HBH Tank Bra

I would say the material is okay. It is not real leather at all. I believe industrial leather. I have both bra and the seat at the same time i bought used former police.
Can this engine guard be installed in a civilian model, or only on police models?
It should work on both. As far as I can see there is no difference in the fairings of a police version vs the civillian. Either will probably require some modificafion. The stock engine guards are different on the police vesrion in that they have mount points for sirens etc. It appears that these guards bolt directly to the engine mounts so that shouldn't be an issue.

Of course I don't own these mounts nor have I ever installed them so take this with a grain of salt.
Will work on civilian rides, will need a hole in front of the tip over bars cover, and one thru the black grill in front of the cylinder head cover, you can see the hole in fairing here20220725_185137.jpg
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