that I get out of whack ! You're NOT alone
Has happened a few times, copped on after a mile or so and pulled in an fixed it,I switched from a modular to a full face D ring helmet, feel safer in the full face.
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Happened to me for the very first time on Sunday's ride. I had stopped to fiddle with something- I forget now even what, and for whatever reason undid the chin strap but never took the helmet off- just flipped the chin bar up on my modular helmet. (I think.) Flopped the chin bar back down and took off after I finished whatever it was that I was about. About ten seconds after I got going I realized the situation and pulled over to take care of it.

As everyone else has said- it's all about the routine. Get away from your habits and strange things are likely to happen.
Well, at least you didn't make it home and realized you forgot your motorcycle! :rofl1:
I've done it a couple of times with my old full face helmets and once with my modular but I've found out within a few feet of starting out.
Not with the D-ring system on the Shoei... I never detach them, just pull out to the limiter and hold it with both thumbs to get it over nose and chin when handling the helmet...

Those click-buckle types are a different issue...
Years ago I forgot to do the chinstrap on my GPA ISR helmet (a unique modular design) before leaving a motorway rest area...
Out in 3rd lane, doing like +90mph drag and airflow suddenly cause the helmet to rise, pulling it off... and no way to pull over...
Somehow managed to fumble the two dangling parts together with my left hand (took ages though, very distracting...), of course not without managing getting the skin on my throat caught between the metal parts... argh!! The pain even more distracting, quickly un-clip and do the whole thing all over again... :mad:

That incident taught me though, I now have a routine on checking all closures, jacket, pockets chinstrap, etc... before take-off... just like with scuba gear before jumping in.
I rode away one time on the vfr and forgot to zip up the tank bag, within a quarter mile most of the contents blew all over the road, lucky the road was quite and I managed to stop and find everything ok,taught me a lesson though, as has been said I check everything now by routine. a small thing could cause an accident.
I did it a couple of times with my Shoei, when I got up to highway speed I could feel the D rings hitting my throat. My current helmet has a ratchet closing system and I don't think that have failed to close it. I often see Harley rider with half helmets that have the straps hanging down around town.

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