• Start with a City beginning with A
    • This is BY STATE
    • Similar to the Tag contest, there will be one thread per state
    • Post a picture of your bike AND some sign, building etc which clearly shows the city/state you're in
    • The next person posts from a city with the name beginning with B, then C, D, etc
    • You can't posts back-to-back pics, you have to wait for a person to post the next city
    • Once Z is reached, the game starts over with A
    • If your state doesn't have a city beginning with the next letter in sequence, it's okay to skip that letter
    • If the location sits for more than one month, the person that posted that is open to move it to the next letter.

    The World Wide game is a bit different as it is by whatever is considered a geographic type of regional category, state/province/village etc. and all those will be in the single World Wide A-Z topic.

QC: A to Z (Round 2)


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Feb 5, 2020
Deux-Montagnes, Quebec, Canada
2000 ST1100Y
On this solemn day, of August 12, 2020... I, ChriSTian_64… declare... officially open... the “A to Z” game... for the province of Quebec.

So, Let the fun begin.

I might be the only player in Quebec for now, but chances are, the number of player could double quite easily. ; - )

You know the rules. They can be found here.

Here's a list of towns and cities in Quebec from Wikipedia.

And also a list of smaller township in Quebec, also from Wikipedia.

[edit] 2021/may/25 : I realise that the two previous links are missing a lot of cities and towns.
So here is a new link, the official government list of town and cities, much more complete.

I’ll start this off, with the small township of [/URL]Arundel, in the Laurentian area, south of Mont-Tremblant (formerly Saint-Jovite).
Arundel was settled by Scottish and Irish immigrants in the mid-19th century. It has a population of 604.
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Well, one month later... I can now move to the next letter.
"B", as in Brownsburg-Chatham.


At first, Chatham and Brownsburgh were two separated neighbour township. They later becamed Brownsburg-Chatham.

Chatham Township was established in 1799, and named after English Statesman William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham (1708–1778).
Mostly populated by rich American Loyalists, its post office opened in 1829 and the township municipality was formed in 1845.

In 1818, Major George Brown, born in England, was granted by the government land in the area. He was able to breathe life into the local industry during the 1820s.
George Brown built, among other achievements, a sawmill and gristmill which contributed to the economic growth of the region and led to the formation of Brownsburg village which was named after him. In 1854, the Brownsburg Post Office opened. Later in the third quarter of the 19th century, a major arms factory run by the Dominion Cartridge Company was the major local industry.


The Old grind stones from the grist mill, as they can be seen today, in the small municipal park.

Another survivor of the old mill : that was probably used with the stream of the creek, going downhil, to put the grind stone in motion.

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...I’ll start this off, with the small township of Arundel, in the Laurentian area, south of Mont-Tremblant (formerly Saint-Jovite).

Arundel was settled by Scottish and Irish immigrants in the mid-19th century. It has a population of 604.
My great-grandfather was the first blacksmith in Arundel - he settled there in 1867, moving up from Lachute.. He was a pretty prolific guy - had 18 children by two different wives (9 each). My grandfather (a member of the second crop of kids) was born in Arundel in 1884.

I've visited that little village frequently to do family history research. Among other things, I've photographed all the tombstones in the Arundel cemetery and uploaded them to Find A Grave, this to assist others in their family history research. In fact, I've photographed about 11,000 tombstones in Argenteuil & uploaded them all to Find A Grave. I use my ST 1300 to get me there from my home in Toronto.

I've never participated in the photo game before, so I'm not sure if the rules require that a motorcycle be in the picture. Here's a link to picture that I took in Calumet: Calumet Cemetery - if the rules require that a motorcycle be in the picture, let me know, I'm sure I've got a picture of my motorcycle in Calumet, or Cushing, or maybe Compton, or Carillon ...

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Yes Michael ( @CYYJ ), that's what one of the rule says for that game.
"Post a picture of your bike AND some sign, building etc which clearly shows the city/state you're in".

There is a lot of history sometimes in those small villages, right ?
Sometimes, they look like nothing, and then you discover that two hundreds years before, that small place was "THE" biggest place around and had gave growth and wealth to all the area.
That is what I find out today with Brownsburg.

As for Arundel... does your great grand father was from Scotland or Ireland ?
Scottish and Irish, they don't have the same method to make whisky, right.
The Scottish make fun of the Irish method, by saying they have to distil it tree times before it start to taste something. hi hi.
My favorite scotch is the Glenffidich. But, I'm just an amateur, not a "connaisseur".

