Carb diaphragm storage query

Dec 8, 2015
Hi all,
I have a tendency to pick up secondhand spares for my ST1100, and recently I bought a s/h set of carbs of a 2000 model. I got these specifically so that I would have spares of the main diaphragms. I opened the top of one carb as soon as I got them, and the diaphragm looks in excellent condition. I have no intention of using these yet, but judging from stories, there may come a day. So, how would people advise to store this set of carbs, with the most important objective being to keep the diaphragms from rotting, etc. At present all looks good, no screws ever obviously opened (at least they don't show any signs of being touched).
Many thanks for advise in advance.
Be sure that there is no petrol in them at all.
Some folks put them in a sealed plastic bag to keep bugs and such out of them.
Thanks Uncle Phil. I'll open the float bowl drain screws for a couple of hours to make sure, then a decent plastic bag. Would you put an oily cloth in there or leave it dry as possible?
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