New Scenic Photo Contest

Reader Arkansas. Local guy collects steam engines and their parts. A filming location for many years and at least one of his engines has been in several movies. Good riding in the area with historic battlefields mentioned in the movie Lincoln. However, the movie version details were way off the mark..CBR leftside.jpgdid.jpgeid.jpgfid.jpggid.jpghid.jpgjid.jpgkid.jpglid.jpgmid.jpg
Cabot Trail in 2018

The Butterfield Trail in western Kansas in Russell Springs. The Butterfield Trail was a stagecoach super highway in the 1800s. Sam Clemens (AKA Mark Twain) slept hereWhere Is This.JPGWhere Ith This.JPG
I bet he had a drink or three before sleeping....
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