Hip Pain

If you want the best and are willing to pay the price for total riding comfort - A Russell Day Long saddle is required.

Gonna remove the risers tomorrow and see how my geometry is. What seat is in your icon picture?
Gonna remove the risers tomorrow and see how my geometry is. What seat is in your icon picture?

A Russell Day Long, of course. Fitted for both rider and pillion. Here's a better picture.


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The RDL is a great seat, worth every penny IMHO.

I'd recommend anyone having any type of muscle or joint injury or pain include a visit to a Physio Therapist for an assessment, maybe treatment for a period and also assistance with setting up a home exercise plan. They can often help you identify and address the root cause of an issue vs. just treating the symptoms.
The RDL is a great seat, worth every penny IMHO.

I'd recommend anyone having any type of muscle or joint injury or pain include a visit to a Physio Therapist for an assessment, maybe treatment for a period and also assistance with setting up a home exercise plan. They can often help you identify and address the root cause of an issue vs. just treating the symptoms.

I have to think that the reason I don't suffer any "solid" pain (yes I do have pain, here and there, but it seems to move around and not stay one place all the time) is because I have been doing all of my commuting on a RDL. That's at least 12 years of commuting; first three were 100+ miles a day and the last nine are a hundred twenty-five miles a day. And at 65, I have no plans on stopping at least for another 5.
The RDL is a great seat, worth every penny IMHO.

I'd recommend anyone having any type of muscle or joint injury or pain include a visit to a Physio Therapist for an assessment, maybe treatment for a period and also assistance with setting up a home exercise plan. They can often help you identify and address the root cause of an issue vs. just treating the symptoms.

Started home PT last night. Just cracks me up, reason for hernia, riding motorcycles......good thing my wife is a nurse. Plenty of pelvic exams adminstered. The secrets keep rising to the light of day in retirement after 40 years. That's right, we have an expert right under the same roof.

I am 66 and not ready to throw in the towel yet, but now I may need a sling or two. Second one to hang myself with.

A Royal PITA.
What does that mean, fitted for both?
Fitted to the rider and the passenger as RDL's are custom fitted to weight, inseam length, buttocks width, etc.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
What does that mean, fitted for both?

RDL seats are custom made to fit YOUR derriere (arse) and it is also custom fitted to your pillion's, if you pay for that option also.

Google their web site and read. Everything you need to know is there.
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Besides my current situation, I fractured my hip joint a few years back. Better in a few months, then bursitis type inflammation reared its ugly head a couple of years ago. PT, PT, PT. My guy listened to me and chose motorcycle specific exercises. 20 years ago, PT was unheard of. Now, there is a reason insurance will pay for it.

Just finished my PT home exercises. Ahhhhhhhh. Endorphins.

Speak of drugs, been off the opiates six months now. Rebuilt Exmark 60" ZTM, 05 son's Miata, overhauled entire engine and suspension, lift kitted my 2014 FJ Cruiser and installed armored bumpers, passed a commercial level standards aircraft pilot flight review, and brought the 01 ST up to aircraft safety level. I didn't dare drive during the daylight hours, since could not sleep much of the time, would drive between midnight and sunrise. Dogs loved the moonlight drives. I have severe peripheral neuropathy of the feet for past 2 years. Spent about 23 hours a day with my feet elevated. Doctors, we don't know what causes it, we can't cure it. Take some more drugs. None of their voodoo worked. Wearing the 10 dollar silicone toe spacers provides the best pain relief. I may have been slow and groggy but at least I am consistent.

In the spring, I did the 10 week, 30 visit therapy for my feet. 8 grand, no pain reduction from infrared, electric stimulation.

Today, got the riser blocks removed. Pick up some shorter cap head bolts at Ace in the morning. Called RDL and after I remount the bars, take the picture and send the seat for the fitted RDL. Cheaper than a month's prescriptions with the medicare.
So, that was my motivation. Told them to shovel the drugs, I have parts that provide better returns to spend my IRA distributions on. They cried.
Am seeking solution to deal with old age muscle cramping, golden years stuff. Thanks.

In addition to daily stretching exercises, in the morning before I dress for riding, I use a Magnesium Oil roll-on applied to muscle groups on my upper legs. Protein gives muscles their tone and strength, but Magnesium helps muscles relax. My occasional cramps, especially after a length distance on the bike and when mounting or dismounting, have completely disappeared.
“Magnesium Oil roll-on applied to muscle groups on.....”

Hey - that sounds like useful stuff - is it a drugstore or Walmart item? ....any chance you could post a photo of the package?


I had worsening osteoarthritis in my right hip for quite a number of years. Virtually all of my biking is on long road trips, so basically all day driving. In the fall of the year about 5 years ago, my cohorts and I drove down to Vegas from Alberta and left our bikes in storage. Came back in the spring to ride them home via Death Valley and the PCH. Within a couple of hours on day 1 (Death Valley), my hip was in such agony and I seriously wondered if I could make it all the way home. Couldn't use the back brake because of the hip pain caused by the small movement of lifting my foot (had a different bike with floorboards and had to lift my foot to use the rear brake). Naproxen and beer got me home, but I was pretty sure my biking days were over. And the hip was limiting me in every aspect of active life.

So at age 48 I had a total hip replacement. I had it done in March of that year. I thought there is no way I'll be roadtripping on the bike this summer, but by July I was off on a standard 10 day, 5000 km tour. The healing and recovery were far from complete by that time, but sitting on the bike caused zero pain. Since then hip pain has been a thing of the past and I feel 30 years younger.

I wouldn't recommend that people get a hip replacement until things get pretty bad, because they do wear out and will need replacing in 10-20 years, and the range of movement isn't as good as a natural hip. But once you are at that point, get it done. It has kept me biking (both motor and pedal) and has improved my golf game (and enjoyment of golf) immensely.
My hip pain went from hip to PITA.

Removed the risers today, bars to oem and found a nice position with them. Will spin around the PV Peninsula tomorrow morning.
Good news is the PT exercises worked great for the test hop around the Peninsula this a.m..

And am so grateful to be able to ride at all, without hip and feet peripheral neuropathy killer pain.

My left hand went thumb and 2 fingers numb in 20 minutes. I twisted the throttle lock on and found the machine to track straight with both hands on my lap. After a few minutes of toying with that, guess I loosened up, both hands felt great, and I resumed some great riding.

Without the lowering pegs, I only had one small twinge of discomfort in my right hip joint. I did a cleansing breath, the muscles did not knot up, nor did I need to stand on the pegs to prevent the cramping that I experienced a week ago.

The seat curse is a leftover Ricky Mayer seat. It may have been good in it's day, but has given up the ghost. Going with a nice fitted RDL with backrest. Thanks for the suggestion to ride there Uncle Phil.

Again thanks to all the great support. Need a new pelvic pan. Not pun.

A Hole new meaning to royal PITA.

Saw my life flash before me. Went through a lomcovak. Couldnt have done it without you.

Stop, you're making me cry, jk.

What is magnesium oil? Do they make it like olive oil? Cold pressed? Or extracted with solvents? Seriously. What is this stuff? I do know a friend takes magnesium to alleviate cramps, but mag oil?
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