Prostate too large?

Apr 2, 2012
Council Bluffs IA
I was just wondering if anyone else has been suffering from a OVER SIZED prostate (grapefruit size). Doc said mine was jinormus. I am looking at surgery after Easter. Not only does it affect my peeing I noticed the pain in my seat on long trips. I wonder how much of it came from riding?
I was just wondering if anyone else has been suffering from a OVER SIZED prostate (grapefruit size). Doc said mine was jinormus. I am looking at surgery after Easter. Not only does it affect my peeing I noticed the pain in my seat on long trips. I wonder how much of it came from riding?
Hope your surgery goes well and everything is resolved.
I was just wondering if anyone else has been suffering from a OVER SIZED prostate (grapefruit size). Doc said mine was jinormus. I am looking at surgery after Easter. Not only does it affect my peeing I noticed the pain in my seat on long trips. I wonder how much of it came from riding?
I have an over sized prostate, along with sky-high PSA that often accompanies it, but I'm not really suffering from it just yet, at least not enough to do a surgery to correct it. I wondered about riding daily up until a few years ago having something to do with it, but I think I asked my urologist a few years ago and he said that wouldn't cause it. Good luck with your surgery.
I was just wondering if anyone else has been suffering from a OVER SIZED prostate (grapefruit size). Doc said mine was jinormus. I am looking at surgery after Easter. Not only does it affect my peeing I noticed the pain in my seat on long trips. I wonder how much of it came from riding?

This is not uncommon in older men and riding doesn't cause prostate problems. Lack of use does and so this means that every man needs to keep the prostate "exercised" frequently to prevent the build up of fluids that are meant to be expressed regularly. That usually happens often enough in a man's younger years, but as we get older, those occasions of activity are less frequent, hence the rise in prostate cancers in older men.

I read a medical article about this a number of years ago and the opinion of the writer was that the prostate needs to be "exercised" about 21 times per month to remain healthy! Now, all you old guys, go and tell your wives that, or find time to be alone with your best friend more often!
Thanks...Doc said If I wait on surgery I have a good chance of leakage later. But the discomfort in riding is prohibitive enough to have the surgery.
Regarding Davey's comment about TURPS and/or Green Light Laser treatments. My doc told me once many years ago (in ref to something else) that two people can have the same surgery by the same surgical team and have vastly different outcomes. Before you have any such procedure, ask about side effects, outcomes, and potential problems, weigh them and make your own decision - but not because your neighbor's sister in law's dentist had the same procedure and everything turned out rosy.
If you live long enough every male will be afflected with this problem. I agree with others that riding does not cause it. For me riding your motorcycle makes me feel better. I occasionally get flare ups but they come and go. Just a reward for getting the privilege of being a senior.
I was told I was not a candidate for TURP or light laser, because of my size. My doc is the head of Urology at UNMC Omaha, and he has done 1000's of them with the robotic arm. It's not going to be a picnic, but I have had thoracic aortic arch replacement. It doesn't get much worse than that. They actually stop the heart for that surgery.
Thoracic aortic arch replacement, yikes.
Your doctor sounds very well qualified.
Is this the Da Vinci or an updated type of surgery?
If you haven't already, ask what the complications are after the surgery.
I've a number of friends who have had the TURP and they suffer from various complications.
f you haven't already, ask what the complications are after the surgery.
I've a number of friends who have had the TURP and they suffer from various complications.

Actually that is what the doc said, "The TURP would be pissing in the wind" and would have all kinds of problems. But it's good advice to see him again before surgery.