In those years, like 150 years ago, yeah : they had big famillies.
My parents both are form 8-9 children familly.
But, 16 children, boy, that is something. You need a custom table. With 18 chairs. Man !

Blacksmith... another knowledge that is sadly disapearing.
Blacksmith in those years... He was certainly a busy man.

Hey, Argenteuil county, from Toronto area, that is quite a ride.
Probably like 8 hours to come here, and another 8 hours to go back. :thumb:

I made some genealogic research too.
My ancestor came here from Belgium, in 1756, if I remember correctly.
I have it somewhere.

There are some very old cemetery in some places.
Congratulation for your work and to have share it for the benefit of others.
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"D" as in Deux-Montagnes ! ( Two Mountains in french )
Deux-Montagnes has a water tower, a thing that we don't see that too often around here. It can be seen from a good distance, since it sits on a slightly elevated area.20201015_163354.jpg20201015_163533.jpg20201015_164045.jpg20201015_164118.jpg
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Ha ha. I was thinking about this one. I was not too far from there last week (but it was at night), when I went to Mont-Tremblant.
And just after "Esterel", there is also "Entrelacs". Two "E", next to each other.

@Esti1300 , I'm curious.... how many kilometers did you travel, to make this one ? Congrats.

Well... I must find an "F" now.
Assez d’niaisage, here’s the “E”.

This isn't correct, please read the rules... What is the official name of the city? Esterel? doubt it... I could be incorrect as I don't know how Canada does city names. someone already posted the next letter so I'll let it pass but if the name of the city is 'city of abc'... then the name begins with 'C'.
A question regarding the rules occurred to me last night as I probably went through at least a dozen Saint XXX places on my way to Franklin to get the "F".

e.g. Saint Flavien. Is this "S" or "F"?
If S is to be used, there are probably several hundred place names in Québec that begin with Saint/ST and will not be available to be used other than for the letter S.

Either way is perfectly fine with me, just curious as to how this works.
A question regarding the rules occurred to me last night as I probably went through at least a dozen Saint XXX places on my way to Franklin to get the "F".

e.g. Saint Flavien. Is this "S" or "F"?
If S is to be used, there are probably several hundred place names in Québec that begin with Saint/ST and will not be available to be used other than for the letter S.

Either way is perfectly fine with me, just curious as to how this works.
If you were mailing a letter to that city... what would you use?
I would address it as Saint Flavien.
However, in the above example of Esterel I, and many other Québecers, would write Ville D'Esterel on the envelope. At the same time we would consider this to be the letter "E".
Convergence of different two languages and cultures being used simultaneously just to confuse outsiders I guess.

S it is. This will make getting the S really easy for someone.
... if the name of the city is 'city of abc'... then the name begins with 'C'.

Thanks for the reminder Joe @Mellow . I was not aware of this detail, although it makes sense.
Yeah, that small village is really called "Esterel" and appears like this on maps and official city names listing from the government.
Now, why does the village put "Ville d'esterel" on their sign, while the sign from ministry of transport would only show Esterel ?

Makes me remembering that last fall, when I make "deux-montagnes", I had the same concerns.... the sign from the city was saying "ville de deux-montagnes", while the real name of the city is simply "deux-montagnes". That is where I live, by the way. I was carefull to choose a sign where it only shows "deux-montagnes".

But yeah... I never realised it before, but that could become an issue over here. It might be a cultural thing, something specific to us, I don't know.

And Andrew @Andrew Shadow , yes, what is the percentage of village or city name in Quebec that are called "Saint-" something ?
I would say at least 30 % but probably much more. 50 % ?

That is an heritage from Quebec's catholic roots. The day they would officially create a village somewhere, they would simply pick the saint of the day's name, on the calendar, to have the name of the place.
And they used to do the same for people first names, too. Like, the second first name of my father is "viateur", because he was born on october 14th, and the saint of that day is st-viateur.
Before, when we had paper road maps, it was funny to look at the index : about a third or maybe half of the town names start by S, here. Yeah... that will make us work a bit harder.
Congrats for Franklin Andrew. The father of my mother is from there, Franklin center, very close to the Canadian/US border.

@Esti1300 , I went to look on google maps to see where is located williamstown. Geee, you are closer than I thought.

Indeed, You're a very close neighbour ! :hat1:
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