Sena 20S phone sound

Sep 3, 2016
LSAC, AB & Indio, CA
2005/06/07 ST1300
I have the 20s and love it, with the exception of one thing. I iPhone connects and works well, except on initial link between the two when my phone rings into the helmet or a text comes in. The ring is so loud that it is unbearable and although trying volume on the phone, different settings on Sena like vox off, smart volume etc, I cant change the sound on the initial ring. Anyone help with that setting as the help desk is monday-friday so cant call them today.
try turning the Sena down (rotate the wheel) while it is ringing or giving a voice command.

I can do that much but it is the initial ring that comes through the speakers that is at 100%volume. You have to hurry to crank it dont before you go in the ditch from getting a massive scare. So yes the jog dial for volume works, but turns down everything once the call is over.
I am having the opposite issue as the volume is low and does not seem to want to adjust up.
I can do that much but it is the initial ring that comes through the speakers that is at 100%volume. You have to hurry to crank it dont before you go in the ditch from getting a massive scare. So yes the jog dial for volume works, but turns down everything once the call is over.

I'm having a similar issue, turning it down while I was getting prompts worked the only issue is, because it is brief, it's hard to get the volume set to the perfect level. I wish they had a setting you could program in. The max is WAY TO LOUD!
I'm having a similar problem. When I get direction prompts from the GPS, the volume is MAX! I turn it down to a reasonable level, while listening to the voice, but the next voice instruction will be at MAX again. When paired to the Zumo GPS, it locks the Zumo's volume at 70%, so I can't turn it down there. If I mute the directions at the Zumo, it also mutes the music from the Zumo. I'll be calling Sena, on Monday.

Ride Safe
I'm intermittently having the same problem as Nashcat. Interested in hearing what sena has to say.
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I don't have a dedicated GPS so using my phone's nav apps now have an added advantage.

So it sounds like (sorry) that the Sena voice prompts are at a fixed high volume regardless of volume settings for any other sources.

About the phone ring— something that I've always noticed is when making a call (out of helmet experience) the initial ring is really loud and then all subsequent rings are lower in volume. I blame this on att as I can't change it on the phone. Incoming rings are all uniform in volume. My very short 20S experience is limited to listening to music only with no prompts.
I've not noticed a problem with Sena volume on my SMH5 or Sena20s unless I'm not wearing earplugs. Then it's VERY LOUD.
Interesting. My new Sena 20s (today I used just second time) and my phone rang at normal level. Not loud or too quiet... but I'd like to hear if there are any options in this.
I call my phone from the wife's phone and adjust the volume that way. That first ring at full sound is not a problem I have had before.
I talked to tech support at Sena and she couldnt help with the issue, although many are calling about the same issue. She could not confirm that the next firmware will have a fix for this but suggest that I drop a comment on the website to voice the concerns about this. I will be dropping them a line to voice this and hope they get a fix. Until then the only bandage is to get the @#!^ scared out of you for the first ring, then scramble for the jog dial to turn it down before permanent hearing loss occurs. If your having the same issue please write t Sena to share your concerns as I am.
I was having this issue and found that if I turn the volume to a comfortable level while using the phone after that it was fine. This did not affect the music volume.
I think some are confusing using the Sena paired to the phone vs Sena paired to GPS paired to phone.
Interesting. IPhone SE and no GPS for me. I just moved my 20s from an old helmet to the new helmet. No changes other than the lid it resides in. However, all prompts are now at a low level to the point you cant hear most of them. From initially connecting to shutting it down, all prompts can barely be heard. Music is just fine and phone conversations are just fine. I'll be firing off a note to the support email above.. Thanks for posting that Tim.
This is a bit strange. Have you did the update Jeff? I did and I do have still an issue at times. I go into the phone settings and alerts/tones and set it higher or lower there, then it seems to fix this issue.
I did the firmware update the other day and didn't have any issue after that. Well, until i moved it to the new helmet. I'll dink around with the phone settings and see what I can do there. I've also got a email in to Sena...
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