Also the surgeon doing prostate is different from the thoracic surgeon. But the same hospital. I actually had a tare in my arch like Bill Paxton, and John Ritter. I am lucky to be alive and had a good doctor. But what I went through I would not wish on anyone. It is much more sever than bypass surgery. I saw those guys and they were in and out in a couple days. Not me.
Lord give us strength,
If my hair falling out, being half deaf, slowly going blind, aching from head to toe wasn't enough, now we have this to look forward to. The size of a GRAPEFRUIT, gawd help us. And I've got to find enough time in my already hectic schedule to "exercise my prostate 21 times a month". There aren't enough hours in the day.
Ron, all the best for the op, here's hoping you have a speedy recovery. No pictures of the grapefruit will be necessary.
I usually go into surgery saying, I can't trust the surgeon, but I can trust God. But this time I have the top leader and teacher at the med center, with 1000's of practice runs. It may not turn out well, but I think it will be the best possible results. Thanks for all your concern!
This is not uncommon in older men and riding doesn't cause prostate problems. Lack of use does and so this means that every man needs to keep the prostate "exercised" frequently to prevent the build up of fluids that are meant to be expressed regularly. That usually happens often enough in a man's younger years, but as we get older, those occasions of activity are less frequent, hence the rise in prostate cancers in older men.

I read a medical article about this a number of years ago and the opinion of the writer was that the prostate needs to be "exercised" about 21 times per month to remain healthy! Now, all you old guys, go and tell your wives that, or find time to be alone with your best friend more often!

21 times a month? bwaahaahaa, ...... get real. Few males at any age gets that. 4x a week would be a lot even for a newly married 25 year old and that's only 16 times a month. No way guys in their 50's, 60's and 70's are going to have that kind of activity, even by themselves.

guess we are all doomed
21 times a month? bwaahaahaa, ...... get real. Few males at any age gets that. 4x a week would be a lot even for a newly married 25 year old and that's only 16 times a month. No way guys in their 50's, 60's and 70's are going to have that kind of activity, even by themselves.

guess we are all doomed

Hey, I'm only reporting what the medical study said, but I agree that 21 times a month does sound OTT. I think the point is well taken though that the more the better for your prostate health.
Here's another thing to remember, before you go to see your Doc for a check up and a PSA test. Your PSA test will read higher if you have exercised your prostate within 4 days of the test, sometimes higher enough from your normal reading that the Doc may want to do the biopsy test. NOT a pleasant experience, from what others have told me. This was confirmed by my Doc, when one of my tests came back at 1.7, when previous tests had read 1.4.

I asked him whether activity affects the test, as he was prepared to send me for the biopsy. Apparently a rise of just .3 is sufficient to warrant further investigation. Once I retested, without exercising the prostate for more than 4 days, the numbers went back to 1.4.

So tell the wife, "sorry honey, not tonight, as I have a big test coming up in a few days!"
Hey, I'm only reporting what the medical study said, but I agree that 21 times a month does sound OTT. I think the point is well taken though that the more the better for your prostate health.
Yeah, I remember reading the same thing when I was researching my problem. I even printed it out and showed my wife. My wife looked at me with a discussing look and said you must be crazy. :rofl1:.
Your PSA test will read higher if you have exercised your prostate within 4 days of the test, sometimes higher enough from your normal reading that the Doc may want to do the biopsy test. NOT a pleasant experience, from what others have told me. This was confirmed by my Doc, when one of my tests came back at 1.7, when previous tests had read 1.4.

I asked him whether activity affects the test, as he was prepared to send me for the biopsy. Apparently a rise of just .3 is sufficient to warrant further investigation. Once I retested, without exercising the prostate for more than 4 days, the numbers went back to 1.4.
OK, before anybody starts worrying about their PSA numbers, take some time to google that worthless piece of data and take it for what it is, a lousy indicator of prostate cancer. Unfortunately, its the only one they have. I've had 3 negative biopsies and my PSA hovers between 11 and 16. My urologist says he has patients with PSAs in the 20's and no cancer. Generally the threshold is 4 when they start to get worried, so if your doctor is suggesting you worry about the difference between 1.4 and 1.7 then I'd start looking for another doctor.

Also, I have a friend who has prostate cancer, and his PSA numbers are fairly normal.
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