50,000 mile award for jfheath please (#3)


John Heath
Site Supporter
Mar 18, 2006
Ilkley, W Yorkshire, UK
2013 ST1300 A9
2024 Miles

I have just turned 50,000 miles on my 2nd ST1300.

It's been a long time coming - the odometer has been hovering on 49K for a long time - I've only managed 678 miles this year, but I managed to get out for 140 miles today.

So this should be my 3rd time through the 50,000 mile barrier on STs

Only 31K on my first ST1100 a 1996 T model
50K on my 2nd ST1100 - a 2000 AY model I can see this award under my avatar)
69K on my 1st ST1300 - a 2007 A6 model (This award was lost in the great forum changeover)
and now 50K on my present 2013 A9 model - plus a whole lot more to come.

And since the enforced extra long winter servicing period, it sounds and feels superb.
I've yet to hit the 100K mark with any bike, but maybe this one will make it. I'm certainly not going to be replacing it with anything in the near future.
(I'm going to regret saying that, aren't I ??)

Many thanks

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Good Job John! :wave1:
Its amazing you've had time to ride, with all those outstanding articles you've been making for the forum.
Thanks for everything.
Your friend across the pond...
Well done John. Its great to hear we will have you around on your ST for a long time to come. I hope you can venture out and exercise the ST very soon, and start working on the next 50,000.
Regards, D
Congratulations John. Judging by your past I'd say it was time for a replacement but the force is strong in this one...
Are these awards still being awarded, does anyone know please ?
They are, AFAIK, but if @Mellow gets busy with whatever it is that pays his rent, he may have missed it. A gentle reminder usually results in action.
They are, but I don't have the images as I was looking for a better modification at the time. I'll try to find this one and get it assinged.
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